The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 174: Throwing Into the Arms of the Male God

Chapter 174: Throwing Into the Arms of the Male God (2)
If Feng Qingluan can appreciate it, then this snack must be delicious.Yun Qing reached out and took a piece and stuffed it in his mouth.Seeing that there is a platform under the high platform that can only accommodate two people, he asked: "What is that for?" No wonder Yun Qing didn't know, Yun Qing had never participated in this kind of banquet before, so naturally not understand.

"That! That's the seat prepared for the ninth son of the late emperor, the younger brother of the emperor, and uncle Nine Emperors of Da Chu. But this Uncle Nine Emperors is a weird person who never attends any banquets, and few people in the capital can see him. On his side, it is said that he still has a quirk, that is, he does not allow people to approach him three steps. But he does not participate in the banquet, and the emperor will prepare a seat for him every time, so he will build a platform there." Feng Qingluan said .

"Speaking of it! This Uncle Nine Emperors is also a very pitiful person. Because of an accident when he was a child, he has been sick all the time. The master of Lingyin Temple once commented on Uncle Nine Emperors: Uncle Nine Emperors will not live to be 21 years old. But It is said that Uncle Nine Emperors is born to be a handsome and handsome man, and his appearance is said to have completely inherited the appearance of Concubine Li back then. It's just a pity!" Su Wanyan sighed.I feel sorry for that young Nine Emperor Uncle.

After hearing what the two said, Yun Qing roughly understood who it was.In her previous life, she also heard about Uncle Nine Emperors, he was indeed a pity.In his previous life, he died prematurely at the age of 21.When Uncle Nine Emperors died young, she and Chu Feiyang had only been married for a year.Back then, Chu Feiyang rushed back from Yuecheng to the capital for the funeral.

"That's right! I don't know if Uncle Nine Emperors will come to the banquet this year." Feng Qingluan said nympho.

"Probably won't come. Nine Emperor Uncles didn't come to the banquets in previous years, and they definitely won't come this time." Su Wanyan said.

"Yunqing." A beautiful young girl Yingying walked towards her and shouted.Yun Qing raised her head and looked at the beautiful girl, it was her!Chu Liyou!It was the younger sister of Uncle Nine Emperors that Sister Su and Sister Feng were talking about now.Chu Liyou approached the beautiful little face and said with a soft smile, "It's really you! I thought I was wrong."

"Who is this?" Su Wanyan, Feng Qingluan and the two looked at Chu Liyou and asked in unison.

"Hello! My name is Chu Liyou, nice to meet you." Chu Liyou smiled friendly.She doesn't have the airs of a princess at all, but her temperament is a bit of the boldness of the sons and daughters of the world.

"Hello! My name is Su Wanyan."

"Hello! My name is Feng Qingluan."

The two said in unison.

At the first glance, the girls got it right and liked Chu Liyou's personality very much.

"Yunqing, I haven't had time to find you since we met last time. Last time I said that I wanted you to take me to visit the fun places in the capital. But I haven't had time. Today we can talk about it, wait After the banquet is over, you must take me on a tour of the capital." Chu Liyou said playfully.That appearance, is a playful little girl.Obviously she is the oldest here, she seems more playful than anyone else.

However, Chu Liyou has been staying on the mountain for more than ten years and has no friends.Her master is also unreliable.Wouldn't it be boring for her to stay on the mountain alone for so many years?Now that I'm down the mountain, I naturally have to play it to my heart's content.

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded.She also really likes to make Chu Liyou a friend.Nature will not refuse.

"But I heard on the way here that you taught that stinky girl Chu Qiaoyang a lesson." Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan were a little embarrassed when they heard it, but Yun Qing nodded and said, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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