The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 101 Bestowing the Marquis on the Burned Empress

Chapter 101 Bestowing the Marquis on the Burned Empress (1)
On the main hall.The matter of King Yue finally subsided.But in order not to chill the old minister's heart, the old emperor focused his attention slightly, and said: "Prime Minister Mu is loyal to the court and has done his duty faithfully for our court. From today onwards, he will be appointed as a first-rank marquis, and he will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold."

"Your Majesty, Mr. Mu is already the head of all the officials. If he can be conferred the first rank, the position of Prime Minister..." I'm afraid it's not suitable for him.Master Wang Yushi invited the card.A group of ministers seconded.

"My decree has been made, do you still want me to take it back?" The old emperor was slightly angry.

"Your Majesty, I have an idea." At this time, Xu Zhengde, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, stood up and said.

"What's the idea?"

"Your Majesty, there are quite a few young talents with outstanding abilities in our court. Why doesn't Your Majesty choose one of these young talents with strong ability to be the prime minister?" Xu Zhengde said.But he began to think in his heart how he could let his own son become the prime minister.As soon as these words came out, the sons of the ministers who were officials in the court were very happy.I was thinking one by one in my heart, the great opportunity finally came!
But Mu Yuanfeng's expression darkened when he was standing on the main hall.The emperor seems to be offering a reward, but in fact he is taking back his position as prime minister.This is a rising and falling!In this way, he is just a marquis with no real power.

"That's a great proposal. In this way, the annual Feast of Qionghua is half a month away. At that time, I will choose a person with outstanding ability to be the prime minister." The old emperor laughed full of praise. .

"The emperor is holy. Long live my emperor, long live, long live." The ministers shouted.

The news that King Yue was demoted to Prince Yue, Prime Minister Mu was conferred the title of First-Class Marquis Lord, and the news that the emperor was going to select a new prime minister on the day of the Qionghua Banquet also spread throughout the capital in an instant.

The plaque of Prime Minister Mu's Mansion was also replaced with Yipinhou Mansion immediately.

The imperial palace, the Queen's Fengning Palace.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Concubine Shu broke into the main hall today, and the Emperor was furious and punished her for thinking about her mistakes. His Royal Highness Yue Wang was also demoted to be the King of Yue Jun. Do you want to..." The queen's personal maid suggested.

"That bitch has his day too." Queen Li sneered for a while.A face that was already old and decrepit was covered with jealousy and hatred, and he said viciously, triumphantly and mockingly, "Let's go, let's go and see this Concubine Shu."

Qiankun Palace, the palace where Concubine Xu Shu lived.Yunqing lived here in the previous life of this palace, because Yunqing had a character Qing in his name, and later changed its name to Qianqing Palace.And Concubine Xu Shu has always favored the harem all these years, and the old emperor gave Concubine Xu Shu the palace where the queen should have lived.

It is precisely because Concubine Xu Shu has favored the harem all these years, the queen hates her so much.

"The empress is here..." The harsh voice of the eunuch sounded in Qiankun Palace.Empress Li, dressed in a phoenix suit and a phoenix crown, walked slowly and arrogantly.

"See Empress Empress, Empress Empress Jin An." All the maids and eunuchs in Qiankun Palace knelt down to greet her, and Concubine Xu Shu only slightly blessed her body, which was regarded as a courtesy.

"Why is the empress so interested in coming here today?" Concubine Xu Shu raised her eyebrows.

"Why, my sister doesn't welcome me." The queen walked to the seat and sat down with the support of her personal maid. She glanced at Concubine Xu Shu and said in a deep voice.

"How dare the concubine? The concubine is naturally welcome when the empress wants to come to the Qiankun Palace. It's just that the empress suddenly came to Qiankun Palace today, and the concubine feels flattered." The last sentence sounds extremely plain Innocuous words.But it was so harsh in the queen's ears.How dare this bitch mock her!The queen was already furious at Concubine Shu's sarcastic words.The queen looked at Concubine Xu Shu's well-maintained face, which looked very much like that bitch's face.It was because of her face that so much resembled that bitch, the emperor had doted on this bitch for more than ten years, and severely suppressed her, the queen who was the lord of the harem.

(End of this chapter)

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