The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 195 Bringing her grandfather to hire

Chapter 195 Bringing her grandfather to hire (1)
Mufu, Yunqingyuan.

"Miss, you..." Xiaoxiao couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw the cuts Miss made on her hand in order to make things look more realistic.

"Nongyue, have you found Yechen?" Yun Qing didn't care about the injury on his hand at all.If you don't do it more realistically, how can you deceive Chu Feiyang's eyes.But Chu Feiyang still didn't seem to believe her, and insisted on seeing Yechen.It's just that this guy Yechen has disappeared since the last incident.Are you still avoiding her because of what happened last time?
Nongyue shook her head.The master's whereabouts have always been uncertain.

asshole!Yun Qing cursed fiercely in her heart.Every time he wanted to ask him for help, the bastard Yechen disappeared without a trace.This feeling of not being under his own control made Yun Qing firmer in his determination to have his own power as soon as possible.

"Miss, I have hired you from the Prince's Mansion. Master Hou, please hurry over." The butler did not come in but stood outside the door to report.Since what happened last time, his attitude towards Miss Yunqing has always been respectful.

Chu Limo hired?Yun Qing's face darkened, what kind of trouble did this guy come to cause.Didn't you already tell him?She will never marry.

The butler cautiously scanned the room and saw that the eldest lady did not reply. The butler had a strange expression on his face and had to step forward to remind him cautiously: "Missy, His Royal Highness Li Wang is still waiting."

Yun Qing nodded, and said expressionlessly: "I see. You go and report to father first, and I will come over after changing clothes."

Yun Qing changed the bloody clothes, bandaged the wound on his arm again, and then walked forward slowly.

When Yun Qing came to the main hall, he saw that Chu Limo was already sitting there with a cold face, without a hint of a smile.That cold face seemed as if someone owed him money and hadn't paid it back.And Mu Yuanfeng sat beside him with an embarrassing expression on his face.By the way, didn't this master come to hire you?How do you feel that this is not to hire but to ask for trouble.

However, for things like the next appointment, it is generally necessary to invite respected elders to come together.But Chu Limo has no elders.In Da Chu, Chu Limo's status is very high, except for the emperor who is his brother, no one can be considered as Chu Limo's elder.But Yi Chu Limo's indifferent temperament would not invite the old emperor to hire him.Moreover, Chu Limo hadn't left the mansion for more than ten years, and Chu Limo didn't even know those famous elders in the capital.

"I met my father." Yun Qing said calmly.

"Qing'er is here." In front of Chu Limo, Mu Yuanfeng's eyes were full of kindness and kindness.Yun Qing only felt sick for a while with the pretended loving father.

"Qingqing." Seeing Yun Qing, Chu Limo's paralyzed face finally showed a little smile.

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, and warned with his eyes: What are you doing here?
Chu Limo also seemed to understand the meaning in Yun Qing's eyes, and smiled back: Of course I'm here to hire you!
"Qing girl."

There was loud laughter outside the door.Hearing that voice, he knew he was in a good mood.

Grandpa is here!Yun Qing was taken aback.Grandpa has never stepped into the Mufu since his mother passed away.I seldom go out.Unless it is going out to fight.But why is grandpa here at this time?Yun Qing stared at Chu Limo who was sitting there in a daze. He invited grandpa here?

Hearing the sound, Mu Yuanfeng hurried out to meet him.For this old man, Mu Yuanfeng was still very afraid.This is also the reason why for so many years, she obviously hated Yun Qing's daughter, but did not dare to do anything to her.

(End of this chapter)

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