Chapter 230
"My lord, I have received a message from General Li. General Li's troops are already on their way and will arrive in the capital before noon."

"Okay, let's go right away." Chu Feiyang said.

"Yes, my lord."

After this war, the world is his.

In the capital, Mu Yunyi was sitting in an extremely luxurious, spacious and exquisite carriage.Looking at the people watching the excitement on the street, Mu Yunyi felt very uneasy.When the offerings to the Heavenly Prince are still underway, then she really belongs to the emperor.But that day she promised the prince again that she would accompany him to continue the play and buy time for the prince.Seeing it, it was getting closer and closer to the palace gate.Mu Yunyi's heart was extremely disturbed...

Royal Palace.

"Report..." The guard in black rode his horse and ran all the way to the gate of the palace, got off his horse, and hurried into the palace.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the human emperor kneeling in the hall, he said solemnly.

"Chu Feiyang forced the palace. The army has already arrived at the gate of the palace. The gate of the city will not be able to hold back."

"What?" The emperor jumped up from the dragon chair, and said angrily, "You son of a bitch."

"The emperor calm down." The eunuchs in the palace knelt down.

"Quiet your anger, calm your anger, how do you want me to calm my anger. Tell all the ministers to go to the palace to discuss immediately."

Soon, all the ministers gathered in the hall.One by one you look at me, and I look at you.No one spoke.The news came so suddenly that there was no defense at all.

Looking at these silent ministers, the emperor had a gloomy face.At the critical moment, Mingzhe, who knew everyone one by one, saved his life.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to invite you to fight." General Feng Tian came out and said.

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to fight against the enemy with General Feng." Su Shaoyue also stood up and said respectfully.Although he is a civil servant, he is fearless as if on the battlefield.

"The minister is also willing."

"The minister is also willing."

"..." For a while, many civil servants ordered to ask for orders.

"Veterans also come to ask for a fight." At this time, Wang Qingshan suddenly appeared in the hall.

"Old General Wang." Seeing Wang Qingshan, the emperor was overjoyed, and said: "With Old General Wang here, I feel relieved."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the old minister will definitely fulfill his mission. The traitor will be handed over to the old minister, and General Feng will be here to protect the emperor's safety."

"Okay, with the old general here, I feel at ease."

At the gate of the city, there were ruins, blood everywhere, and dead people everywhere.


On the battlefield, only the sound of shouts for killing and the painful wailing of people with severed arms and legs can be heard.

Wang Qingshan was wearing armor and a sword, sitting on the back of a horse.The voice was loud and clear: "Slay the rebels. Defend the homeland."

"Slay the traitors and defend the homeland."


The voices of 10 people resounded throughout the capital.

On the city wall, a woman in Tsing Yi looked at everything below with an indifferent smile on her lips.

This battle lasted for a whole day and night, and Chu Feiyang's 5 horses were all cut off.Chu Feiyang was hit by a sudden arrow on the city wall and fell off his horse.Chu Feiyang was captured alive.But no one saw who shot the arrow.At dawn on the third day, all of Li Hai's [-] soldiers and horses died in the outskirts of the city, and Li Hai was captured alive.

This battle was tragic, and General Wang's 7000 soldiers lost more than 520 people.The soldiers guarding the city gate and the forbidden army in the capital also suffered heavy casualties.On September [-], [-], the year of Dachu, countless blood stained the land of the capital red on that day.

(End of this chapter)

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