Chapter 228
He would not allow such a cruel woman to be by his side.

As for how Su Mei will die, it is not difficult to guess, Su Mei lost her child suddenly.When the time comes, Mu Yuanfeng will definitely make a fuss about Su Mei's insanity and kill Su Mei.However, Yun Qing didn't care how or when Su Mei died.Being able to see her for the last time is enough to give her face.

Glancing at the naive Xiaoxiao, she joked with a smile: "You are so innocent and cute, do you think you will be cheated by others one day and help others count the money?"

"Miss, you are laughing at me." Xiaoxiao pouted deliberately pretending to be unhappy.

But the current lady has really changed a lot.From time to time, he would tease them a few times, and even the frosty sister Nonghua would sometimes laugh at the young lady's teasing.

Sure enough, that night, Su Mei suddenly shouted and smashed in the Xiangge as if she had lost her mind.When Su Mei was found the next day, Su Mei had been dead for a long time.

The second day, noon.

"Ah..." A scream pierced through the entire backyard of Mu Mansion.

It was still in the same garden yesterday, many maids and servants had already gathered in the garden, all of them turned pale with panic, it seemed that they were frightened.

"It's madam." Su Mei's personal maid cried.

Seeing Mrs. Seven who was fished out of the pond, everyone was so frightened that they were dumbfounded.Looking at it like this, the seventh lady has been soaking in the pool for a long time.

"Why did the Seventh Lady fall into the pond and drowned when she was fine?" Several maids lowered their heads and discussed in a low voice.

"That's right. It's so pitiful! I just lost my child yesterday, and I was found dead here today." Another maid whispered.

"Hey, tell me, could something unclean come to claim your life? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence. It all happened in this place." Another older maid said.It's fine if she doesn't say that, but when she said it, she immediately felt that the whole garden was windy and gloomy.

"Hey, stop talking, it's scary." Another maid said.Everyone also felt a little evil, so I didn't want to talk too much.

But Su Mei suddenly discovered that she died in the pool next to the garden, and the news quickly spread throughout the Mufu.The people in the house began to talk about it.Some people even started to discuss: Is this Mufu too old this year?How strange one after another.In just a few months, several people have died.

With such a discussion, it seemed that the matter was immediately brought to a boil, and soon, the maids and servants in the Mufu were discussing behind their backs one by one.One by one, they also started to get scared, fearing that someday bad luck would happen to them.

This incident soon reached Mu Yuanfeng's ears.Hearing the news, Mu Yuanfeng was furious and gave an order.In the future, if you hear anyone in the mansion spreading these non-existent things, it will be a dead end.Regarding Su Mei's death, Mu Yuanfeng also immediately ordered that no discussion be allowed, anyone who spreads the matter or discusses it in the mansion will be killed immediately.

When this order came out, people in the mansion did not dare to discuss it behind their backs.However, the people in the house began to panic.

Time also passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was September [-]th.This day was not only the day when Mu Yunyi entered the palace, but also the day when Chu Feiyang wanted to force him into the palace.

Originally, Mu Yunyi was only conferred the title of Concubine Yun, so she just needed to be welcomed into the palace.However, Mu Yunyi still has another identity in the eyes of the world, that is, the goddess.Therefore, the emperor will take Concubine Yun and all the ministers to sacrifice to heaven first and then canonize.

(End of this chapter)

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