Chapter 229
Early in the morning, many people came to the palace.Busy changing clothes and putting on makeup for Concubine Yun.Mu Yunyi didn't resist either, and let the maids from the palace change her clothes and put on makeup.

Mu Yunyi's face that was still swollen like a pig's head didn't know what kind of panacea Mu Yuanfeng used to wipe it off, but the face finally disappeared, but the beaten Yingzi could still be vaguely seen on the face.But it's still much better than that pig's face.

However, for the sake of a woman who knew that his concubine Yun was his son, the emperor was still pregnant with his grandson and could still consecrate Mu Yunyi as his concubine.I have to say, the emperor wears the green hat willingly!
Yunqing Court.

"Qingqing, it's not safe here. You go to Liwang Mansion to stay for a few days." Chu Limo appeared like a ghost.Although he already knew that this was a game set up by Qingqing, but once the fight started, he always didn't know what accidents would happen.

"With grandpa around, Chu Feiyang can't get in." Yun Qing said.

"Qingqing, after the emperor received the news, he was sending the news to General Wang. It is impossible for the old general to gather 20 soldiers and horses so quickly. There are only a few hundred guards at the gate of the city and the imperial guards in the capital. It's only [-], it can't stop Chu Feiyang's [-] army at all."

"What did you say?" Yun Qing frowned, looked at Chu Limo, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you say that Chu Feiyang only had [-] troops? Where did the [-] come from?"

"Just received the news that Chu Feiyang persuaded Li Hai, the guard stationed in Ningcheng. Li Hai has [-] troops in his hand. Li Hai has already come to the capital." Chu Limo said.

Li Hai, Yun Qing said it silently in their hearts.The name sounds familiar.It seems to have been heard somewhere.Chu Limo seemed to know what Yun Qing was thinking, and explained: "Mu Yuanfeng once saved Li Hai's life. In order to embrace this kindness, Li Hai will definitely agree to whatever Mu Yuanfeng asks."

I see.Yun Qing was a little annoyed.She had calculated thousands of times, but she had missed Li Hai.

"Nong Hua, pass this news on to Grandpa, Grandpa knows what to do." Yun Qing ordered.

Ningcheng is still some distance away from the capital, even if Li Hai is fast, it is impossible to bring [-] soldiers and horses to the capital in such a short period of time.As long as Grandpa sends troops to stop Li Hai's men on the road, Chu Feiyang still has no chance of winning this round.

"Yes, Miss." After receiving the order, Nong Hua quickly went down to do it.

"Qingqing, the matter has been settled, can you live in Liwang's Mansion?" Chu Limo asked again.

"I still have things to do." Yun Qing said calmly.

After planning for so long, she should go to see Chu Feiyang for the last time and see him off for the last time.

outside the city.The [-] army is ready, and they can attack immediately just waiting for an order.

"My lord, the time is almost up." Chu Feiyang's bodyguard came in and reported respectfully.Chu Feiyang sat at the table in the big tent in a white armor, holding a map of the palace in his hand.

"Have the Yechen people arrived yet?" Chu Feiyang asked.In this battle, with Yechen's support behind him, he is full of confidence.

"My lord, I have received the things Mr. Yechen prepared. But Mr. Yechen said that he only provides help and does not participate in the war."

"Forget it." Chu Feiyang said.To get Yechen's support from behind is already for the sake of saving Yunyin.He couldn't let Yechen still play with him.But with Yechen's financial support behind him, he will surely win this battle.

"Have Li Hai's men arrived?" Chu Feiyang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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