The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 175: Throwing Into the Arms of the Male God

Chapter 175: Throwing Into the Arms of the Male God (3)
"Who did it? It's really a good fight. It's so satisfying! I have long wanted to teach that stinky girl a lesson. I never had a chance." Chu Liyou said excitedly.As soon as the girl got excited, many people were watching.Seeing Chu Liyou's excited appearance, the three girls couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths, are you really happy to be so happy?

How do you say, you all have the same surname Chu!You are her aunt!Are you really so happy?
Chu Liyou seemed to be aware of his gaffe, seeing many people sizing up and discussing in a low voice, Chu Liyou took a piece of snack from the table and ate it.He smiled awkwardly.This appearance, in the eyes of Yun Qing and the others, is extremely cute.

"Li You, you really plan to just sit here." Yun Qing smiled.

"Well, it's not bad here, I like it. And you are here too, I'll just sit on it and get bored." Chu Liyou nodded, and stuffed another piece of snack into his mouth.Those who looked at it couldn't help covering their lips and smiling.The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched even more: If you are so eager to eat, someone abused you.

Seemingly seeing the smile in Yun Qing's eyes, Chu Liyou smirked, took a snack and said, "I'm hungry, I haven't had a bite of food since last night." Isn't it hungry?She still hasn't eaten since last night.

"Eat slowly, these are all yours. No one will snatch them from you." Seeing how pitifully Chu Liyou said, Feng Qingluan pushed all the snacks in front of her to Chu Liyou and said: "Your brother not only He's a weirdo, and he abused his own sister. It's really not a good thing." Chu Liyou, who had just stuffed a snack, choked at Feng Qingluan's words.He raised his head and stared blankly at Feng Qingluan, then was completely dumbfounded.After being stunned for a few seconds, he finally called out: "Brother." The cry of brother was like a stream of cold water, pouring on Feng Qingluan's body.Turning his head, he saw the beautiful man who was said to be a banished fairy that he had never seen before.Then Feng Qingluan was stupid!

As soon as Chu Limo appeared, he immediately caused a sensation.Those young ladies stared at Chu Limo obsessively one by one.

Following Chu Liyou's "brother" call, Yun Qing also looked over.At that glance, Yun Qing was startled!

It's him!The man who was injured in Lingyin Temple that day and kissed her forcibly on the Mid-Autumn Festival that day.Yun Qing never thought that that person would be Chu Limo.Today's Nine Emperor Uncles.In the eyes of the world, that crooked Nine Emperor Uncle...

Now that Yun Qing sees Chu Limo, he starts to doubt, is this person really as sick as the world said?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it!She hadn't forgotten the cold murderous aura emanating from his eyes on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, that kind of murderous aura could only be emitted after countless killings.

After a blank look, Yun Qing had already made up her mind that she must stay away from him in the future.This person is too dangerous!
"Brother, why are you here? Didn't you say you won't come to the Qionghua Banquet?" Chu Liyou lowered his head and whispered.It looked like a mouse meeting a cat.

"You're already here, can I not come?" Chu Limo glanced at his younger sister and said lightly.Another glance at Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan, Feng Qingluan looked away unnaturally when she received Chu Limo's glance, but she still remembered what bad things she said just now.Chu Limo finally stopped his gaze in front of Yun Qing and said gently and politely: "My little sister has caused trouble for all the young ladies."

"No trouble... no trouble." Seeing that he didn't seem to be as weird as the rumors said, Feng Qingluan quickly waved her hands and said with a smirk.

Su Wanyan also reacted, and blessed her body to greet Chu Limo.

Yun Qing glanced at the gentle and harmless Chu Limo, and kept reconsidering in her heart: This must be an illusion!This guy is really pretending!
"Take the princess back." Chu Limo Liangliang ordered Wuxin who followed behind.

"Yes." Wuxin said respectfully.Looking at Chu Liyou expressionlessly, he said, "Princess, please."

"Brother, I...I don't want to go back, and I don't want this guy to follow me." Chu Liyou pointed at the expressionless Wuxin with disgust.Don't want her to be taken back by her brother. If she is taken back by her brother, her brother will definitely send her to the master of Lingyin Temple.She doesn't want to go back to Lingyin Temple.

Seeing that her brother was determined to take her back, Chu Liyou blinked his pitiful eyes at Yun Qing and the others, asking them to save him from the sea of ​​suffering.Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan wanted to help, but they didn't dare to offend Chu Limo, so they pretended not to see Chu Liyou's eyes asking for help.Seeing that these two people pretended not to see their cries for help, Chu Liyou looked at Yun Qing with pitiful eyes and refused to let go of Yun Qing's clothes, and said pitifully, "Yun Qing, you can't let go of your life , you must help me!"

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, what are these two brothers and sisters doing?
Yun Qing shook her head, expressing that she was helpless!It's not that she doesn't help her, it's that she has already made up her mind to stay away from Chu Limo, so she can't help!
"Go back." Chu Limo said coolly.

"I don't want it, if you want to go back, go back by yourself." Chu Liyou pushed Yun Qing, and he had already run away.But it would be a disaster for Yun Qing to be caught off guard by this push.At this moment, Yun Qing wants to take back his steps, so that it is impossible for him not to fall down.

But when he fell, he rushed directly to...

Everyone on the grass held their breath and stared blankly at that scene!
Just when Yun Qing thought that he was going to fall into the shit of a dog, he found that he bumped into the arms of a man who was soft and familiar.The man put his arms around her, and gently pulled out a sentence from his lips with a world-renowned face: "You hurt me. You must be responsible to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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