The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 218 I Hate People Surnamed Chu

Chapter 218 I Hate People Surnamed Chu (1)
I don't know how long I slept, but Yun Qing was woken up anyway.

"Brother, I know I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?" Chu Liyou's coquettish voice came from next to my ear.

"Master, this subordinate is willing to accept any punishment." It was a ruthless voice.

"Brother... This matter has nothing to do with Wuqing, I caused it." Although she hates Wuqing very much, she doesn't want Wuqing to be punished because of her impulsiveness.The punishment in Unfeeling Mountain is life-threatening.

"Twenty responsibilities. Unintentionally carry out." It was Chu Limo's cool voice.


It was the voices of Ruthless and Wuxin.

After hearing this punishment, Chu Liyou didn't dare to say any more, she lowered her head guiltily, she knew that her brother was showing mercy.

Chu Limo's cold eyes glanced at Chu Liyou's tone, and there was no warmth in his tone, only Chu Limo's cool voice was heard, "You trespassed in the Liyuan, hurt Qingqing..."

"Master." Ruthlessly shouted.Seeing the master like this, he is going to punish even the young lady.

Chu Limo glanced at Wuqing coldly, and Wuqing didn't dare to say anything.Chu Liyou stood aside with her head down, tears were about to fall. "elder brother."

"Cough cough..." Yun Qing who was lying on the bed coughed lightly.She guessed that if she woke up, Chu Limo would even punish her own sister.

"Qingqing, you're awake." Hearing the voice, Chu Limo didn't care about how to deal with Chu Liyou, and hurriedly stepped forward and said softly, "Qingqing still feels uncomfortable."

Yun Qing shook her head, she was accidentally injured after being attacked by those pear trees, and it was precisely because of this that she was forced to jump into the lake.But at that moment, she clearly felt that the pear trees that attacked her had powerful drugs, otherwise she wouldn't be in a daze when she fell into the lake.

"Yunqing, save me quickly, my brother is going to punish me." She was not afraid of being punished by her brother for twenty, fifty or more, but she was afraid that her brother would punish her to go back to Lingyin Temple and Unfeeling Mountain.If she goes back this time, my brother will definitely let her be strictly guarded in the future, and she will never come out again.

Looking at the completely different personalities of these two brothers and sisters, one is indifferent, the other is innocent and lively.It's really hard to imagine them as siblings.

"It's okay, the big deal is that I will be punished together with you." Yun Qing comforted with a smile: "I also broke into the pear orchard without authorization and destroyed a few pear trees. I believe my punishment will be more serious than yours."

"Yun Qing, I'm sorry. I hurt you." Chu Liyou was about to cry again while speaking.With her brother's personality, if Yun Qing destroyed the pear tree, even if her brother liked Yun Qing, he would definitely lose face.

"Chu Limo, you heard it too. You can decide what to do with it." Yun Qing said, "But your pear tree hurt my arm, so what do you want to do with it?"

"It hurt Qingqing, burn them all and let Qingqing vent her anger, okay?" Chu Limo looked at Yunqing's injured arm with distressed eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Yun Qing froze for a moment.I don't know how to explain this, it's really a pity to burn these pear trees.Also, if these pear trees are burned, the formations arranged will be gone.At that time, if anyone broke in and killed Chu Limo, it would mean that she indirectly killed him.Although she doesn't like Chu Limo.But it wasn't cruel enough to kill him.

Chu Liyou was also dumbfounded.What did brother just say?

The elder brother actually said that he would burn all the pear trees to vent his anger on Yun Qing.That is his favorite pear tree!My brother never allowed anyone to hurt those pear trees.Even if they sometimes touch each other to pick some pear blossoms, brother will be angry.Today my brother actually wanted to burn the pear tree because of Yun Qing.Chu Liyou couldn't help re-evaluating Yun Qing seriously.In the end, I came to a conclusion: my brother must have fallen in love with Yun Qing if he could do this.

(End of this chapter)

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