The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 226 Su Mei Miscarriage

Chapter 226 Su Mei Miscarriage (3)
The garden was already in chaos, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Cheng Yue and Su Mei stared at the place with hatred, wishing they could go up and tear each other apart.

"Stop it all, what are you doing?" Mu Yuanfeng immediately became angry when he saw this scene.shouted loudly.

This sound immediately made everyone stop.

"What are you doing?" Mu Yuanfeng glanced coldly at the miserable scene in the garden.

"Master Hou... You have to decide for me." Seeing Mu Yuanfeng, Cheng Yue and Su Mei cried at the same time.

"Shut up." Mu Yuanfeng looked at the two people and said angrily, "What's going on? Why didn't you take care of Yi'er in the house and come to the garden?" Mu Yuanfeng looked at Cheng Yue and said coldly.Cheng Yue's heart suddenly turned cold.This is the man she has loved for more than ten years.Up to now, all the faults can only be blamed on her alone.The more Mu Yuanfeng shielded Su Mei, the more Cheng Yue hated her.Looking at Su Mei's eyes can quench the poison.

"And you, don't raise your baby in the house anymore. What are you doing in the garden? You want all the people in the capital to know that Ben Hou Ye's backyard is not peaceful, and you want all the people in the capital to come to see Ben Hou Ye Is it a joke?"

"Master Hou... I don't dare, I know I'm wrong." Su Mei forcefully forced back the tears in her eyes with grievance.Seeing Su Mei admitting her mistake, Mu Yuanfeng thought that she was still pregnant, so he couldn't bear to scold her any more, his tone softened, and said, "Go back." After finishing speaking, he cast a cold look at these bloody people. The maids turned their eyes to Cheng Yue and said displeasedly: "Don't cause trouble in the mansion for me. Now go back and look after Yi'er." The eyes of looking at Cheng Yue have long since lost their original favor, only Disgusted.

"Yes. The concubine is resigning." Cheng Yue's eyes were dark and cold.

There was a smug smile on Su Mei's face, and she walked slowly past Cheng Yue with her proud eyebrows raised, "Ah..." There was a cry of surprise, and then Su Mei fell to the ground without knowing what happened .

It happened so suddenly, I was caught off guard.Cheng Yue also froze for a moment, watching Su Mei fall beside her.

"Meier..." Mu Yuanfeng's voice.

"Stomach, my hurts so much. Lord Hou, save our child." Su Mei said in pain.

Su Mei's body was already stained with blood, it was so bright red, so dazzling.

"Miss, miss, it's not good, something happened..." Xiaoxiao hurried in.

"What made you panic like this." Yun Qing smiled lightly.This little girl, who has been with her for so long, has not gotten rid of her impatience and is in a hurry when encountering little things.

"Miss... Madam Seven has had a miscarriage."

"Miscarriage?" Yun Qing was a little surprised.At this time, Su Mei had a miscarriage, but Mu Yuanfeng still died of anger.

"Yeah." Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously, "I heard from people in the mansion that the Seventh Madam had a miscarriage because of the Second Madam, and it was still in front of Lord Hou."

Cheng Yue would be so stupid?Wouldn't Su Mei be digging his own grave if Su Mei had a miscarriage in front of Mu Yuanfeng?

"How is Madam Seven now?" Yun Qing asked.

Xiaoxiao shook her head, "After the seventh lady knew that her child was gone, she couldn't bear the blow and passed out. She hasn't woken up yet. However, when the servant just came over, I heard that Lord Hou was going to kill the second lady in the main hall Woolen cloth."

"Oh." Yun Qing smiled lightly, "Then let's go over and have a look." She wanted to see, at this juncture, whether Mu Yuanfeng would really kill Cheng Yue with this child.

In the main hall, Yun Qing just stood outside the door and didn't come in. Cheng Yue was kneeling in the main hall, with a handprint still on his face.It seems that before this, Cheng Yue has already suffered a beating.

"Master Hou, the concubine is wronged. You have to trust the concubine, even if the concubine is cruel, she will not harm the child in her stomach." That's right, she was wronged.She would not be so stupid as to harm Su Mei's child in front of Mu Yuanfeng.But she didn't expect that Su Mei, a bitch, could be so cruel. In order to frame her, she could give up the child in her belly.

"You still dare to quibble. Mei'er fell in front of you at that time. Would she have fallen if you hadn't pushed her? Are you blind?"

"No. The concubine didn't push her." Cheng Yue explained sadly crying.My heart has become cold.

"Father, you trust mother, mother would never do that. Maybe it was Su Mei who fell on the ground on purpose, it's none of mother's business." Mu Yunyi's voice.Yun Qing looked along the voice, this look made Yun Qing disgusted.Isn't this unintentionally too ruthless?Actually beat Mu Yunyi to disfigurement.That swollen face like a pig's head, if it wasn't for Mu Yunyi's voice, Yun Qing really couldn't think of her as Mu Yunyi.It's just too creepy!

"Shut up." Mu Yuanfeng glared at Mu Yunyi coldly, if it wasn't for what Chu Feiyang promised him, he would have strangled this daughter to death a long time ago.Mu Yuanfeng looked at Cheng Yue viciously and with disgust, and said coldly: "From today onwards, you will kneel in the ancestral hall and apologize to the ancestors of the Mu family. You are only allowed to deliver one meal a day. , water once. No one is allowed to visit her without the orders of this Marquis."

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Yue, who was kneeling on the ground, fell to the ground, looked at Mu Yuanfeng with disappointed eyes and sneered, "Master Hou, are you really going to be so heartless? Are you disregarding the relationship of more than ten years at all?"

"Father, you can't treat mother like this." Mu Yunyi shouted.

"Take it down." Mu Yuanfeng ordered coldly.Immediately, a servant stepped forward and pulled Cheng Yue down.Mu Yunyi's crying sound and Cheng Yue's tears of despair sounded from behind.

Yun Qing, who was standing outside the door, looked at all this coldly, but Mu Yuanfeng hadn't really driven Cheng Yue to death yet.However, such a punishment was already hopeless for Cheng Yue.But soon, even their desperation will become a luxury, and soon, she will send them to hell together.

(End of this chapter)

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