The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 141: Being Forced to Marry

Chapter 141: Being Forced to Marry (2)
"Since you want to marry him so much, you should do it yourself!" Nongyue sneered coldly.Anyway, she will not marry even if she dies!

"You! I don't know why, but you really think that the sect master is reluctant to throw you off the green hill to feed the wolves, don't you?" The big man stared and said angrily.

No one has ever dared to go against his will again and again.If it weren't for the fact that she still has some good looks, it's just right, I lack a wife, and her beauty is worthy of the title of the sect master's wife, otherwise he should have killed her just because she was with that woman !
"Throw me down if you have the ability!" Nong Yue said coldly.

"You!" The big man was about to jump up angrily.Seeing that a slap was about to be slapped, how could Nongyue allow herself to be slapped, and took a step back to avoid the slap.Just because her internal energy is sealed, it doesn't mean she can't move or hide.

"Oh! Sect Master, you can't do this! If you break the bride, how can you still get married and pay homage?" The woman was also frightened by the Sect Master's anger.

"Get married! Let's get married. Since she doesn't want to marry, then just skip the part of getting married and go straight to the bridal chamber. When she becomes the woman of the sect master, let's see if she still insists on it." The big man said.He looked at the old woman who was already standing aside and said: "You still go out, don't you see that the main work of this sect is done?"

Hearing the angry voice, the old woman hurried out with her wedding dress in her hands, and she didn't forget to close the door when she went out.Although there was a little bit of sympathy for that girl, she was soon relieved. After all, she belonged to the sect master, and it was the sect master who kindly took her in to work in the sect and gave her a bite to eat.

"Don't come over, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself immediately if you take a step over." Nongyue watched the big man walking towards her step by step with vigilant eyes and warned in a cold voice.Those who do their business, if they are caught, will commit suicide if they don't want to suffer all the humiliation.

The big man obviously didn't pay attention to the words of Nongyue's warning. Desperadoes like them would not take human life seriously at all, so he was not afraid of how Nongyue warned.With a big stride forward, he had already tightly grasped Nongyue's hand, and Nongyue struggled for a while but couldn't break free from his grip.It seemed that as long as his hand moved slightly, it would immediately cut off Nong Yue's slender hand.

"Let me tell you, you'd better obey this sect master obediently, and this sect master may still love you well. Otherwise, if you make this sect master unhappy, this sect master will kill you Sell ​​it to a kiln, and let thousands of people ride it, and ten thousand people sleep on it. I will chop you up piece by piece, and throw them into the green hills to feed the wolves." As he spoke, he pushed Nongyue down on the bed, and twitched Nongyue's clothes, which were not thick in the first place, were torn to pieces in no time.Showing a white and flawless arm.He was itchy to watch.

How could Nongyue allow him to insult herself like this, she would rather die than suffer such humiliation!

There was a drop of tears in the corner of his eye, which was full of resentment towards the young lady and those people.Nongyue bit her tongue.And the big man seemed to have known about Nongyue's plan, and pinched Nongyue's mouth with his other hand, preventing Nongyue from biting down.

"Slap...!" A heavy slap was slammed on Nongyue's face.All of a sudden, a handprint was left on those beautiful faces, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.But Nongyue's eyes were full of killing intent and indifference.yes!Sure enough, she could kill him, she would never let him go!
"Bitch! You are shameless for giving you face, then don't blame the sect master for not giving you face!" The big man was impatient.There was murderous intent in his eyes.Looking at Nongyue is like looking at a prey waiting to be slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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