The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 212 The capital will be in chaos

Chapter 212 The capital will be in chaos (3)
Not reconciled!How could he be willing?

He has been the head of a hundred officials all his life, the prime minister who holds great power.Suddenly there is nothing, how can he be reconciled.

"This king knows that Lord Hou is not willing to be a Lord without real power. If this king says, can this king help you?"

"You help me?" Mu Yuanfeng snorted coldly.He didn't forget that this person had a vendetta against killing his son, so how could he help him. "You thought Master Ben would believe your words." At the beginning, it was because he believed in him that he not only killed his daughter, but also killed his own son.

Chu Feiyang smiled warmly, and said: "If Lord Hou really doesn't believe me, he should have killed me to avenge your son when I entered the door. Although I don't want to explain, I still want to Tell Hou Ye that your son was not killed by this king. As long as Hou Ye thinks about it, he should know that this king is not guilty of killing a person who has no grievances with this king. And this person will soon become my brother-in-law .”

Chu Feiyang broke Mu Yuanfeng's mind with one word, and Chu Feiyang was right.He did have doubts in his heart. At that time, Chu Feiyang was about to marry Yun Yi. Even if something like that happened at that time, Chu Feiyang would not kill someone and turn his face against him.Because Chu Feiyang knew that it would not do him any good to turn his face against the head of a hundred officials who had held great power with him.

But Ze'er's death hit him too hard at that time, and someone proved it.All this happened later.Now that Mu Yuanfeng thinks back, all this is like a game, a game set up for him.But I don't know who is behind the scenes?

"If you want to help Benhou, I'm afraid it's not that simple. What's your purpose?" Mu Yuanfeng looked at the man in front of him.

It is said that there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.Only forever benefits.

"I need Lord Hou to do me a favor..." Chu Feiyang whispered in Mu Yuanfeng's ear.

After hearing Chu Feiyang's words, Mu Yuanfeng was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him in shock, "Why do you think Master Ben will agree to help you?"

"After the matter is completed, Mu Yunyi will be the queen, and you will not only be the queen's father... In the future national battle, you will also be the prime minister who leads hundreds of officials under one person."

lure!Absolute temptation.

As long as you take a step forward, everything you want will come true.

"Okay, Ben Hou promises to help you."

"I am waiting for the good news from Lord Hou." Chu Feiyang smiled warmly.

That night, Yunqing Garden.

"Miss, just now Chu Feiyang went to Yunyi Garden, and after a short stay, he went to Master Hou's study. The two seem to have reached some kind of agreement." Nong Hua reported.After a few days of cultivation, Nonghua's injury has healed.

"Oh." Yun Qing smiled lightly.Chu Feiyang couldn't hold back so quickly.It seems that it will take some action before we have to wait long.Yun Qing ordered: "Go down and get ready."

"Yes." Nong Hua responded and withdrew.

"Qingqing is not going to let Mu Yuanfeng go." Ye Chen said with certainty.

"Why let it go." Yun Qing looked at the man who pretended to be sick and refused to leave, and said with a smile: "But before that, I won't let him die so quickly, at least I should give him a gift." That's a great gift."

"Oh. Then I'm really looking forward to what big gift Qingqing will give." He is getting more and more curious now.

Yun Qing's eyebrows turned cold: What did that poor woman Mu Yunqing lose in her previous life, what pain did she go through.In this life, she will return it to them one by one for that poor woman.

(End of this chapter)

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