The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 200 Eating too much fish is not good for getting sick

Chapter 200 Eating too much fish is not good for getting sick (2)
Seeing Yechen eating so painfully, Yunqing stood aside and laughed.Seeing Yun Qing who was smiling so happily, Yechen looked at Yun Qing with a resentful expression.After she was almost done laughing, Yun Qing said, "Can I still ride a horse?"

If they don't go back, they probably will sleep here tonight.Yun Qing didn't want to sleep in this wild place for one night at all.

"No. Qingqing, I want you to help me."

"What did you say?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Chen, thinking he had heard wrong.

"Help me." Ye Chen's weak voice.

"It seems that the potency of this medicine is not enough! Do you want me to add a little more for you?" But it is not an antidote, but a laxative that should be given more heavily.

"Qingqing, I..." Before he could finish speaking, Ye Chen's face suddenly became extremely uncomfortable, and those cold eyes turned scarlet.

"Yechen, what's wrong with you?" Yun Qing turned around, and saw Yechen's strange face and those scarlet eyes.At this time, Yechen seemed to be enduring with all his strength.Look very painful. "Yechen, what's the matter with you?" Yun Qing was also startled when he had never seen Yechen like this before. Could it be that he became like this just because she poisoned him.wrong!Yun Qing glanced at Ye Chen, Ye Chen definitely did not become like this because she just poisoned her.Judging by his appearance, it seems that he has been poisoned by some kind of poison.Or to be more precise, he had some strange disease.

"Go. Go quickly!" Yechen's scarlet eyes became extremely cold.There was a violent killing intent in those cold eyes.

"Yechen..." Yun Qing's expression darkened, and he shouted in a low voice.Although she didn't know what happened to Ye Chen's current state, she would never just leave like this.

"Go! You go!" Ye Chen seemed to be on the verge of endurance, the masked face was also abnormally pale, Ye Chen's whole body seemed to be in a sheet of ice.The hands under the sleeves clutched his chest tightly.Obviously suffering from severe pain.Those scarlet eyes exuded a strong murderous look.But with a bit of rationality, he tried his best to endure.

"Yechen, look clearly, who I am." Although Yun Qing didn't leave, she didn't get too close either.Yechen with this appearance is like a ticking time bomb, which will explode at some point.

As if hearing a familiar voice, Yechen yelled in pain, "Qingqing, I'm so uncomfortable. Don't come close to me, don't come close to me." But the fury that was about to burst out of his body seemed to be uncontrollable.Yechen looked at Yunqing with scarlet eyes, as if looking at a prey, he slowly walked towards Yunqing step by step.A cold smile crossed the bloodthirsty lips, and those scarlet eyes had nothing but killing intent.And Yechen kept saying, "Kill you all...Kill you all. You all go to die. You all go to die."

Seeing this state, Ye Chen had become a Ye Chen beyond her control, Yun Qing was startled, watching Ye Chen retreat vigilantly.At this moment, Yun Qing had no way out, and Ye Chen obviously didn't know who she was anymore.Yun Qing took out the dagger from his sleeve, since there was no way out, he would try his best to fight.She didn't believe that she would be so unlucky to die in Yechen's hands.

Before Yun Qing could make a move, Ye Chen slapped Yun Qing with a sharp palm.Yun Qing was shocked immediately.He was so frightened that he hurriedly dodged it, but after dodging the palm, Ye Chen's next sharp palm came over again.This slap was extremely fast, if she couldn't dodge it, she would be seriously injured if she didn't die.Seeing that the palm was about to be slapped towards him, Yun Qing's figure moved and dodged in a dangerous way.

(End of this chapter)

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