The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 189 The Death of Emperor Sougong’s Eldest Son

Chapter 189 The Death of Emperor Sougong’s Eldest Son (1)
Yunqing Court.

"Miss, the matter has been settled. But miss, will the emperor really not blame the princess for beating the princess?" Xiaoxiao was still a little worried.But I really feel that today is too exciting.Miss not only taught the arrogant princess a lesson with Miss Su and Miss Feng, but also made the second lady and the eldest lady of the second uncle's family suffer a lot.Now the princess is probably still lying on the bed unable to move.As for Mu Shuiwan, she probably has no face to face others.

But after hearing today's news that the young lady has granted the title of Princess Qingning and married him to the rumored sick Nine Emperor Uncle in the capital, I can't help but feel a little worried. "Miss, do you really want to marry His Royal Highness Prince Li?" Xiaoxiao was sent by Yun Qing to handle errands at that time, and even when she was out of the palace, Xiaoxiao went out of the palace with Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan.So I haven't seen what Chu Limo looks like, but there have been rumors in the capital that Chu Limo is in poor health and will not live past the age of 21.She didn't want her young lady to become a widow before she got married.How miserable that must be!
"What are you worried about. Don't you know who your young lady is?" Yun Qing smiled lightly.Dare to beat Chu Qiaoyang is naturally sure.Otherwise, why would she cause trouble for herself.Having said that, if the emperor really wanted to blame her, she would have already been blamed if she had stayed in the palace for so long.Will not wait until now.

As for marrying Chu Limo or something, that's bullshit!She would never marry Chu Limo.Never will!

It's just that Yun Qing didn't know that the emperor didn't blame them for beating Chu Qiaoyang, and it wasn't because Chu Limo helped them behind the scenes.Otherwise, how could Chu Limo so coincidentally show up just in time after Yun Qing and his party finished their lesson to Chu Qiaoyang.Didn't he come to clean up the mess for her and escort her.

Today the emperor found Tiannv and made her a concubine. The emperor is probably so happy that he won't be able to sleep tonight.The emperor was happy today, but some people probably couldn't sleep all night.

The imperial palace, Fengning Palace.

"What did you say?" The queen sat on the phoenix chair and looked at the maid kneeling below and said angrily: "You can't find your highness, you dare to come back, if you don't look for it, go quickly." The child is playful for a while.But several hours have passed, and the entire palace has been searched, but no one can be found.This made the queen anxious.

What disappointed the queen even more was that the emperor was indifferent to the disappearance of the emperor's son.Just because the emperor is a foolish prince, it is a disgrace to the emperor.I'm afraid that even if something happens to the emperor's son, the emperor will not be sad, let alone sad.

On the second day, Fengning Palace.

"I didn't find His Highness, what are you doing back here? Why don't you go and look for it quickly, go." After a night's work, the queen was much haggard.Although his emperor's son is stupid and the emperor doesn't care or love him, but in her heart, the emperor's son was born in ten months of her hard pregnancy, and the emperor's son is her life!In this harem, the emperor accompanied her through so many lonely and difficult days.

"Your Majesty, the servants of the entire imperial palace have searched all the places they should look for, but they have not found His Highness. Now there are only the emperor's bedroom and the palaces of a few ladies that have not been found." These places, there is no emperor's No one dares to go!
"Since these places haven't been found yet, why don't you go quickly." The queen was worried about her emperor's whereabouts, and she still remembered that these places were where a few slaves could break into.

The servants kneeling below looked at each other in blank dismay. Did the Empress mean to ask these servants to break into the palaces of the empresses?

(End of this chapter)

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