The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 231 Chu Feiyang's Ending, Mu Yunyi's Death

Chapter 231 Chu Feiyang's Ending, Mu Yunyi's Death (1)
Royal Palace.

After all, Chu Feiyang was the prince, so Wang Qingshan directly pressed him back to be dealt with by the emperor.As for the traitor Li Hai, when he was captured, the emperor ordered him to be sent to death row and beheaded.

"Nizi, I treat you well, do you deserve me for being so ambitious? Ah." The emperor looked angrily at Chu Feiyang who was being pressed and kneeling on the ground, and said bitterly.

"Hehe." Chu Feiyang laughed at himself coldly for a while: "Treat me well. You forced me to do this, Father. How have you ever believed me, Father? The death of the emperor's brother, the father relied on how many If you are a slave, you will condemn me. Delegate me to a commoner. Father, why are you so ruthless. I am your son, why did you ever trust me? You forced me to do everything. You forced me to do it." Chu Feiyang yelled frantically.

"Nizi, shut up. The death of your emperor brother, I have already let you live, but you don't cherish it. You are in vain for my painstaking efforts." The emperor said angrily: "Take this Nizi down and put him in death row. Beheaded after three days."

"Hahahahahaha..." Chu Feiyang felt no fear at all when he heard this decision.This battle, he did not lose.Lost completely.Now only death can free him.

After a great battle just now, although Old General Wang guarded the gate of the city, there are still remnants of the city gate.Several hours had passed since the battle, and the corpses at the gate of the city had been disposed of, but the blood on the ground declared what kind of battle this ancient city had experienced.

This battle is like a nightmare, and the people in the capital don't know how long it will take to calm down this nightmare.

After the war, the traitor Chu Feiyang's followers were imprisoned one by one.The emperor decreed that after three days, they should be executed together.But the traitor Chu Feiyang's party involved more than [-] officials, big and small, but Mu Yuanfeng was the only one among them.

On the palace hall.

"Your Majesty, the rebels have been eliminated now. The veterans are old, and the responsibility of defending the country should be handed over to these young people. Please also ask the emperor to take back this soldier talisman." Wang Qingshan handed the soldier talisman respectfully.

"Old General Wang..." Looking at this readily available soldier talisman, the emperor naturally wanted to take it back.But it is not the time to take it back at this time.

"Your Majesty, this is the old minister's wish. I hope His Majesty will fulfill it." Wang Qingshan said respectfully once.He knelt down to the emperor and handed over the military talisman, his posture was as if the emperor would not be able to kneel if he refused to agree.

Wang Qingshan is already a veteran of the Second Dynasty, and the former emperor was already a great general with great military exploits when he was alive.At that time, the first emperor had a decree.Wang Qingshan didn't need to kneel and worship when he went to court.

Now Wang Qingshan's obeisance is to ask the emperor to take back the military talisman.It can be seen that Wang Qingshan really wants to return the soldier talisman.It is impossible for the emperor to miss such a good opportunity.

"Okay, I'm sure." The emperor said: "Old General Wang has done a great job in escorting him this time. He specially bestowed the country's surname 'Chu' as 'King of Chu'"

"Thank you Lord Ron."

"Congratulations to King Chu."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

The voice of the courtiers shouting in unison.

Fengning Palace.

"Your Majesty...the Emperor has decreed that the traitor Chu Feiyang will be beheaded in public three days later."

"Okay, okay. He also has today. Haha..." The queen laughed wildly: "Such good news should be shared with Concubine Shu."

In the cold palace, ever since Concubine Xu Shu was thrown into the cold palace, she was the only one here in this huge cold palace, living a life that would be worse than death.

There was a 'creak' sound of the door opening.The heavy palace gate was pushed open.

"It's you!" Concubine Xu Shu laughed at herself, "I never thought that someone would come to see me, let alone that this person would be you, Empress Empress." After staying in the cold palace for a long time, Concubine Xu Shu was no longer that condescending, graceful woman. The luxurious Concubine Xu Shu is here.

(End of this chapter)

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