The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 106 Test Cheng Yue

Chapter 106 Test Cheng Yue (1)
Yunqing Court.Yun Qing breathed a sigh of relief and laughed in a good mood.

"Miss, this servant admires you more and more." Xiaoxiao dared to speak when Yechen was not here.It's just that her young lady is really too domineering, unexpectedly... Now that she thinks about it, she finds it unbelievable!
"Pack up your things." Yun Qing ordered.

"Miss, don't you suspect that the second lady is pretending to be crazy? Shouldn't you try her?" Nonghua reminded.

Yes, she almost forgot about it.

"Didn't Madam Seven want to ask Miss Ben for help? If that's the case, go and tell Madam Seven that Miss Ben can help her if she wants to." Yun Qing's eyebrows twitched, and the corners of his lips curled up Smile lightly.

"Miss wants to use the Seventh Madam to test the Second Madam." Nong Hua was very clever and thought of it all at once.

"Miss, would Madam Seven do that?" Nong Yue was also extremely clever, and immediately thought of what Yun Qing said.But as a woman, Nongyue wondered if Su Mei was really willing to give another woman to her husband?
"She will agree." Yun Qing said with a faint smile.Because, besides that, Su Mei has no other way.

Muhou Mansion, Xiangge.

"Ma'am, Miss Nonghua is here." The maid beside Su Mei brought Nonghua into Su Mei's room and said respectfully to Su Mei.

"Miss Nonghua is here, the eldest lady has something to order." Su Mei asked.

Nong Hua didn't salute, and replied in a calm tone: "Miss ordered the servants to come and tell Seventh Madam about Seventh Madam's request. Miss thought of a way, just to see if Seventh Madam is willing to do it."

"Please tell me, girl making flowers."

"Miss said that what Hou Ye wants most now is to give birth to a son. Seventh Madam, you are pregnant now. But the Fifth Madam and Sixth Madam in the mansion are also thinking in this direction. At this time, if Qi Madam can send a young and beautiful woman to Master Hou, and he will be favored by Master Hou. At that time, Master Hou will naturally think that Madam, you are tolerant and general. Master Hou will definitely be very satisfied with you, Madam. , when the time comes, madam, you are giving birth to the child in your womb, Lord Hou will definitely help you to be the hostess of this mansion. Are you still afraid of the fifth madam and the sixth madam?"

"This..." Su Mei hesitated after hearing this.

"Our young lady also said that it all depends on whether you are willing or not, Madam Seven. Of course, Madam Seven will personally choose the woman to be sent to Master Hou." Nonghua said again.Having said this, Nong Hua withdrew without waiting for Su Mei He to answer.

"Ma'am, the eldest lady's proposal is not unreasonable. Now, madam, you are pregnant, so how can you fight against the fifth madam and the sixth madam?" Su Mei's maid said from the side.

Su Mei also felt a little shaken.The most important thing is that the eldest lady said that she will choose this person.Then, she can pick someone she trusts.

That night, Su Mei took action and sent a handsome 15-year-old girl from her garden to Mu Yuanfeng's bed.

Originally, Mu Yuanfeng was quite sad because of the pain of losing his son, but that night Mu Yuanfeng was very happy.It is said that Su Mei had a smug smile on her face when she sent people there.

For several days, Mu Yuanfeng stayed in Xinna's eighth lady's room.

Now she is jealous of the other wives in the mansion.

And in the snow pavilion.

Cheng Yue held Mu Ze's tablet every day, and washed her face with tears.I often laugh out loud, and often talk nonsense and cry and make noise. At the age of 32, he looks ten years older now.

(End of this chapter)

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