The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 217: Is Yechen You

Chapter 217: Is Yechen You (3)
"Okay, okay, okay." Chu Liyou said three good words in a row, looking at the ruthless and angry, "You won't let me in, I just want to go in today." After saying that, he had already pulled out a soft whip from his waist up.Looking at it like this, Chu Liyou was about to force his way in.

Yun Qing leaned against the tree and raised her eyebrows and smiled. It seems that members of the Chu family, no matter if they are men or women, all have a bad temper, and beat people when they disagree with each other.

But Chu Liyou's kung fu is really not that good.Dealing with a master like Wuqing didn't even hurt a piece of his clothes.But fortunately, Wuqing knew who the woman in front of him was, so he didn't make a move.Just dodge unhurriedly.

"Li You..." Yun Qing called softly.Liyou is not a ruthless hand at all.Besides, she didn't come here to watch the two of them fight.Before Yun Qing finished speaking, Wu Qing dodged the whip that Chu Liyou swung towards Wu Qing, but the whip landed on the pear tree, and immediately, "Ah..." Yun Qing screamed.When Chu Liyou came back to look, Yun Qingzao had already disappeared.And the pear tree at the gate of the pear garden where they were standing just now has been changing extremely fast.

"Yunqing... where are you?" Chu Liyou shouted anxiously.But there was no voice from Yun Qing.

"Miss, it's dangerous." Seeing the danger approaching, Wu Qing hurriedly pulled Chu Liyou away.

Seeing Yun Qing who suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, Chu Li was anxious and said, "I'm going to save Yun Qing, I'm going to save her, let me go."

"Miss, you can't go. Now that the formation has been activated, you don't understand this formation. If you break in like this, you will only be hurt by this formation."

"Aren't you following brother? You can crack this formation, right?"

"Subordinates won't. Only your master and master know about this formation. Also...the master is not in the mansion right now."

"What? My brother is not here. What should I do then? What if Yunqing is still inside?" It was all her, she was the one who asked Yunqing to come, and now my brother is not here.Yun Qing was trapped by the formation and it was she who harmed Yun Qing.If something really happened to Yun Qing, she would not be able to forgive herself.Thinking of this, Chu Liyou felt even more anxious and guilty.

No, she can't let something happen to Yun Qing.Chu Liyou thought about it, since his brother knew, as long as he found his brother, Yun Qing would be saved.Looking at Wuqing, he said: "Where did brother go? You quickly find brother."

"Miss, don't worry, the subordinate will send a signal to the master immediately."

At this time, the pear blossom tree formation.Every time Yun Qing took a step, Li Shu moved at an extremely fast speed and blocked the road in front of him.No matter how fast Yun Qing runs, the road ahead will be blocked.But Yun Qing had to run again, if he didn't run, those moving pear trees would move at an extremely fast speed and attack him.

Damn it!Yun Qing cursed in her heart.What a broken place, what a broken formation, and she was involved.When she breaks through this formation, she must settle the score with Chu Limo when she goes out, and set up a pear tree formation.

Another pear tree was chasing towards him, looking at these moving trees, Yun Qing ran forward vigorously.But she was running fast, but she couldn't run faster than these.

It's a pity that when she was studying art with her master, the master was a genius who taught her all the skills in her body, but at that time she only learned how to kill at a very fast speed to ensure that she would not be killed by the enemy.Everything else is half-baked.If she had been learning the formation back then, she wouldn't be so embarrassed and had to run away today.

I don't know how long he ran, Yun Qing could only keep running as fast as possible.At this time, a house suddenly appeared in front of him, and Yun Qing was overjoyed.This house must be lived by that bastard Chu Limo.Just run to the house and she'll be safe.

"Chu Limo..." Yun Qing shouted while running.But after shouting for a long time, there was no sign of Chu Limo.

Watching the house get closer and closer.As long as she runs over, she's safe.But when Yun Qing really ran close, she had a look.There is also a lake in front.And across the lake is the house.Yun Qing gritted his teeth angrily, where the hell does this bastard live?

Seeing all this, Yun Qing calmed down, she just didn't see Chu Limo after shouting for so long.Then it shows that what she sees now may also be an illusion.After all, the formation outside the Prince Li's Mansion is the 'Phantom Formation'.Thinking about it this way, Yun Qing didn't run away anymore.If these things are phantoms, then these pear trees may also be fake.As long as she finds a real pear tree, she won't be chased so badly.

"Hiss...the pear tree is real." Before Yun Qing could react, the pear tree rushed over and surrounded Yun Qing tightly.Yun Qing accidentally injured his arm.Looking at the bleeding arm, Yun Qing became angry, "You dare to hurt me. Believe it or not, I will burn you all."

But this pear tree formation is set up for the enemy, and the enemy will not stop until they die.Unless you can break the formation.Otherwise, they will chase you endlessly.

Yun Qing was forced to retreat to the lake, just now she was thinking that all of this was an illusion, since it is real, it means that the lake she sees now is also real.She has been in for so long, but she has not seen Chu Liyou come to save her.Sure enough, it wasn't that she was also trapped in the formation, that is, she couldn't get in at all.

No one came to save her, and she had to save herself.

looked at the lake.Yun Qing thought to herself: She won't be so unlucky that she has to jump into the lake to save herself.

"Ah..." a cry came out.There was no time for Yun Qing to think about it, those pear trees had already trapped her to death, she had to jump if she didn't jump.Before jumping down, Yun Qing shouted: "Chu Limo, if I die, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go."


"Brother, you are finally here." Chu Liyou looked at Chu Limo who suddenly appeared with an anxious and excited expression.As long as her brother comes, Yun Qing will be fine.But with the scream just now, she didn't dare to think about what happened to Yun Qing...

Chu Limo's indifferent eyes glanced at Chu Liyou and said nothing, his hand touched somewhere, and all the pear trees that were still turning just now stopped.



With a splash, Yun Qing seemed to hear the sound of falling into the water.He tried his best to open his eyes, and seemed to see a very familiar person wearing a silver mask to save himself.Why?At this time, she would think that he had come to save herself.

"Qingqing." A familiar whisper came from beside her ear.Yes, only he will keep calling himself Qingqing...

Yun Qing in the lake opened his eyes and looked at the person who jumped down, is it really him?
" that really you?"

"Qingqing...don't be afraid!" A gentle voice murmured beside her ear.But Yun Qing's consciousness became weaker and weaker, and she gradually closed her eyes.But there was a feeling of deja vu on the lips, crisp and numb.who kissed her lips...

Who else whispered the name 'Qingqing' in her ear...

(End of this chapter)

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