The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 194 Murder in the suburbs, please enter the urn

Chapter 194 Murder in the suburbs, please enter the urn (2)
"Stop chasing." Chu Feiyang shouted to stop the guard who was about to chase him out.The guards also stopped.Chu Feiyang's eyes turned cold when he saw the messy bloodstains all over the yard and the dead and injured guards.These guards are his personal bodyguards, and they only obey his orders.But so many people were lost all at once.Don't mention that he hates him now.Seeing the wounded guards lying on the ground, Chu Feiyang ordered in a cold tone, "Take them down to bandage their wounds."

"Thank you for your help." The young man in Tsing Yi bowed, raised his head, looked at Chu Feiyang, and said in surprise, but also in disbelief: "What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet His Royal Highness Yue Wang here. What's more Unexpectedly, the owner of this Zhuangzi belongs to you, His Highness Yue Wang."

"You are?" Chu Feiyang couldn't remember who this boy was for a moment.There were too many things that happened in the past two days, and his mind was in a mess.

"His Highness Yue Wang, don't you remember? We met once." The young man smiled.He didn't care about his injured arm that was still bleeding.

"It's you!" Chu Feiyang seemed to have remembered something.He looked at the young man in Tsing Yi in surprise.If he remembered correctly, this boy was the one who was with Yechen at that time.He still remembered that Yechen called the boy 'kiss' very affectionately.However, why did he appear here?How could he be hunted down by those people.

"Has your Highness finally remembered who I am?" The young man smiled and said, "But I really have a fate with His Highness Yue Wang. You can meet people in the suburbs of Beijing. Thank you, Your Highness, for saving Yunyin's life. Today For your kindness, Yunyin will definitely repay it in the future."

Yunyin!This boy is called Yunyin.Chu Feiyang looked at the bleeding wound on Yunyin's hand, and remembered that Yunyin seemed to have an extraordinary relationship with Yechen.Wen Sheng said: "It is fate to meet you here. The so-called draw your sword to help when you see injustice. You are welcome, Mr. Yun. Please come in and bandage the wound, Mr. Yun."

"Thank you." Yun Yin said.

After the wound was bandaged, Yun Yin said sincerely once again, "Thank you, Your Highness."

"It's a trivial matter, it's nothing to worry about. But Mr. Yun don't call me His Highness anymore. Seeing Mr. Yun's age, if you don't mind, just call me Brother Feiyang. I'm just a commoner now. Don't worry." I'm sorry for Mr. Yun's Highness." Chu Feiyang sighed.

"Why is this? Your did you...what happened?"

"It's a long story, so don't mention it." Chu Feiyang sighed and looked at Yun Yin.

"If Your Highness believes in Yun Yin, you can tell Yun Yin. Maybe Yun Yin can help a group of His Highnesses." Yun Yin raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

"Help me?" Chu Feiyang shook his head, smiled wryly, and said, "Young Master Yun can't help me with this matter." He is already a commoner, from a high-ranking prince to a nothing in an instant, The common people who have nothing.

"Could it be that the prince doesn't trust Yun Yin?" Yun Yin stared at Chu Feiyang with raised eyebrows and confident eyes.

Chu Feiyang raised his head and looked at Yunyin, a boy who was only fourteen or fifteen years old. His confident appearance reminded him of the forces behind Yunyin. As long as the forces behind Yunyin were willing to help him, why would he not get this? What about the world?
"Master Yun can really help me?"

"Of course. I, Yun Yin, will repay my favor. Your Highness saved my life. No matter how His Highness wants me to help you, I will never break my promise." Yun Yin looked at Chu Feiyang again and said: "But Your Highness Can you tell Yun Yin what happened? Why did His Highness become a commoner again?"

Chu Feiyang looked at Yunyin, seeing that Yunyin really wanted to repay this life-saving grace.But it's true, Yun Yin is from the rivers and lakes, isn't the rivers and lakes people who value life-saving grace the most, and should repay it with springs?
Looking at Yunyin, Chu Feiyang suddenly had some thoughts in his heart.Maybe, he could rely on Yunyin's relationship to get Yechen's help.After thinking about it, Chu Feiyang slowly said that he was wronged for the death of the eldest son of the emperor.And how he was demoted to a commoner by his father, and how the emperor didn't believe him, he said it all with embellishment.

After listening to Chu Feiyang's words, Yun Yin patted the table hard, and said angrily: "It is obvious that someone deliberately framed His Highness. Doesn't the Emperor know what kind of person His Highness is? How can the Emperor not believe His Highness's explanation? .”

"You trust me." Chu Feiyang looked at Yunyin.

Yun Yin nodded: "Of course I believe in Your Highness. Although I have only met His Highness twice, I absolutely believe in His Highness's character. Your Highness will never kill the eldest son of the emperor. If His Highness really does not care about siblings like that How can a person who is so wicked save Yunyin's life?"

Of course you didn't kill him?Yun Yin smiled coldly in his heart.

Listening to Yun Yin's words, Chu Feiyang couldn't help smiling wryly.Even a person who has only seen him twice is willing to believe him.But what about the father?There was no chance for him to explain, and he was convicted based on the words of a few servants.Put his mother and concubine into the cold palace, and demoted him to a commoner.

What are common people?The common man is that he will never have the opportunity to ascend to the high position of imperial power in his life.

He used to think that his father really doted on his mother and concubine, and that he was the prince.But it was only this matter that he really saw clearly that his father had never really believed in him. What he believed in was only the imperial power in his hands.

Since he doesn't believe in himself, then don't blame him for not thinking about the love between father and son!
"Okay. Since Mr. Yun said that he wants to repay his life-saving grace, there is no need to wait later, it can be done now." Chu Feiyang said.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, since Yun Yin promised to repay your life-saving grace, Yun Yin will never break his promise." Yun Yin raised an eyebrow: "Your Highness, tell me, what do you need Yun Yin to do for you?"

"I need to see Mr. Yechen." Chu Feiyang said.

Yun Yin may be able to help him, but Yechen is the only one who can really help him the most.

"Okay." Yun Yin replied.Looking outside again, "Yun Yin won't bother His Highness anymore, I'll take my leave first. Yun Yin will send someone to notify His Highness when the time comes."

"Then I'll wait here for news from Mr. Yun." Chu Feiyang said warmly.Watching Yun Yin leave, his eyes turned cold.This world will be his after all!

(End of this chapter)

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