Chapter 188
"Funny." Yun Qing indifferently hooked his lips into a smile: "You need a concubine. The streets are full of people, isn't it enough for you to choose? Why do you choose me?" Yun Qing now has a feeling that when she met her, Chu Li Mo has already made up his mind to choose her to be the princess, otherwise how could he investigate her affairs clearly and threaten her.How could it be so coincidental to appear in the palace, and so coincidental that the old man of the emperor gave him a marriage.

"Of course in this world, no one is qualified to be the concubine of this king except Qingqing. And Qingqing, you can only be the concubine of this king." Just kill him!

"Joke!" Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo with indifferent eyes, and said, "Do you think that this girl will really marry you if the old man bestows a marriage on you? You are so naive. You won't Do you think that if you have something to do with this girl, she will be caught without a fight? Even if you have something to do with this girl, what this girl has to do has already achieved her goal. Do you think that you go out and tell People in the world, in fact, there is no celestial girl at all. The so-called celestial girl is just something that a woman named Mu Yunqing deliberately spread. Do you think people in the world will believe your words? Don’t forget, the celestial girl is not This girl alone has the final say." Behind the Tiannv incident, there was still Master Lingyin's criticism.That's why Yun Qing dared to be so confident now.

If it wasn't for the smooth progress of the matter, why did she dig a hole for herself in the palace and agree to this bullshit marriage.It's not just to keep Chu Limo's mouth shut.But it is estimated that the emperor has obtained Mu Yunyi's blood now, and the matter of the heavenly girl is probably settled.I believe that with the old man's ambition, it won't be long before the news that Mu Yunyi should enter the palace and become a concubine should spread.

I just don't know how Chu Feiyang will feel when he knows that Mu Yunyi is the goddess.Will she regret not marrying Mu Yunyi back immediately?

But Qingqing, it's too late even if you don't want to marry!Because he is betrothed to her!
"Okay, my girl's goal has been achieved. I'm gone. As for what you said that you need a princess, don't bother me." Yun Qing really didn't want to discuss with him here whether to marry or not. The question is, she has already made her attitude clear.don't marry!
I will definitely not marry him!

Looking at Yun Qing's leaving back, Chu Limo smiled faintly on his cold face: This girl is really stubborn.But he won't give up easily.

Royal Palace.

Sure enough, as Yun Qing expected, the matter of Yilan Hall was treated as if the emperor had never happened.But at the Qionghua banquet, the emperor suddenly announced that Mu Yunyi, the second lady of Namuhou's mansion, would be his concubine and conferred the title of Concubine Yun.Even the date has been chosen, and he will enter the palace on September [-].It is said that Mu Yunyi fainted on the spot after hearing the news.

At that time, someone was saying: Mu Yunyi has hit the big luck and can be the concubine Yun.Some people also said that Mu Yunyi fainted because she was too excited.I'm afraid only Mu Yunyi knows the truth of the matter.

But it is said that when Mu Yunyi fainted, a red light suddenly flashed.This red light lingered around Mu Yunyi for a long time.Since then, this red light has been regarded as a good omen.It also convinced the emperor that Mu Yunyi was the goddess that Master Lingyin said.

A feast of Qionghua, the Muhou Mansion is a boat ride.The daughter-in-law Mu Yunqing made Qingning the princess, and gave His Royal Highness Li Wang the title of concubine.Although this marriage was not so happy, Chu Limo is also a prince after all.Not to mention Mu Yunyi, who is a concubine, has become Concubine Yun.

Muhou Mansion.Several hours have passed since the Qionghua Banquet ended.When Mu Yunyi was carried back to the mansion, Cheng Yue was frightened.Until Mu Yuanfeng sullenly told Cheng Yue what happened at the banquet.Cheng Yue herself didn't know whether to be happy or worried?Yi'er is still pregnant with Chu Feiyang's child, but the emperor wants to take Yi'er as his concubine.

The emperor still doesn't know that Yi'er is pregnant with a child. If he knows, can Yi'er live in the palace?
All of this happened too suddenly.In just two months, the mansion has changed drastically.

That night, when Mu Yunyi woke up and knew that she was going to become the emperor's concubine, she was crying and making noises, making the entire Mu Mansion restless.But no matter how noisy she is, this cannot change the fact that she must enter the palace to be the emperor's concubine.

"Yi'er! You can stop making trouble, can you! The emperor has issued an order, and you can't go into the palace if you don't want to! If you don't enter the palace to be a concubine, then you are resisting the order!" Cheng Yue from the beginning Shocked to have accepted this fact by now.She can fight with the women in this mansion, but if she fights with the emperor, with the imperial power, that is simply courting death!Having said that, Yi'er enters the palace to be Concubine Yun.Since this is the case, it means that the emperor still loves Yi'er very much, otherwise he would not have sealed Concubine Yun.Besides, they have no way out.

"Mother! I don't want to enter the palace. I don't want to be the emperor's concubine. I don't want to be some kind of concubine Yun. I just want to marry His Highness Yue Wang. I love His Highness, and I will not enter the palace." She just died , she will never enter the palace to be the emperor's woman.

"Yi'er, you still think about him. Have you forgotten how your brother died?" Cheng Yue always remembered that her own Ze'er died tragically, at the hands of the people in the Yue Palace.

"No, mother. Listen to me, Ze'er was not killed by His Highness, but someone deliberately poured this sewage on His Highness. Mother, you have to trust me, Your Highness! Help me, I don't want to enter Palace. I don’t want it! I’m going to find His Highness, I’m going to find His Highness!” Mu Yunyi has become insane.Too many things happened that day, and she experienced too many blows.First it was about His Highness and Mu Shuiwan, and now she suddenly became Concubine Yun.She doesn't want this status, she doesn't want to be Concubine Yun.

"Have you had enough nonsense? If you don't want to enter the palace, you must also enter the palace for me. Stop thinking about Chu Feiyang, and remember that you will be the emperor's concubine in the future. If you don't want to die, just forget about him. These days , you just stay in the room and think about it for me. Wait to enter the palace." Mu Yuanfeng scolded angrily.

"Mother!" Mu Yunyi cried and threw herself into Cheng Yue's arms in a burst of despair.

What should she do?What should she do?
(End of this chapter)

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