The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 216: Is Yechen You

Chapter 216: Is Yechen You (2)
Standing at the gate of Li Wang's Mansion, there is a very strange feeling.It seems that this mansion does not exist at all, but it really exists.There are no guards outside the gate of Li Wangfu.The gate was also closed tightly, and there were only a few passers-by in a hurry on the few streets near the palace.It seems to be avoiding something.

"What's going on here." Yun Qing has always felt very accurate, and this feeling can't go wrong.She was absolutely right.

"It's a phantom formation. The formation technique master created." Chu Liyou paused, and said, "Even though my brother was poisoned, people always wanted my brother to die. Since I was a child, my brother was assassinated several times almost every day. Later, in order to protect his elder brother and prevent people from breaking into Li Wang's mansion, the master set up a phantom formation outside Li Wang's mansion. No one took him away, as long as he entered this formation, he would definitely die. And the passers-by you just saw seemed to be avoiding What, it was more than ten years ago, when the formation was just set up, innocent people broke in accidentally. Later, someone died near the palace for no reason. Since then, no one dared to get close gone."

It turned out that someone had set up a formation here.No wonder Li Wang's mansion doesn't need a doorman anymore.

But now Yun Qing understands a little bit, and understands why Chu Limo's temperament is so cold and heartless.Because they are the same kind of people.

Yun Qing glanced at the array laid out, and said lightly: "Let's go."

With Chu Liyou leading the way, this formation could not hurt Yun Qing.Entering Li Wang's mansion, a fragrance of medicinal herbs came to his nostrils.This smell is very familiar, Yun Qing remembered that Chu Limo's body was carrying this faint herbal smell at that time.Now the entire Prince Li Mansion smells like this herb, it seems that Chu Limo is really seriously ill.

Yun Qing looked at the scenery of Li Wang's Mansion as he walked, and everything was in perfect order.But Yun Qing also felt it, and set up formations in Li Wang's mansion.Thinking about it now, Yun Qing didn't think it was strange why he was chased and killed when he met Chu Limo twice.

Since seeing her brother at the Qionghua Banquet last time, she hasn't seen him for several days.Now she is really worried.As soon as he came in now, Chu Li anxiously walked to the Liyuan where Chu Limo lived.Yun Qing also hurriedly followed.She didn't want to be trapped in this formation and couldn't get out.

"Miss, the master ordered that no one should be allowed in." As soon as he arrived at the gate of the Liyuan where Chu Limo lived, he was stopped by Wu Qing who suddenly appeared.

"Presumptuous. Get out of the way. I'm going to see my brother." Chu Liyou scolded with warmth and anger.

Yun Qing lazily stood leaning against the pear tree beside her.The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.This Chu Limo lives in a house that is different from others.Actually planted a large pear tree in the place where he lived.

"This subordinate can't follow orders. Miss, please leave." Wuqing said blankly.

"So what if I don't leave, do you still want to do something to me? If you dare to do something to me, I will tell my brother to send you to Unfeeling Mountain."

"Subordinates won't do anything to Miss, and they can't let Miss in." Wu Qing was not afraid of Chu Liyou's threat.Still expressionless.

"You..." Chu Liyou was so angry that he was about to jump, this person was as annoying as Wuxin.Now she really regrets that she didn't learn the kung fu that her master taught her, otherwise she would have to beat the two guys Wuqing and Wuxin all over the place, and see if the two of them dare to bully her by relying on brother's orders in the future, don't they? . "You really won't let me in?"

"Yes. The master's orders cannot be disobeyed by subordinates."

(End of this chapter)

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