The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 177 Blinding Everyone's Eyes

Chapter 177 Blinding Everyone's Eyes (2)
It would be great if there was a thunderbolt now, and this evildoer would be struck down!
Thinking about it this way, Yun Qing felt better again.Maybe God couldn't see it, and a thunderbolt struck down, killing this evildoer.

Fortunately, Yun Qing still remembered what she was here for, and calmed herself down, Yun Qing sat down again.

"Sister Qing'er, are you okay?" Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan looked at Yun Qing worriedly.He glanced at Uncle Nine Emperors who was sitting next to him, but he didn't know why.It just scared her too.Just now I thought that Sister Qing'er fell on Uncle Jiuhuang, and Uncle Jiuhuang would definitely chop off Sister Qing'er's hands with a black face.It's not that Jiuhuangshu has never done this kind of hand-cutting thing, it was a few years ago.Fortunately, Uncle Nine Emperors was not angry this time.This can be regarded as the greatest fortune in misfortune.But thinking about it now, I still feel chills.

"I'm fine." Yun Qing gave a smile.Said that he was really fine.

At this time, I heard the eunuch's voice shouting: "The emperor is here. The empress is here. The concubine Shu is here. The concubine is here." Hearing the voice, Yun Qing heard the reputation, and a group of people supported the old man and left. come over.Among them was her father, Mu Yuanfeng.But Chu Feiyang was not seen among the crowd.Yun Qing pursed her lips and smiled.It seems that Xiaoxiao has done what she explained.

"Long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, the empress..." A high-pitched voice sounded on the grass.Looking at it from a distance on the grass, a patch of colorful shadows all knelt on the ground respectfully and saluted.Without the old emperor's words, everyone dared not get up.He could only kneel respectfully.

But there are a few exceptions.Isn't the Nine Emperor Uncle still sitting there?He remained motionless, did not stand up to greet him, and did not salute.It's okay for Uncle Nine Emperors to be dignified and not polite. Yun Qing, who was sitting next to Uncle Nine Emperors, also sat casually, with a faint smile on his face and didn't get up.It seems that they did not see the expressive eyes of Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan.The two couldn't help being anxious and worried about Yun Qing.If the emperor saw it, it would be disrespectful.Even Feng Qingluan, who had always been fearless in the capital, had to salute the emperor after arriving in the palace.

It just so happens that once a person gets unlucky, he will stuff his teeth if he drinks cold water.No, didn't the emperor's eyes sweep over here?

It wasn't that Yun Qing was too unlucky, it was just that there was an unlucky god sitting next to her.Chu Limo's face, even if he didn't want the old emperor not to notice it.

The old emperor was startled when he saw Chu Limo, and then his face changed complicatedly.However, all the attention was put on Chu Limo, and Yun Qing's rudeness was ignored.

"Ninth brother." The old emperor called out with complicated emotions.He hadn't seen this ninth brother for many years, so long that he had forgotten that he existed in the capital.But he exists so deeply.

Chu Limo didn't even want to raise his head, and replied lazily: "Brother Huang." There was no more to say.

The old emperor seems to have gotten used to Chu Limo's temper, and doesn't care anymore.He angrily scolded the eunuch beside him and said, "You didn't tell me when King Li came. What kind of job are you doing?"

"The emperor forgives the sin. The emperor forgives the sin!" The eunuch hurriedly begged for mercy.

Chu Limo: Before the birth of the prince born to the late emperor and his favorite concubine Li, the late emperor had given him the title of 'Prince Li' and the fiefdom of Licheng.Back then, he was the emperor's favorite prince since he was born.At that time, he was almost registered as a prince.But not long after Chu Limo was born, he fell seriously ill.Afterwards, my body was always sick.The position of the prince is gone.Until later, he moved into Li Wang's mansion to recuperate from his illness, and since then he seldom shows up in the capital.But the rumors about Chu Limo have been circulating, the comment of the eminent monk of Lingyin Temple: Chu Limo will not live to be 21 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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