The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 211 The capital will be in chaos

Chapter 211 The capital will be in chaos (2)
Hearing this news, Chu Feiyang's eyes sank.Father, father, father!Is it because of this that you didn't find out the cause of the emperor's death, and you couldn't wait to demote me to a commoner?

"Go down and prepare, tell everyone to act in five days." Chu Feiyang ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes." The guard replied respectfully.

If Yun Qing was there, he would definitely tell Chu Feiyang with a sneer: In fact, the emperor didn't know about Mu Yunyi's pregnancy at all.But now... I know.I just don't know how the emperor will feel when he knows that he has made his son's woman a concubine, and this concubine is still pregnant with his son's child?
At night, the wooden mansion was silent.A black figure flickered, and walked into the backyard of a female family in Mufu with ease.

"Your's really you. I thought I'd never see His Highness again." Mu Yunyi excitedly looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her.This was the man she wanted to marry with all her heart.

"It's me." Chu Feiyang said gently.

"Your Highness." Mu Yunyi threw herself into Chu Feiyang's arms and cried.It seems that he wants to explain all the grievances he has suffered these days. "Your Highness, I knew that His Highness had me in his heart. Your Highness, can you take me away? I don't want to enter the palace to be some kind of concubine Yun. I just want to be with Your Highness."

"Okay, don't worry, I won't let you enter the palace to be the imperial concubine Yun." Chu Feiyang patted Mu Yunyi on the shoulder and comforted him softly.

"Really?" Mu Yunyi has suffered too many blows recently, so much that she no longer feels safe.

"Well, don't be afraid. I promised you that I will marry you, and I won't let you marry someone else...even if that person is the emperor."

"Your Highness." Hearing Chu Feiyang's soft comforting words, Mu Yunyi felt more at ease, and hugged her even tighter. "I knew that His Highness would not ignore me."

"I won't leave you alone." Chu Feiyang said gently.

"Your Highness, I heard from my father that Your Highness...the Emperor...degraded His Highness to a commoner."

"It's okay. It will be fine in a few days." Isn't it?He has not seen the position of a mere prince.What he wants is the whole world.

Mu Yunyi didn't know what Chu Feiyang meant by this.He only thought that Chu Feiyang was comforting himself.But even if Chu Feiyang is not the prince, it doesn't matter, in her heart she loves Chu Feiyang, not his prince.As long as she can be with Chu Feiyang, she is willing to be a beggar.

Coming out of Yunyiyuan, Chu Feiyang headed towards Mu Yuanfeng's study.

"Master Mu, please stay safe." A gentle voice sounded in the study.

"You... why are you here?" Mu Yuanfeng was surprised when he saw Chu Feiyang who suddenly appeared in the study, his eyes filled with hatred after being surprised.It was this man in front of him who killed his only son.

"Of course I want to see how Master Hou is doing well." Chu Feiyang raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Hou was originally the head of a hundred officials under one person and above ten thousand. But because of the emperor's words, you are from hundreds of thousands of officials. The head of the official has become a marquis with a title but no real power. Are you really willing to take this position as a marquis?"

"Hmph. It's not your fault that this Marquis is like this. You are just a commoner, and you dare to show up here. It's easy for this Marquis to kill you." Mu Yuanfeng snorted coldly, furious road.

"Of course. It's easy for Lord Hou to kill me. But what about after that? Master Hou killed me, but it was just to vent the hatred in my heart. After killing me, you are still just a person without real power." It's just Master Hou. So, are you really willing, Master Hou?"

(End of this chapter)

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