The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 170 A Lesson to the Princess

Chapter 170 A Lesson to the Princess (1)
"Your Majesty, it's not good! It's not good!" When the Queen and his party were about to reach the main hall, a court lady rushed over and shouted anxiously.

"Bold! In front of the empress, what nonsense are you talking about?" Li Momo, who was beside the queen, scolded.

"What happened?" the queen asked in a good mood, without any intention of blaming.This person was originally arranged by her.

"Your Majesty, His Highness is gone!" the palace maid was about to cry.

"What?" The queen looked shocked.With an anxious look, "Have you looked for it yet?"

"Back to the empress, I have searched all over, but I just can't find His Highness." The maid replied.

"Then hurry up and send more people to look for it. If something happens to His Highness, I will not spare you."

"Yes!" said the maid.He hurried to find someone again.

Looking at the back of the departing maid, a smug smile flashed across the queen's sinister eyes.At this time, things should have been almost done, and they are waiting for their appearance.As if she couldn't wait to see that scene, the queen stepped back from the steps towards the main hall and walked in another direction.

If Yun Qing was here, he would definitely say: The acting skills are not bad, this acting skills can make her a queen!What about being a queen?

"Empress, the banquet is about to start. Your majesty, leave now. If you miss the banquet, the emperor will be angry. His Royal Highness, the eldest son of the emperor, may be playing in that palace right now. Why are you so anxious?" Concubine Xu Shu raised her eyebrows. with the queen.

The queen left in such a hurry, there must be something wrong.Concubine Xu Shu has stayed in the palace for so many years, so she knows the queen very well.Thinking of what happened on the way just now, she couldn't guess what the queen was planning.

The queen was startled, listening to Concubine Xu Shu's words.It was true that he was too complacent just now, and almost missed a big deal.The banquet will start immediately, if she, the queen, is not here, the banquet will continue like this.After thinking about it, there is no need to rush things over there, as long as she waits to find a chance to speak out in front of everyone, then she will have the final say.

"Thanks to my sister for reminding me, look at my temper, I almost missed a big deal." The queen smiled and moved back, and walked into the hall.Concubine Xu Shu also smirked and walked in.Only Concubine De followed behind.Those wives and ladies who have just been in the Queen's Palace can't come without the emperor's summons, so they have to wait in the Imperial Garden.

"See the emperor." Everyone saluted respectfully.In addition to the emperor, Chu Feiyang, who was shutting himself in the mansion and thinking about his mistakes, was also in the hall. "Greetings to Empress Mother. Greetings to Concubine Mother, and Concubine De to Empress." Chu Feiyang said respectfully and gently.

"Get up." The emperor was very happy today, smiling all over his face.

Everyone got up and thanked.The queen looked at Chu Feiyang and said, "The king of Yue Jun is also here. It has been a long time since he has seen the king of Yue Jun. The life of the king of Yue Jun is not bad these days."

"Thank you for your mother's concern, my son is very good." Chu Feiyang said gently and politely.

"Okay, now that we've arrived, let's go. Don't keep the ministers waiting for too long." The emperor said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

Inside the Royal Garden.

Yun Qing walked over with strides.Su Wanyan saw that Feng Qingluan saw Yun Qing approaching and quickly stepped forward to hold Yun Qing's hand and asked, "How is it? Are you okay?"

Yun Qing smiled softly and said: "What are you doing with this expression? The queen is not a scourge, can she still eat me?"

"Hush." ​​Su Wanyan said hastily: "Sister Qing'er can't talk nonsense. This is the palace, be careful if someone overhears it, it will be troublesome." After finishing speaking, Su Wanyan looked around, but fortunately there was no one hear.

(End of this chapter)

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