The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 127 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with

Chapter 127 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with (9)
"Yes! Sister, there are two days until the Qionghua Banquet. Sister is going to participate?" They came here for this matter, and now that Mu Shuiwan has brought it up, Mu Shuilian is not trying to hide it, and is tempting asked sexually.

"Of course... I'm going!" Yun Qing glanced at Mu Shuilian and then at Mu Shuibing, but didn't give Mu Shuwan a look.Mu Shuiwan couldn't help turning pale.Yun Qing deliberately paused for a while, and said again: "The emperor has already issued an order, if you don't go, you will be resisting the order. Why, don't the two younger sisters want to go?"

Hearing Mu Yunqing's words, Mu Shuilian and Mu Shuibing were both jealous and excited.Jealous of Mu Yunqing's peerless face and holding a large sum of money in his hands, they are excited that they are also lucky enough to attend the Qionghua Banquet.For the excitement of these two people, Mu Shuiwan was not so lucky.Because in the emperor's will, she was not mentioned at all.Therefore, she is not qualified to participate in the most grand Qionghua Banquet in the capital.

"Of course not." Mu Shuilian said hastily.

How could she not want to go?She wants to go even in her dreams!If such a good opportunity is not seized well, it will be wasted in vain.It's just that with her shabby attire, even if she went to the Qionghua Banquet, no family's young master would fall in love with her!
"It's just that my sister heard that the Qionghua Banquet is the biggest event in the capital every year. At that time, many young talents and noble ladies will participate. My sister thinks that my sister didn't like to participate in these banquets before. I must not know... It's just that my sister will be laughed at if she dresses so elegantly at the banquet." Mu Shuilian looked at Yun Qing's light blue dress and said somewhat reservedly.

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and glanced at the three thoughtful people present, suddenly smiled, and said, "My sister is right. How about my sister introduce those famous shops in the capital."

"The famous clothing store in the capital is Lanyue Pavilion." Seeing that Yun Qing was asking herself sincerely, Mu Shuilian said excitedly.

"Your sister's introduction must not be wrong." Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at the people who were thinking, and smiled: "I wonder if the two younger sisters are willing to accompany me to Lanyue Pavilion?"

"Yes! As long as my sister doesn't dislike her." Mu Shuilian said hypocritically.

"Yes!" The young Mu Shuibing also responded.

Are they wishing for it?Just waiting for Yun Qing's words!
As for the neglected Mu Shuiwan, she could only stand aside and continue to be embarrassed.

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and glanced at Mu Shuiwan who was standing awkwardly by the side, and said: "Cousin, would you like to go?"

Happiness came too suddenly!Mu Shuiwan thought that Yun Qing had forgotten that there was still a person like her standing here.Hearing Yun Qing's sudden question, Mu Shuiwan almost knelt down to pay respects.

"Of course I do!" Mu Shuiwan excitedly said.Even if you can't go to the Qionghua Banquet, at least you have to take a look at Lanyue Pavilion.She had heard that the clothes and jewelry there were the best, most beautiful and most expensive in the whole capital!A person like her from such a humble background is too ordinary to be in an ordinary family. Even if she used to rely on being the prime minister's niece, she would not dare to go in and take a look at places like Lanyue Pavilion.

Because she has no money!

She didn't have a father who was a prime minister, let alone a grandfather who was a great general.

So even if she knew how much she hated Mu Yunqing and Mu Yunqing, she still had to curry favor with her.Because only in that way can she get what she wants!

(End of this chapter)

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