The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 105 How does this feel

Chapter 105 How does this feel

"Why are you two still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and clean up Mr. Yechen." Yun Qing said again.

Nonghua Nongyue and Nonghua Nongyue froze, but they didn't dare to disobey the young lady's orders.

"Qingqing, I don't want their help, I want Qingqing to help me." Ye Chen glanced coldly at Nonghua and Nongyue, and they really didn't have the courage to step forward.

"You can get out." Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and pointed at the door.

"I don't want to get lost, my son, but don't dirty this suit of clothes. Qingqing, weren't you curious to know my true face just now? Now is the opportunity, as long as Qingqing helps me, you can see clearly who I am. Who is it?"

"This girl is not interested in the face under your mask. Besides, do you think this girl is so stupid? If I really saw your face, you would have an excuse to kill someone." Yun Qing looked at Ye Chen's choice eyebrow road.

If this person really wanted to let me see his true face, he would take off the mask.But if she really saw the face under his mask, even if she offended him, she might be killed by him.She was not so stupid as to be sent to her door to be slaughtered.

"Qingqing, how could I be willing to kill you to silence you! If other people want to see it, I will naturally not let him go, but if Qingqing wants to see it, I will offer it to Qingqing to see enough."

"Not interested." Yun Qing said softly.

Hearing Yun Qing's words, Ye Chen's excitement suddenly faded away, and he also felt a little frustrated.It seems that Qingqing really doesn't want to see his face at all!But what to do?Now he really wants Qingqing to see his face!
If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have come to see Qingqing wearing a mask!
"But Qingqing, look, it's really dirty." Ye Chen pointed to his face.The obvious meaning is to say: Qingqing, come and clean this young master!
Yun Qing raised his head to look at Ye Chen, pointed to the back and said, "If you really feel dirty and don't want their help, go to the back and jump into the pool. I believe Mr. Ye Chen won't feel dirty gone."

"If Qingqing is with me, then it's not bad for me to just go to the pool to wash up. Don't you think so, Qingqing." Ye Chen suddenly lowered his tone and said ambiguously in Yun Qing's ear.

"Shameless." Yun Qing was angry.

His face turned red for some reason.This made Yun Qing wish she could slap herself awake, she had lived two lives anyway, she had never seen anything before, but this time she was blushed by Ye Chen, what would happen to her in the future? mix.

"Did Qingqing remember something? Why is her face so red?" Ye Chen still whispered in Yun Qing's ear, and smiled evilly while speaking.

Fortunately, Yechen's standing posture blocked his sight, Nonghua Nongyue and Xiaoxiao didn't see Yunqing's appearance at all, otherwise Yunqing would lose face.

Yun Qing turned her face away and said nothing.Yechen lowered his head slowly, approaching Yun Qingxie and said in an ambiguous tone: "Qingqing still wants to help me in another way. If this is the case, I don't mind at all!" This posture, From the point of view of several people, it was Yechen who was kissing Yunqing, and the few people present blushed and let out low surprised laughter.

Yun Qing's face immediately became even more crimson. Now, these people must be thinking about something.

Her innocence!Her fame for the rest of her life was ruined in the hands of this man!
Yun Qing glared at Yechen, and said slightly angrily: "You blocked me."

"En." Yechen hummed lightly, and said again: "I won't block Qingqing, isn't Qingqing afraid that they will see Qingqing's current appearance?" Yechen smiled softly: "How about it?" , is Qingqing going to help me in this way?" Yechen changed the topic to his face again.

"I refuse." Yun Qing was angry.

"Okay, since Qingqing refuses, then forget it." Ye Chen said.Looking at Yun Qing, she smiled evilly: "But I suddenly feel that our current posture is not bad, Qing Qing shouldn't mind being seen by others, right?"

"You are shameless, you threatened me." Looking at Ye Chen who bullied him, Yun Qing gritted his teeth.

"If Qingqing thinks it's a threat, then it's considered a threat!" Ye Chen replied disapprovingly.The ambiguous tone echoed in Yun Qing's ears.

"Okay, I'll just help you." Yun Qing compromised, gritted his teeth bitterly and said, "I've already promised you, shouldn't you start now?"

"En." Yechen replied softly.

"Xiaoxiao, go and bring over the wooden bucket that was put in the back, and the two of you, get a bucket of clean water." Yun Qing looked at Ye Chen and ordered bitterly.There was a wicked smile in his eyes.It's a pity that Yechen was too happy for a while and didn't notice.

The three looked at each other with different expressions, and replied: "Yes."

"Halal is really good!" Ye Chen was still immersed in a happy atmosphere.

Not long after, Xiaoxiao brought the wooden barrel over according to Yun Qing's instructions.Nonghua Nongyue and Nonghua Nongyue called for clear water.The three put their things away and placed them in front of Yun Qing and Ye Chen. After finishing all this, they immediately stepped aside.

Yun Qing walked slowly to the wooden barrel and took a look, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.Turning her head to look at Yechen again, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Why are you still staring blankly? Didn't you want me to help you? Why don't you just sit there." Yun Qing pointed to the chair under the tree in the yard by the door.

Yechen also really cooperated, walked to the chair under the tree and sat down.After sitting down, he closed his eyes, as if feeling the feeling of Qingqing helping him wipe his face.Without further ado, Yun Qing brought up the bucket of water... for a while, the other three girls in Yun Qing Garden mourned for Young Master Ye Chen.Sure enough, the next second, Yun Qing picked up the bucket of water, and just poured it on Yechen's face.

This time, Young Master Yechen will suffer, and the whole person is in a mess.The clothes were all wet, and the hair was also wet. The water stayed on the hair and clothes, and it was still ticking.

Yun Qing said with a smile at this time: "Young Master Yechen, is it finally clean now? I wonder if you still feel dirty? If it's not enough, I don't mind helping you once."

Yechen was also shocked by the sudden cold water!He never imagined how ruthless Qingqing would be...heart!

In an instant, the sky seemed to quiet down.In the yard, there were only the sound of water dripping from Yechen's body and the laughter of their young lady.Xiaoxiao Nonghua Nongyue and the three of them held their breath in shock!
Her lady is so domineering!

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell Mr. Yechen one thing, this wooden bucket is used by this girl to hold dung water." Yun Qing reminded deliberately as if remembering.

In the next second, Young Master Yechen vomited wildly.Seemingly feeling disgusted, he rushed out of Yunqing Garden like the wind, and jumped into the lotus pond behind.Yechen probably didn't want to see Yun Qing again for a long time!

Seeing Yechen disappear in Yunqing Garden like a hurricane, Yunqing finally smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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