The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 108 Mid-Autumn Festival: Sending Mooncakes

Chapter 108 Mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival

Seeing Su Mei's haughty appearance, Xiaoxiao was very disdainful.Duduzui said: "Miss, you haven't seen Mrs. Seven's proud look, you really think you are the hostess of this mansion." In Xiaoxiao's heart, although Mrs. Knowing that my wife must also disdain the position of Mrs. Hou Ye.But she also does not allow other women to covet her wife's seat.

"Let her be proud for a while." Yun Qing said coldly.

She won't be able to be proud for long!Because she is going to send all those people who harmed her mother in this wooden mansion down to make apology to her mother!

And time always flies by so fast.In a blink of an eye, the time has come to the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Early in the morning, Yun Qing went out to the palace.

As early as a few days ago, Wang Qingshan said that Yunqing was going to the palace to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Is my girl Qing here?" Wang Qingshan had been waiting in the mansion early in the morning, asking the old housekeeper beside him from time to time.

"Old slave, go out and have a look." Steward Wang replied with a smile, he had already gone out to have a look.

As soon as he walked outside the courtyard, he saw his old lady leading Miss Biao over.Butler Wang hurriedly went back to report: "Master, Miss Biao is here." After saying that, Yun Qing had already entered.

"Girl Qing is here." Hearing the voice, Wang Qingshan got up and walked over.Seeing that Yun Qing was happy, some children complained, and said, "Miss Qing hasn't come to see me, old man, for a long time. Old man, I've been looking forward to my girl Qing's visit every day."

"Master General, this is the dessert that our lady personally made for Lord General last night." Xiaoxiao said with a smile, before Steward Wang took it, Wang Qingshan couldn't wait to take it, opened it, took a bite, and took a bite Then he said cheerfully: "It's delicious, Qing girl's hands are so skillful." After speaking, he took another bite.That can't wait look like someone will snatch her.Looking at the childish side of their old master, Steward Wang and Nanny Wang couldn't help but secretly laughed.

"This is made by my cousin." Just after eating one, Wang Ziqing and Wang Zixuan walked in.Wang Ziqing snatched it directly from Wang Qingshan.

"Young girl Qing made this for me, why are you here to join in the fun?" Wang Qingshan blew on his beard angrily.After saying that, he went to grab the snack in Wang Ziqing's hand.The grandpa and grandson circled around the dim sum one after another.Yun Qing pouted, looking at the big and the young, one old and one young.It's true that no one will let anyone else go.He also looked at Wang Zixuan beside him, finally he still had a stable cousin, otherwise the house would not be in trouble.

"Smelly boy, I'm your grandfather, can't you let me have a little?" Wang Qingshan said angrily without snatching the food from my Wang Ziqing's hand.

"I'm still your youngest grandson, can't you let me go?" Wang Ziqing said.

"Do you still know how to respect the elders? I am your grandfather, you should let me be." Wang Qingshan said loudly.This brat bullying him is now an old bone, and he can't be robbed.

"The ancients said that everyone in the world should love children. You should let me be."

"Then do you know the previous sentence, did the ancients say that you should respect the old?" The two argued endlessly back and forth.No one will let anyone.

Wang Zixuan just smiled helplessly, he was already used to the nonsense between the two.He smiled and said, "Cousin, don't pay attention to them, they are used to messing around."

Yun Qing pouted.Seeing the helpless faces of the two, he took the other bag in Xiaoxiao's hand to Wang Zixuan and said, "Big cousin also taste how Qing'er cooks."

Just as Wang Zixuan opened it and picked up a piece, the big bag in his hand was snatched by Wang Qingshan.Wang Qingshan held another bag of snacks, and did not grab it from Wang Ziqing.Instead, he looked at Wang Zixuan, the eldest grandson, and said, "Young girl Qing made this for grandpa." That means, except for me, no one else should think about it.

Wang Zixuan said that someone would snatch a snack, with a helpless expression on his face.

Wang Zixuan looked at the dim sum in his hand and said: "But what kind of dim sum is this cousin making? Why have I never seen it before?" Listening to Wang Zixuan's words, the others were also curiously waiting for Yun Qing's answer.

"This is called moon cake." Yun Qing replied.

Yesterday, on a whim, she thought about making something new for her grandfather when the Mid-Autumn Festival came, and then she casually asked if they would eat mooncakes here.But the three little girls shook their heads with befuddled faces, and later they became even more curious about what mooncakes are.So Yun Qing thought, since there are no moon cakes in this dynasty, and it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, then he should make some moon cakes and give them to his grandfather.So, I spent a busy afternoon with them yesterday and made these mooncakes.

"Cousin, what's in it?" Wang Zixuan was curious about the baby's appearance.

Yun Qing explained with a smile: "The big cousin eats five-nut mooncakes, which are filled with walnuts and peanuts, and the outside is flour. The grandfather and second cousin eat purple potato mooncakes, which are made of purple sweet potato. It’s made from potatoes.” However, there were no other ingredients here, and Yun Qing just made a few things.

"So that's how it is. My cousin's hands are really skillful. These mooncakes are really delicious." Wang Zixuan praised.

"Of course, girl Qing is my granddaughter. Her skills are poor." Wang Qingshan said proudly.

"As long as grandfather and cousin like it." Yun Qing said.He then ordered Xiaoxiao: "Bring the other one to Steward Wang and Nanny Wang to try." Yun Qing remembered that in the previous life, these two loved her very much, so she did more moon cakes. .

"There is still an old slave." The two old people said cheerfully.He took the mooncakes that Xiaoxiao handed over.

"Butler and nanny, don't dislike Qing'er's cooking!"

"Master praises Miss Biao's craftsmanship. How can Miss Biao cook something bad? It's a blessing for old slaves to eat mooncakes made by Biao Miss herself," said the steward.Nanny Wang also nodded.

Yun Qing smiled again: "You are all very important family members to Qing'er. In Qing'er's heart, you are no longer masters and servants. Qing'er read a book, Mid-Autumn Festival and family members Eating moon cakes together means reunion and happiness.”

Yun Qing's words touched both the housekeeper and the nanny.Holding the moon cake in my hand, I feel warm in my heart.

"Yes, what girl Qing said is right, we are all one family. You and I have been in a relationship for a long time. You have gone to the battlefield with me, and we have gone through life and death together countless times. We are brothers who live and die together. , the family is right." Wang Qingshan looked at Wang Guanjia and said.This provocative remark also made them forget which book Yun Qing read about, and how he came up with the idea of ​​making this delicious mooncake.

(End of this chapter)

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