The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 202 She Is Your Only Antidote

Chapter 202 She Is Your Only Antidote (1)
I don't know how long it took, but when Yun Qing woke up, he could only smell a faint and quiet scent of herbs.When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a wooden house.Yun Qing moved her body, it was very painful.The pain in his chest was even hotter.Yesterday's scenes surged up in an instant.It was Yechen's palm that almost killed her.But she remembered that she stabbed Ye Chen with a silver needle, and then she fainted.She doesn't remember what happened afterwards.Now she is lying here not dead, so where is this place?
"Qingqing. Don't move, just lie down." A cool hand gently touched Yun Qing's forehead.Yechen's face was full of guilt.Qingqing became like this because of him.

"Where is this place?" Yun Qing pulled her lips.

"This is Lingyin Temple." Yechen didn't answer, a handsome man in white clothes came up from behind, Yun Qing recognized him.He is the old magic stick of Lingyin.But why did she come to Lingyin Temple?Lingyin approached and said with a smile, "It's your luck. You survived after being slapped by this kid." It can be said to be a miracle.

"You saved me." Yun Qing said.But Yun Qing was very curious. Although they were near the peak of Lingyin Temple, they were still some distance away from Lingyin Temple. How did Lingyin know they were there?Lingyin seemed to know what Yun Qing was thinking, and said with a light smile, "It's also thanks to that extremely spiritual horse. Otherwise, I would have to collect the corpses for you two."

"Qingqing, how do you feel? Is it better?"

Yun Qing shook his head, looked at Ye Chen, and couldn't help but think of his crazy appearance last night.What happened to him?Why did he look like that last night?
"Qingqing, I scared you last night." Yechen's tone was a little nervous.With his appearance last night, Qingqing must have been frightened.He still remembers what happened last night, and he almost killed Qingqing.

Yun Qing shook her head, "Yechen..." Actually, it didn't scare her very much, but she was a little surprised.Surprised why he became like that.

"Okay, you don't have to worry anymore, with the monk here, this girl will be fine." Lingyin raised her eyebrows and smiled.Not at all what an eminent monk should look like.Lingyin took a look at Yechen, looked at Yechen, and said curiously: "But I really want to know, hasn't the poison in your body been suppressed? Why did you get poisoned yesterday? You still hurt so badly This girl almost killed her. Didn't Nangong Jin give you a medicine that can be suppressed temporarily? Could it be that the medicine has expired?"

Mentioning this, Yechen's face darkened slightly.The events of yesterday came back to mind.

"Aren't you decocting medicine? Why don't you go and see the medicine?" Yechen glanced at Lingyin, obviously not wanting to mention what happened yesterday.

"Cut, do you think I don't know if you don't want to talk about it? I knew it when I healed you last night. I don't know who did a good thing that makes people happy. If I let the monk know who it is, I will definitely You have to ask him for advice, how did you come up with such a wicked idea. I will definitely ask him to teach me when the time comes, and treat you well." Lingyin raised his eyebrows, looking gloating.

Lying on the bed, Yun Qing's mouth twitched listening to Lingyin's words.This old man has a grudge against Yechen.She gave Ye Chen laxatives yesterday, she just wanted to make a joke with Ye Chen, who knew that the joke would be so big.He almost killed Ye Chen, and almost lost his own life.If she had known that Yechen had poison in her body, she would not have taken laxatives.She and Yechen had no grievances or enmities, and it hadn't reached the point where Yechen's life would be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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