Chapter 227

Su Mei who was lying on the bed slowly opened her eyes.The room was very quiet, Su Mei knew that Mu Yuanfeng was no longer here.Thinking of what the doctor said, her child was gone, and Su Mei's tears flowed down her cheeks.That was her child who was three months pregnant, and during these three months, she could feel the presence of the child every day.

"Seventh Madam don't need to be sad. Although the child is gone, the father has already imprisoned Cheng Yue in the ancestral hall. Seventh Madam has achieved what the Seventh Madam wanted to achieve. It's just pity for the child." Yun Qing sighed lightly, and then Said: "Since the choice has been made, Madam Seven must accept the result." Yun Qing's words sounded softly.Su Mei followed the sound and was taken aback. There was actually another person in the room besides her.The eldest lady sat on the edge of the table like this, holding the cup in her hand with a half-smile.If the eldest lady hadn't spoken, she would have thought she was the only one in the room.

"Miss...what are you talking about, I don't understand." Su Mei deliberately avoided Yun Qing's eyes. At this moment, she suddenly realized that she was very afraid to look into the eyes of this young lady.It seems that the young lady's eyes have already seen everything.

"Since the seventh lady can't explain it clearly, then forget it. I haven't said anything today." Yun Qing held the cup and said with a faint smile: "I just have something to tell the seventh lady. From now on, the seventh lady will Just do it yourself." After saying that, Yun Qing stood up and walked out the door.

Su Mei is also smart, the eldest lady will not come and say these things to her for no reason.Also, what did the young lady mean by the phrase 'be good for yourself'?
"Miss..." Su Mei shouted.But Yunqing didn't even look back, and went out of Xiangge directly.She had already said what had to be said.

"Miss, it's very filthy here, miss, why do you have to go there yourself. How unlucky!" Xiaoxiao pouted.

Yun Qing said calmly: "I should take a last look at her."

Xiaoxiao was startled, opened her mouth wide and called out, "Miss, you mean Mrs. Seven...would die?"

"Mu Yuanfeng will not let her go." Yun Qing said.

"But...Miss, the Seventh Madam is also a victim. He just had no child, would Lord Hou kill the Seventh Madam? If that's the case, the Seventh Madam is too pitiful." Although the Seventh Madam once wanted to plot against the Miss, she I have never liked Mrs. Seven.But it wasn't enough to wish her dead.

"Poor?" Yun Qing sneered, Su Mei was doing it on her own, and she could only swallow the bitter fruit she planted herself.

Su Mei thought that what she did was perfect, and she blamed Cheng Yue for the loss of the child. From then on, no one in the house could compete with her.But even if Su Mei was wrong about one thing, Cheng Yue is not a fool, he would not be so stupid as to push her in front of Mu Yuanfeng.Mu Yuanfeng is not a fool either, he is so foolish as to believe that Cheng Yue really pushed Su Mei.But Su Mei still pushed the matter to Cheng Yue at the risk of losing her child.Mu Yuanfeng seemed to believe it too.Cheng Yue was also imprisoned in the ancestral hall.But thinking about it from another angle, why didn't Mu Yuanfeng use this incident to get rid of the two women in the Hou's mansion together?After all, Mu Yuanfeng was only 40 years old. To Mu Yuanfeng, he felt that he was still young, and he could still find a few young and beautiful women to give birth to a son for him.But Cheng Yue is old and decrepit, not suitable for having children, and Mu Yuanfeng has already hated Cheng Yue to some extent.Not to mention Su Mei who killed his son, Su Mei killed his son, Mu Yuanfeng felt resentful, but still put on a show.However, Mu Yuanfeng would also take advantage of this incident to kill Su Mei.

(End of this chapter)

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