The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 169 The Banquet of Qionghua

Chapter 169 The Banquet of Qionghua (4)
The queen glared at Concubine Xu Shu bitterly, this matter has always been a thorn in her heart.But this bitch wants to show her up from time to time to scare her.

The anger in the Queen's heart could not be appeased, she couldn't do anything to that bitch Concubine Xu Shu, but now she urgently needed to find someone to vent her anger.Seeing Yun Qing standing there silently, and remembering that she didn't kneel down to salute him just now, his heart became angry.Even a little girl dares to be disrespectful to her.She wants her to look good.

The queen looked at Yun Qing, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Mu's mother was a famous talented woman in the capital. She was proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the most admirable thing was the wonderful painting. Back then, Mrs. Mu promised Bengong wants to paint a picture for Bengong, but it is a pity that Mrs. Mu's beauty died early. Miss Mu must have obtained the true biography of Mrs. Mu. Why don't Miss Mu finish the unfinished painting for your mother. Presumably, Miss Mu won't let Bengong down, will she?"

Yun Qing frowned, and his cold eyes glanced at the queen.What an open-eyed nonsense!When did her mother agree to paint her?Obviously, he was angry with Concubine Xu Shu and wanted to trouble her. Do you really think she is a sick cat and a bully?
"Reporting to the empress, the courtiers are dull and can't draw. If the empress really wants the courtiers to paint, I'm afraid it will stain the eyes of all empresses. I'm afraid it will hurt the reputation of the talented woman. If it is true I've hurt my mother's reputation, and my ministers...don't dare to live anymore, please forgive me." Yun Qing said.

She has already said it so clearly, if the queen still makes things difficult for her.I'm afraid that the queen herself won't have a good reputation as a good empress by then, and the queen will decide which is more important.

The Queen also did not expect that Yun Qing would refuse so simply. If she really wanted to force her to paint for herself, wouldn't that be forcing an orphan girl to die?If this is the case, not only will she not be seated as a queen.If the emperor doesn't spare her, even the family in the palace will not let her go!
"What is Miss Mu talking about? There is no death. Since Miss Mu can't paint, then forget it. It can only be said that this palace is not related to Mrs. Mu's paintings." The queen sighed.With this sigh, everyone present took another look at Yun Qing, and couldn't help reconsidering in their hearts: It turns out that the eldest lady in the Hou's mansion has beauty but no talent. Inside is a useless idiot!

"Your Majesty, the banquet is about to begin." Mother Li reminded the queen beside her.

The queen raised her head and looked outside: "Let's go! Don't miss the hour."

Everyone quickly got up and followed behind the queen.Yun Qing walked behind, but she always felt that things would not be that simple.The queen summoned herself, maybe she just gave herself such a few words that didn't hurt or itch.There must be a bigger conspiracy behind it.

Sure enough, I just walked to the imperial garden.A court lady hurried over and saluted respectfully: "Your maidservant sees the empress, and greets the empress."

"What is it?" said the Queen.

The palace maid glanced at Yun Qing first before replying respectfully: "Go back to Madam, this servant is here to find Miss Mu."

"Looking for Miss Mu?" Concubine Xu Shu who was standing behind the queen raised her eyebrows.The court lady respectfully replied: "Go back to your mother, yes."

"Who wants Miss Mu?" Concubine Xu Shu asked.

"Returning to your mother, it was Young Master Wang who ordered the slaves to come."

Yun Qing listened to what the court lady said, and smiled evilly, cousin looking for her?Fortunately, she could find such an excuse.But now that she has found a good excuse and has already calculated, if she doesn't finish the scene, the scene will be unbearable. "I also ask the empress to allow the minister to leave first."

This time the queen put on a smiley face, and said slowly: "Since this is the case, Miss Mu will go."

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is resigning." Yun Qing thanked.Followed the lady-in-waiting and walked in the other direction.Looking at Yun Qing who had already left, a hint of ruthlessness flashed in the Queen's eyes.

The further he walked, the farther the palace maid led from the palace. After walking a few steps, Yun Qing had already been brought to a cold and desolate place.

Looking at the desolate palace, Yun Qing stopped, already guessing what they were going to do.

"Girl, didn't you say that Young Master Wang is looking for Miss Ben?" Yun Qingqing narrowed her eyes and said indifferently.

The matter that the master asked has been done, the maid also stopped, looked at Yun Qing and said: "Ms. Mu, don't worry, I think Young Master Wang must have left beforehand. Ms. Mu might as well wait here."

"Alright! Miss Ben is waiting here."

Seeing that Yun Qing was not suspicious, the maid waited for a while, then found an excuse to leave.Yun Qing didn't stop her either.Let her go.Come to think of it, this lady-in-waiting is going to report the news.Not long after the maid left, someone came, and there was more than one person.Yun Qing turned around and stood behind the gate of the deserted palace, looking at the approaching figures.

A man and a woman, the man is about 20 years old.When Yun Qing took a look, he knew who the person was, the eldest son of the current empress.A fool.The maid pulled the eldest son of the emperor and coaxed: "Your Highness, hurry up, the fairy sister is right ahead."

Hearing what the maid said, the eldest son of the emperor quickly pulled the maid and said, "Sister Fairy! Okay, mother really didn't lie to me, there really is a fairy sister. Sister, let's go quickly and find the fairy sister."

Walking outside the palace, the maid glanced at Yun Qing, but she didn't see Yun Qing's shadow.

"Sister, where is Sister Fairy? Where is Sister Fairy?" Chu Feize kept asking while pulling the maid without seeing Sister Fairy.A look of disappointment.Mother must be lying to him again.

Yun Qing stood behind the door and watched, smiling coldly.It seems that the queen has identified her as a goddess.He wanted to act first and let something happen between her and her son.When something really happened, her reputation would be ruined, and she would have to marry her son.At that time, even if the emperor does not agree, he has no choice but to agree.It's really a good move!

Since she has already calculated herself so much, how can she be worthy of the queen's kindness if she doesn't return a gift to the queen?

Yun Qingsu raised his hand, and a silver needle flew out of his hand, stabbing directly at Chu Feize.Chu Feize fell down immediately, and the maid couldn't help but panic when she saw this.The eldest son of the emperor suddenly fainted here, what should we do?When she was nervous, a figure flashed past, before she had time to see who it was, a dull pain hit the back of her head, and she passed out.Yun Qing looked at the two people lying on the ground with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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