The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 126 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with

Chapter 126 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with (8)
But after thinking about it, Cheng Yue is definitely not such a person.Unless she's plotting something behind her back?
Sure enough, as Yun Qing expected, Nong Yue came over and whispered something in Yun Qing's ear.After Yun Qing heard this, she just smiled.She really thought that Cheng Yue didn't care anymore, but this time she became smarter, and she was ruthless enough to secretly put sterilization pills in the meals of two maids, Xi'er and Lan'er.In this way, no matter how much Mu Yuanfeng favored these two maids, and how much he wanted to have more sons, it would be in vain.

"Nongyue, find a suitable opportunity and tell the two of them about this matter." Since Cheng Yue himself sent the handle to the door, it would be a pity if she didn't make good use of it!

Yun Qing looked at Nongyue again and asked, "By the way, is there any result on what you asked Nongyue to investigate?" Although the case of the masked man that appeared at the Lantern Festival last time was hastily closed, but she came back that day Ask Nonghua to find out who is behind the scenes.It's just that two days have passed, and there is still no news. It seems that things are really not simple?
"It's probably a bit tricky. But Nonghua will find out." Nongyue replied.

"Miss, Miss Four, Miss Fifth and Miss Shuiwan are here." Xiaoxiao walked in to report.Yun Qing raised her eyebrows to look at Xiao Xiao, and said with a smile, "Let them in."

"Yes." He answered, turned around and went out again.Not long after, the Fourth Miss, the Fifth Miss, and Mu Shuiwan from the second uncle's family walked in from behind.

But when it comes to this second uncle's family, Yun Qing also admires their cheekiness, and they actually stay in the Hou's mansion and don't leave.He even said in a high-sounding way that the only one they don't know well here is Mu Yuanfeng, his dear brother, and he can't leave their family alone.Otherwise, I will be sorry for the dead old mother.Hearing what Mu Yuannan's younger brother said, Mu Yuanfeng was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he really couldn't drive them out at this time!Otherwise, people in the world don't know how to point at him and scold him.So the second uncle's family took it for granted.From time to time, Mu Yuanfeng was a little bit blocked.

This Mu Shuiwan is even more like a dog skin plaster. If she can't please Mu Yunyi, she will stick up with Mu Shuilian and Mu Shuibing, and they all say that three women are in one drama.These three came to her place at this time, maybe there is something good to watch!
"Why do the two younger sisters come to my place when you have time?" Yun Qing looked at Mu Shuilian with a smile and Mu Shui Bing smiled softly.He didn't even give Mu Shuiwan a look, completely ignoring Mu Shuiwan who was standing aside with an embarrassed face.

Although Mu Shuiwan was very angry in her heart, she still had to show a gentle smile on her face.Mu Yunqing ignored herself, she just found a sense of existence by herself.Looking at Yun Qing's hypocritical smile, he took Yun Qing's words and said hypocritically: "We are all sisters of our own family, so we should walk around frequently. My sister won't welcome me, right?"

Yun Qing was disgusted for a while!
younger sister!Does she know her well?
How could this person be so thick-skinned?

Could it be that Mu Shuiwan has forgotten the lesson of Mu Xi and her own blood?
Yun Qing's expression was cold and he said nothing.She really didn't want to have a word with this person, because it was really disgusting!

Standing aside, Mu Shuilian and Mu Shuibing were a little embarrassed. They knew she shouldn't have come with Mu Shuwan.Well now, before they spoke, the atmosphere became like this.

But Mu Shuiwan pretended that she didn't see Yun Qing's aversion to the coldness, and continued: "There are two days left before the Qionghua Banquet, will my sister attend?"

(End of this chapter)

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