The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 178 Blinding Everyone's Eyes

Chapter 178 Blinding Everyone's Eyes (3)
It is said that because of this criticism, Chu Limo's temperament has changed drastically since then.Indifferent.He is indifferent to everyone.

But it was also because of the emperor's old son's sentence, "Ninth Brother, Li Wang", the pot was broken.Those women who were still in love just now knew that he was the rumored Nine Emperor Uncles, and they all looked at him with fear like avoiding snakes and scorpions.In those eyes, there is no admiration, obsession, only pity, pity and disgust.

Chu Limo's status is indeed noble, but what they want to marry is not a rich man, but a good man who is healthy and disease-free.Not a sick ghost dying.They don't want to be widows.

Yun Qing swept away the women who were still kneeling on the grass, a group of superficial women.

"Ninth brother, why didn't you say anything when you came here." The queen raised her eyebrows and looked down at Chu Limo.

There was hatred in the queen's eyes.Although it passed by in a flash, it was still caught by the boring Yun Qing.The queen hates Chu Limo?Yun Qing glanced at the dusty man in white clothes next to him, this guy has quite a few enemies!Even the empress who lived deep in the harem hated him.Tut tut!
Chu Limo even gave the queen a lazy look, and ignored the person directly.Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing with a gentle face and smiled slightly: "What interesting things make you so happy."

Yun Qing remained silent, ignoring Chu Limo's words.His eyes still glanced lightly at the eyes hidden under the queen's eyes, and then moved away.

The queen was embarrassed for a while, but she didn't dare to attack, and continued to accompany her smiling face.Just glanced at the figure sitting next to Chu Limo, his eyes were full of shock, why is she here?Shouldn't she be with her prince?Why is she here?

Yun Qing's appearance caught the queen off guard for a while.

The atmosphere was quite good just now, but now it's a little awkward. Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Concubine Xu Shu smiled softly and said, "Your Majesty, let the ladies get up first." Those ladies who were still kneeling Hearing Concubine Xu Shu's words, I couldn't help being grateful.I feel even less fond of Chu Limo's appearance in my heart.It was all because of his appearance that the emperor forgot that they were still kneeling.

"Get up." The emperor said in a deep voice.Glancing at Chu Limo, there was helplessness in his eyes, as well as many complicated emotions.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Everyone thanked them and sat down in their seats one by one.

The Qionghua Banquet has begun.

It was supposed to be a lively Qionghua banquet, but because of Chu Limo's arrival, the atmosphere became extremely cold.The young ladies from several families stepped forward one by one to perform a talent show.But few people are actually watching.

This time, Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan just came to join in the fun and increase the number of people at this banquet.So the two of them didn't go up to perform any talents.Not to mention Yun Qing.Yun Qing will come, but also has his own purpose.It's just that the time has not come yet, so Yun Qing can only eat snacks, drink fine wine and enjoy singing and dancing.

But, what happened to the man next to him?If she wants a snack, he will help deliver it; if she wants a fruit, he will peel it and deliver it right away.She wanted to drink, but the man actually said, "It's easy to get drunk if you drink too much." He threw away all the wine on her desk.That's right, just throw it away!

In Yun Qing's heart, there are ten thousand muddy horses galloping in his heart!Are they familiar?
Yun Qing knew that this man was sitting here on purpose.He just wanted to cause a stir.Didn't he see that everyone's eyes were fixed on them?Even Sister Su and Sister Feng looked at them in a daze.Almost dropped my jaw.

(End of this chapter)

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