The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 201 Eating too much fish is not good for getting sick

Chapter 201 Eating too much fish is not good for getting sick (3)
But the more Yun Qing was like this, the more he stimulated Ye Chen, and the palm wind became more fierce.Yechen seemed to have inexhaustible strength.Wherever the palm wind goes, there are remnants.Yun Qing had no way to attack at all, and could only dodge the fierce palm wind with all his strength.When the night wind blows, Yun Qing feels an endless chill.Now she has no other way, there are only her and Yechen here, Yechen now only sees the crazy killing, here, she can only save herself.Otherwise, he would really die miserably under the palm of Yechen.

He couldn't escape Yechen's repeated attacks.Yun Qing wasn't evading, but went straight to meet him, blindly dodging, it wasn't a solution at all.If she is physically exhausted by then, it will really be a dead end.

"You are all going to die." Yechen kept talking.Palm wind came over again wave after wave.Yun Qing dodged the fierce palm wind, and his figure moved in front of Ye Chen in an instant, and the dagger he held in his hand cut a hole in Ye Chen's body.Blood flowed out immediately.Smelling the scarlet blood, Yechen's eyes turned even redder.Stimulated by the blood, Yechen jumped up crazily.With a slap of the palm, Yun Qing couldn't dodge for a while, and was hit by the slap, and fell out hard.Yun Qing who was shot fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.Seeing Ye Chen like this, Yun Qing was anxious for a moment, but this time he didn't subdue Ye Chen, but stimulated him even more.I was also injured.

"Go to hell... all go to hell."

Seeing Ye Chen walking towards him, Yun Qing struggled to stand up from the ground.Now she really doesn't have the physical strength to deal with Ye Chen who has gone crazy.Even if she wanted to run, she couldn't. Ye Chen almost killed her with that slap just now.She can stand up now, all relying on her desire to survive.

Yechen's footsteps are getting closer and closer to Yunqing.Looking at Yechen who was approaching him, he shouted: "Yechen, wake up and see who I am." But Yechen couldn't hear Yun Qing's words at this time, there was only one thought in his mind, to kill Light them up, kill them all.Yun Qing just stood there, unable to move, watching Ye Chen approach him helplessly.

"Yechen." Yun Qing uttered a soft cry with difficulty, and spat out another mouthful of blood.She is hurt very badly.Yechen walked up to Yun Qing and stopped, his scarlet eyes looked at Yun Qing who was seriously injured and bleeding, his mind was in chaos.There seemed to be a voice in his head that kept shouting, and there seemed to be a very familiar voice that kept calling a somewhat familiar and unfamiliar name—Yechen!
Who is calling, who is Yechen!Hearing this familiar voice, a vague shadow flashed in Yechen's mind. He wanted to catch it, but found that he couldn't catch it.Unconsciously, a name came out of his mouth, "Qingqing...Qingqing." Yes, that's the name.The vague figure that flashed in his mind seemed to be called this name.Yechen couldn't help shouting again: "Qingqing...Qingqing." It seemed that he didn't know what else to call besides this name.

"Yechen." Seeing that Yechen didn't seem to have any intention of hurting herself, Yun Qing stretched out her hand, put it on Yechen's, and said softly: "Yechen, you still remember who I am, right? "Hearing this gentle voice, Yechen's manic appearance gradually calmed down.Seeing Yechen slowly calm down, Yun Qing continued to softly say: "Yechen, don't be afraid, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here." With this soft voice, Yechen's scarlet eyes also It started to spread out slowly.Taking advantage of the situation, Yun Qing used all the strength in his body to send out a silver needle, which pierced Ye Chen's acupuncture point.Looking at the person who has been stabbed by him, he will not wake up for a while and will not go crazy again.Yun Qing spat out a mouthful of blood.In the end, because of the serious injury, Zai couldn't hold on and fell beside Yechen.

(End of this chapter)

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