The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 215: Is Yechen You

Chapter 215: Is Yechen You (1)
Mu Yunyi also slapped Wuxin severely several times, and finally passed out from the pain, before giving up on the matter.But Wuxin is indeed quite 'proper'.Those slaps not only swollen Mu Yunyi's face, but also knocked out Mu Yunyi's teeth.It even almost killed Mu Yunyi.It's just that Wuxin still remembers his master's words: Mu Yunyi's life and the child in his stomach must be disposed of by the princess in the end.Wuxin didn't take Mu Yunyi's life immediately.

After the lesson was over, seeing Mu Yunyi not knowing whether he was dead or alive, Chu Liyou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Qing watched as Mu Yunyi, who had just been out for less than an hour, was carried back.She smiled indifferently in her heart, this was her own bad luck, it was not good to offend anyone, but she wanted to offend her.That's fine, but she was so unlucky when she was provoked, and she met Chu Liyou, who seemed innocent and harmless, but in fact, she inherited the same indifferent temperament as her brother, which is considered unlucky for Mu Yunyi.

But even if Chu Liyou let someone slap Mu Yunyi's mouth, Mu Yuanfeng didn't dare to say a word.After Mu Yunyi was completely knocked out.The guard named Wuxin stopped, Mu Yuanfeng pleaded guilty, and immediately had Mu Yunyi carried down.Chu Liyou didn't come to the Mu Mansion to find Mu Yuanfeng, so naturally he wouldn't stop him.Seeing her only daughter being beaten into such a state, Cheng Yue cried to death, and hurriedly followed.When he left, he glared at Yun Qing with hatred.Yun Qing raised her eyebrows and smiled disapprovingly.

"The concubine is also resigning first." Su Mei is not a dull person either.Seeing that the eldest princess was looking for the eldest lady, she saluted and then withdrew.

"Liyou, why are you here?" Yun Qing said as they were the only ones left in the garden, looking at Chu Liyou.

Chu Liyou curled his lips and said, "You're still talking. Didn't you promise me to accompany me to take a good look around the capital? It's been so many days since you came to see me. I came to see you two days ago and even you I haven't seen anyone. Then I have no choice but to come to the Hou's mansion to find you in person."

Yun Qing was speechless, looked at Chu Liyou, and said, "So you want to go now?" But she has important things to do now.There is no time to go shopping with her at all.

"No." Chu Liyou shook his head, and looked at Yun Qing sincerely and pleadingly, "Now there is a more important matter that needs your help. After my brother is sick, I won't see anyone, even me. I'm worried about my brother, can you go to Li Wangfu to see my brother."

"You are his own younger sister. He doesn't even want to see you. So what if I go to Li Wang's mansion? He won't see me either." Yun Qing didn't think that he had such a big face that he could make Chu Limo See you for yourself.

"No. Brother will definitely meet you." Chu Liyou said affirmatively: "Brother has not been out of the house for more than ten years, but the first time he left the house, he accepted the marriage gift from the emperor. Brother, he likes you Otherwise, my brother would never agree to this marriage." Chu Liyou looked at Yun Qing expectantly and said sincerely: "Yun Qing, why don't you just go and see your brother?"

Yun Qing sighed helplessly, nodded and agreed.Who made her recognize Chu Liyou as a friend?For Chu Liyou's sake, she went to see if Chu Limo was dead or alive.

At the same time, she also wanted to prove one thing.To confirm whether it is what she guessed.

From the palace is located in the most central seat of the capital.It is quite strange to say that Chu Limo built the mansion in the most central seat of the capital, the emperor did not get angry, but let him go.But these are not what Yun Qing cares about.After leaving the Mu Mansion, go straight to the East Street for two blocks and you will arrive at the Li Wang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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