The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 128: You Didn't Discuss

Chapter 128: You Didn't Discuss (1)
At the gate of Muhou Mansion.

There were only two carriages at the door, Mu Shuilian and Mu Shuibing were concubine daughters, the Hou Mansion would not prepare a carriage for each of them.After all, Mu Shuiwan is only the niece of Lord Hou, and no one will prepare a carriage for her alone.

So, the other three of them looked at the carriage in front of Yun Qing nervously and somewhat expectantly.

Being able to go out with them is her greatest limit, and she doesn't want to squeeze a carriage with any of these three.Then she will be in a very bad mood.

Yun Qing swept the two carriages at the door, raised his eyebrows and said, "My carriage is too small to accommodate so many people. The three of you should be aggrieved and squeeze the one behind." After finishing speaking, he got on directly. carriage.The three of them were left with disappointed faces.

Her carriage is small?Isn't their carriage small?

What's more, they have to sit three people.

Although they were a little unhappy in their hearts, none of the three dared to speak out. They still needed to curry favor with her, so they endured it for a while.The three got into the small carriage behind them.Just as he sat down, at this moment, a faint voice came from Yun Qing's carriage, but enough for the people in the carriage behind to hear: "Xiaoxiao, Nongyue, you two haven't come up yet."

"Yes, miss." Xiaoxiao and Nongyue replied loudly as if on purpose.

When the three people in the carriage behind heard Yun Qing's words, they almost vomited blood out of anger.Just now she said that her carriage is too small to fit a few of them, but now she let two servants sit on it, this is slapping them in the face!
But even so, the three of them knew that they could only endure it now.Because Yun Qing's carriage had already left, they also had to hurry up to follow.

Lanyue Pavilion, the largest clothing store in Beijing, has a total of three floors. The first floor is for jewelry, the second floor is for clothes, and the third floor is not yet open.The house is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Jingcheng East Street.

It is said that the most common piece of clothing in Lanyue Pavilion costs 100 taels, not to mention how expensive other clothes are.So the people who come and go here are all young ladies from noble and rich families.

There is another way of saying that when you come to Lanyue Pavilion, you can almost see the noble ladies and sons of the whole capital?So those who wanted to see the beauty's face all gathered in the teahouse restaurant next to Lanyue Pavilion.This kind of phenomenon has even driven the business of nearby teahouses and restaurants.So, this Lanyue Pavilion is really a good place!

It's just that Lanyue Pavilion is very mysterious, because no one knows who the boss behind it is. Countless people tried to find out the boss of Lanyue Pavilion, but they all returned in vain, and even lost their lives.Afterwards, no one dared to investigate anymore, but everyone knows that the current owner of Lanyue Pavilion is a woman, and she is also a very enchanting beauty. ——Snow Dance!
Standing at the mouth of Lanyue Pavilion, Yun Qing could already smell the smell of silver.As expected, Lanyue Pavilion can now be described as a scene where guests come like clouds.

The other three got out of the carriage and looked at Lanyue Pavilion with excitement on their faces.As concubines, they used to be the second wife in charge of the house, so they couldn't enter the Lanyue Pavilion with just a little money for a month.Not to mention Mu Shuiwan who has lived in that small place in Ningcheng for 16 years.

Yun Qing also came to this place for the first time, just stepped into the store, a very enchanting and beautiful woman in purple, about [-] years old, greeted her with a smile, "Welcome, welcome, the girl looks unfamiliar, it is the first Come here again?"

Yun Qing nodded with a smile, she already understood in her heart that this must be the proprietress Xue Wu of Lanyue Pavilion, right?She is indeed a charming and beautiful person.

(End of this chapter)

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