The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 140: Being Forced to Marry

Chapter 140: Being Forced to Marry (1)
They drove non-stop all night, and finally the three of them arrived at Qingshan County at dawn.

When they were about to come to Qingshan last night, Lin Shen had already sent a message to the people in Qingshan. When the three of them arrived, the shopkeeper of Qingshan Inn had already greeted them at the door.The shopkeeper of Qingshan Inn is a thin and thin man in his thirties.The first impression this person gave Yun Qing was a shrewd look.No wonder Yechen asked him to be the manager of the inn.

"Guest officer, please come inside." The shopkeeper also seemed to know that Yun Qing was the honored guest here, and respectfully made a gesture of invitation.

After going to the room on the second floor, the shopkeeper's smiling face suddenly became serious.Standing next to Yun Qing, he reported: "After receiving the news, we immediately sent someone to investigate secretly. The people from Tsing Yi Sect did indeed arrest a woman. They were guarded tightly. We were afraid of scaring the snake, so we didn't investigate it. Is the woman playing with the moon? But according to reliable information, the Tsingyi Sect will marry the captured woman as his wife. We will get married today."


Yun Qing is now [-]% sure that the captured woman is Nong Yue.

"Go and prepare a congratulatory gift. We are visiting the master of the Tsing Yi Sect." Yun Qing frowned and said solemnly.

On a suburban mountain in Qingshan County, there are always four continuous mountain ranges, and Tsing Yi Gate is located on the small mountain peak in the middle.To say that the Tsing Yi Sect is an organization of killers is better to say that the Tsing Yi Sect is just a group of bandits on the run.The Tsing Yi Sect has committed murder and arson all these years, a scum in the world.The Jianghu and the imperial court sent many people to try to eradicate such a scum in the Jianghu, but they all returned in vain.

Yun Qing and his group looked at this mountain that was neither too big nor too small. No wonder Tsing Yi Sect dared to build here.This is indeed a good place!Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, no matter how powerful your martial arts skills are, you will not be able to fly up, unless you have a pair of bird wings.If you want to go up the mountain, there is only this road in front of you.It's no wonder that the people in the rivers and lakes and the court sent so many people to no avail.

"My lord, this is the only way to go up." Standing at the foot of the mountain, Lin Xin looked at Yun Qing who was already dressed in men's clothes.

Yun Qing looked at the mountain peak, turned sideways and ordered: "Lin Xin and I go up together, you follow what I taught you, and act separately. Remember, you can't act without my order."

"Yes." Mo Feng and the others said respectfully.

The two groups of people acted independently.Yun Qing slowly walked up the mountain peak.

Tsing Yi Gate.

The door opened, and a tall and strong man with a beard came in, followed by a woman who came in with a bright red wedding dress in her hand.

"Let me tell you, you'd better put on your wedding dress obediently and marry the master of this sect. The master of this sect will let you eat and drink spicy food in the future, and you will have endless blessings following the master of this sect." Looking at the room, The beauty, the big man warned and threatened, and laughed loudly.

"I won't marry you even if I die!" Nongyue looked at the master of Tsing Yi Sect and said coldly.

If it wasn't because he was worried that Nong Hua would not be able to beat them, he accidentally fell into their trap and was caught by them, and his acupuncture points were tapped so that he could not use his internal force.Otherwise, based on what he said just now, he has already committed her capital crime.

"Don't marry!" The big man said angrily in a deep voice: "It's up to you whether to marry or not! Tonight you have to marry if you don't marry. This sect master is not a person who pities women and jade. If you anger this sect master, this sect master Throw you off the green hill to feed the wolves."

"Master, don't get angry, the bride is thin-skinned and shy!" The woman next to her hurried forward and laughed.The head of the Tsing Yi Sect's complexion just got a little better.The mother-in-law glanced at Nongyue again, and she laughed from ear to ear and praised all over the sky: "Girl, our sect master is tall and mighty, with strong martial arts. You marry the sect master, but you have spent several lifetimes cultivating What a blessing to come here! If my old lady was ten years younger, I would want to marry the sect master!"

(End of this chapter)

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