Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 183 Why Thank Me?

Chapter 183 Why Thank Me?

Sitting on the sofa, Qin Zhixi pouted, thinking of Li Yuanchen's last expression, she must have been speechless towards herself.

However, the reality is like this!She works in a formal unit, and there will be rules governing everything.

Sighing, Qin Zhixi looked at the table, on which was the medicine brought back from the hospital.

Looking at it, Qin Zhixi's mind unconsciously popped up, the moment Li Yuanchen suddenly picked her up when he was at the door of the 'Chuyuan' company.

That domineering move, that powerful arms.Those handsome and resolute eyebrows.As Qin Zhixi thought about it, her petite face began to faintly flush.

Although she was not heavy, she still weighed more than ninety catties. Li Yuanchen carried her up and down the stairs in the hospital, back and forth, and walked so many ways, but he didn't look tired.It seems that his body is really good.Moreover, when he hugged her, she also felt the muscles on his body, which were really strong.


Hehua Community, the corridor on the second floor.

Li Yuanchen came out of Qin Zhixi's room 202, and took out his mobile phone from his trousers pocket.

Spreading the phone in his hand, Li Yuanchen made a call.

"Go to the design department of 'Chuyuan' and ask Qin Zhixi for two days off." When the call was connected, Li Yuanchen said directly without a word of nonsense.

"Wait a minute." After the people over there responded, Li Yuanchen raised his eyes and glanced at the door of Room 202. It seemed a little too obvious for him to ask Qin Zhixi for leave like this.After thinking for a while, he said, "Still..."

Well, after Li Yuanchen finished speaking on the phone, he took the phone back, so that Qin Zhixi could take care of his injured foot with peace of mind.Will not think of anything.There is also no risk of his identity being revealed.

Here, Qin Zhixi was racking her brains, thinking about how to speak to the manager about asking for leave.

The phone that was lying quietly on the coffee table suddenly vibrated.

Qin Zhixi reached over, picked up the phone, opened the screen with her slender fingers, and saw a QQ message sent by her colleague Cheng Yiyi.

"Zhixi, why didn't you come to work?"

"Zhixi, the manager asked me, and I said you might have something urgent. When will you come?" The previous few messages were sent earlier.At that time, it should be just work.

"Zhixi, you were right not to come. The higher-ups have informed us that our design department will be on vacation for three days! Three days! It's still a paid vacation!" The last one, the time displayed, will be posted here.

Staring at the news on the phone, Qin Zhixi's eyes lit up.The slender fingers quickly flew across the screen: "Three days of vacation!!! Really?" The three exclamation marks that were deliberately large couldn't express her surprise at the moment.

"Really, really. It is said that the people above the 'Jingmao' ordered it." The other side quickly replied to the message.

Then the two gossiped again, and praised the person on the 'Jingmao'.Just finished chatting.

After finishing chatting with colleagues, Qin Zhixi was idle for a while, and then thought of Li Yuanchen's instructions before he left.Thinking of Li Yuanchen's busy work for her today, she should also say something to Li Yuanchen.Reassure him.

Thinking about it, Qin Zhixi found out Li Yuanchen's cell phone number, and made a series of calls: "I just got the news that the company gave all our departments a holiday. Just these few days, I don't have to get injured to go to work. Also, thank you today Help me line up, get medicine, busy all morning." At the end, I added a smiling expression on the back.

"Then how do you thank me?" Originally, Qin Zhixi just wanted to thank Li Yuanchen politely, but unexpectedly, she received a reply soon.Still the same reply.

Looking at the text message on the phone, Qin Zhixi's brain suddenly froze.

 Chapters 186, 187, and 188 have been changed because the plot is a bit abrupt.Everyone who has seen it can re-watch it, sorry.It doesn't matter if you don't want to look back, you just need to know: the hero didn't suddenly want to reveal his identity.The heroine is like boiling a frog in warm water to the heroine.

(End of this chapter)

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