The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 109 Yun Qing confesses

Chapter 109 Yun Qing confesses

"That's right, the relationship between you and me has long since ceased to be a master-servant relationship. You even went to the battlefield with me, and we were born and died together countless times. We are brothers who share life and death, and family members are right." Wang Qingshan looked at Wang Qingshan. Butler said.

A battle to grab mooncakes finally came to an end after some sensational words.

This Mid-Autumn Festival, the whole family sat around and had a reunion and happy reunion dinner.

After the reunion dinner, the children and grandchildren sat in the flower hall and chatted.After chatting for a long time, Wang Qingshan finally gave up and took the butler to play chess.Only Yun Qing, Wang Zixuan and Wang Ziqing were left in the flower hall.

"Cousin, if you want to ask anything, just ask!" Yun Qing glanced at the two cousins ​​and said.

"Cousin, what happened to the rumored goddess in the capital?" Wang Ziqing asked.

When the news came out, he didn't pay much attention to it, but when the news became more and more serious, and even after the news was criticized by Master Lingyin, the whole capital was full of excitement because of the news, so he began to suspect that it was true. Isn't it about my cousin?
But what puzzled him was, if the news was really made by his cousin, why the person mentioned in the news included his cousin herself.So now he can't wait to know what's going on!

"I spread the news on purpose." Yun Qing replied.

As for these two cousins, she didn't want to hide the two of them, and if the cousin wanted to investigate, it might be even worse.It would be better to confess directly.

"Cousin, why did you do this? Don't you know that today's emperor wants to win Tiannv?" Wang Zixuan was puzzled and worried.

"Cousin, listen to my explanation first. I originally wanted to spread the matter, but a little accident happened later. So now things have become like this." Yun Qing said.Then she told her two cousins ​​about her original plan, and she specifically explained why the celestial maiden was passed down like this, and she also specifically explained that the celestial maiden is in the Mufu of the capital city. Spectrum do.

"So you originally wanted to pass on the matter of the heavenly girl to Mu Yunyi." Wang Ziqing said, "Why didn't you discuss it with your cousin when you were going to do this. Cousin told you a long time ago, Ye Chen This person has a weird and unfathomable mind." Wang Ziqing was a little angry that Yun Qing didn't look for him, but turned to Yechen instead.I was worried about this cousin again.

Yun Qing is also remorseful now.At the beginning, he agreed to Yechen's help because Yechen and Master Lingyin knew each other.That's why she agreed.There is also a very important reason, she does not want her cousin and grandfather to know what she is doing, because once they know, they will wonder why she caused a bloodbath in the capital, and if they ask her the purpose of doing so, They will also know that their mother did not die of illness, but was murdered to death.But she didn't want her grandfather to know that all this was sad!
Back then, my grandfather had suffered all his life because of his mother's death. She didn't want my grandfather to experience such pain and suffering again!

"Cousin, I need your help now." Yun Qing said.

Maybe she should have asked her cousins ​​for help instead of Yechen.

"Cousin, tell cousin, why did you do this?" Wang Zixuan looked at Yun Qing and asked again.

There is no certain reason, the cousin will not spread such rumors in the capital for no reason!

"Revenge!" Yun Qing replied.There was a chill in his eyes when he mentioned these two words.Without waiting for the two cousins ​​to ask her why she wanted to take revenge, Yun Qing said next time: "Mother didn't die of illness, but was murdered to death."



Wang Ziqing and Wang Zixuan were shocked at the same time.They never suspected the cause of aunt's death, but they didn't think that aunt was killed by someone.

"I also ask my two cousins ​​not to let my grandfather know. I am afraid that my grandfather will not be able to bear this blow."

"My cousin suspects that the emperor killed... my aunt died." Wang Zixuan gritted his teeth in pain.There is sadness and anger in the eyes.

"Cousin wants to enter the palace to seek revenge from the emperor?" Wang Ziqing asked.The sudden news of his aunt's death made him murderous.

"No, cousin, you can't enter the palace." Wang Zixuan said.Knowing his aunt's death, he would never let his only cousin suffer any harm.

"You two cousins, please rest assured that Qing'er will not enter the palace, nor will he seek revenge from the emperor, because the person who killed his mother is someone else. Qing'er just wants to disturb the capital. But Qing'er needs two A cousin's help." Yun Qing said.

"It wasn't the emperor who killed my aunt, but who did it?" Wang Zixuan asked.

Yun Qingqing shot a gleam of light from her cold eyes, gritted her teeth coldly and said, "It's Mu Yuanfeng and Cheng Yue."

"They killed my aunt, I'll kill him." Hearing the result, Wang Zixuan wished he could kill Mu Yuanfeng and Cheng Yue immediately.

"That's why my cousin killed Mu Ze and messed up the Mu Mansion." Wang Ziqing had already calmed down after hearing the news, and thinking of Mu Ze's sudden death a few days ago, Wang Ziqing also understood.

"Yes. They killed mother and let mother die so badly. I should at least let them taste the pain." And that poor woman Mu Yunqing died so badly. Chu Feiyang, Mu Yuanfeng, Mu Yunyi, Cheng Yue, and those who gave Mu Yuanfeng the poison felt the pain of death.

They also knew that their cousin's temperament was a little different, but when they heard her cousin's appearance when she confessed that she had killed someone, they were both shocked and distressed.It should be my cousin who should be most sad.

"In the future, my cousins ​​will stay by your side and won't let anyone bully you. Whatever you want, my cousin will help you." Seeing the hatred emanating from Yun Qing, Wang Ziqing didn't dare to ask , just patted Yun Qing on the shoulder and told her that she still has them!

"En." Yun Qing nodded.

The only thing she didn't dare to tell them and didn't know how to tell them was that she was no longer their cousin, and now she was from another soul.

Fortunately, her cousin didn't ask any more, otherwise she really didn't know how to explain the meaning of her news about the celestial girl.

After all, she intentionally spread the story of Tiannv to deal with Yue Wang Chu Feiyang and Mu Yunyi!

But no one noticed that Wang Qingshan, who was standing not far from the door, could clearly hear the conversation between the three.At that moment, Wang Qingshan was filled with tears and grief.His daughter, his poor daughter, would be killed.

How did his poor granddaughter survive in that land of tigers and wolves.Now, in order to avenge her mother, her hands are also covered with blood!
(End of this chapter)

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