The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 102 Bestowing the Marquis on the Burned Empress

Chapter 102 Bestowing the Marquis on the Burned Empress (2)
What made her even more jealous was that the emperor didn't execute this bitch for making a scene in the Jinluan Hall, but just punished her to think about her mistakes in Qiankun Palace.How could she bear this breath.

"Come here, give the empress the new tea that the emperor ordered the inner court secretary to deliver a few days ago." Concubine Xu Shu ordered.Looking at the queen again, she raised her eyebrows and said: "It is said that this tea was paid as a tribute from Korea. Every year, it is only a few dozen catties. The queen should have a taste."

As soon as the words came out, the queen's face became even uglier.This slut is showing off to her, she has a reward that the queen of a country does not have, and she can get whatever she wants here!
"My younger sister is deeply favored by the emperor. The tea here must be good tea. I want to taste it." The queen gritted her teeth viciously.Looking at Concubine Xu Shu again, she frowned and said: "It's just that although my sister is deeply loved by the emperor, she should know that the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics. Today is my sister's luck, and the emperor just punished her for thinking about her mistakes. If my sister really angered the emperor, then But the gain outweighs the loss!"

"What the empress said is that the concubine is indeed too reckless today."

"Empress, please have some tea." At this moment, the maid of Qiankun Palace handed over the brewed tea, and at this moment...

"Ah..." Empress Li exclaimed.

"Your Majesty... come here, hurry up and ask for an imperial doctor." The maid next to Empress Li exclaimed, pointing at the maid and angrily said: "Presumptuous, how dare you pour tea on your empress."

"The Empress, please spare my life...The Empress, please spare my life! This slave did not do it on purpose..." The palace maid serving the tea knelt down in horror, kowtowing for mercy.Suddenly, Qiankun Palace was in chaos.

"Empress, it's a concubine who can't teach you well." Concubine Xu Shu knelt down and apologized.He glanced coldly at the palace lady and said sharply: "You bastard, hurry up and plead guilty to the empress, if the empress doesn't let you go, I will never let you go."

"Empress Empress, please forgive me! Empress Empress, this servant didn't do it on purpose, I beg Empress Empress to forgive this servant!" the palace maid cried and begged for mercy.

"You hurt your empress, how dare you ask for mercy?" the maid beside the queen said sharply.

"Empress, this short-sighted thing hurt you, but it wasn't intentional. Empress, you are the mother of a country. You are the mother of the world. If you think about it, you will not blame this blind servant. "

"What my sister said is very true. Bengong is only a little injured, so naturally she will not kill her. However, she is so careless in doing things. If she accidentally scalded Bengong today, she may hurt my sister tomorrow. If it is true Where did the sister hurt, the emperor will feel distressed if he finds out. For such a careless servant, my sister should not be served in the palace." The queen said in a deep voice with a sinister face.

Although the queen didn't say that she would directly kill the slave girl, the slave girl couldn't escape the result of her death.Soon someone came in and pulled the maid out.In Qiankun Palace, the cry of the maidservant sounded.Concubine Xu Shu slightly narrowed her eyes for a while, flashing a gloomy look.

Not long after, the imperial doctor of Tai Hospital came in a hurry.

"Greetings, empress! Concubine Shu, please greet!"

"Physician Qi, hurry up and show the empress to see if there is any injury?" Concubine Xu Shu said.

"Yes." Imperial Physician Qi stepped forward, examined the queen carefully, then knelt down and said respectfully: "The empress's arm is burnt, but there is nothing serious about it. I prescribe some medicine, and the empress wipes it every day." Apply it three to four times, and the swelling will subside in three days." After reporting back, he retreated respectfully and went to prescribe medicine.

"Empress, it was because the concubine was incompetent in teaching that such a thing happened, and the arm of the empress was injured. Fortunately, the empress is fine except for the burn on her arm, otherwise the concubine would have committed a great crime." Concubine Xu Shu showed a look of hypocritical concern and panic.But there was hatred in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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