The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 232 Chu Feiyang's Ending, Mu Yunyi's Death

Chapter 232 Chu Feiyang's Ending, Mu Yunyi's Death (2)
"Ben Gong came to see my old friend for the last time." The queen smiled wildly and a little sadly.

In her heart, she hated Concubine Xu Shu, the bitch, and Chu Feiyang, but if she hated them both, her emperor would not come back.In this huge palace, she seems to be the hostess of the harem, but only she knows the loneliness and loneliness of countless nights.She knew that the emperor had never loved her, and the emperor had never loved any woman in the harem.What the emperor loves has always been his supreme imperial power.

"It seems that the empress finally couldn't help but want to attack me." Concubine Xu Shu smiled.

Death didn't matter to her. Living in the cold palace like this is better than dying.

"It's time for you to go down and plead guilty to my prince. However, before that, I have a piece of news to tell my sister, and my sister will definitely thank me when she hears it." The queen smiled coldly and said: "My sister Do you know what interesting things happened in the capital? It was Chu Feiyang who rebelled."

"What did you say?"

"The emperor has decreed that he will be beheaded for public display in three days. Isn't it interesting?"

"No... No, Feiyang won't do this." Concubine Xu Shu shook her head, she didn't believe that Feiyang would definitely not rebel at this time.Will not! "You're lying to me, Feiyang won't do that."

"My sister should not believe it. But my sister should know how cruel the emperor is. Chu Feiyang rebelled, and the emperor will never let him go. Sister, don't worry, you will not be alone on the road to Huangquan. You Your son will come to you soon." After saying those words, the queen walked out of the cold palace laughing wildly.The gate of the cold palace fell heavily.Concubine Xu Shu watched the palace gate slowly fall until she couldn't see the light outside, Concubine Xu Shu finally collapsed on the ground.In this life, she had loved that man so deeply, and she died at the hands of that man.

The queen came out of the door of the cold palace, stopped, with a sad tear rolling down her face, she murmured: "My lord, you will not be alone on the way to Huangquan, they are going down to accompany you."

So far, on September 520, 23, Great Chu, Concubine Xu Shu hanged herself in the cold palace.When the maids found out, Concubine Xu Shu had already turned into a bone of bones, with no son or daughter to collect her body.The remaining bones were also hastily thrown in a mass grave outside the city.On the night of the same year, a fire broke out in the death cell where Chu Feiyang lived, and the fire burned the entire death cell to nothing. None of the guards and prisoners in the death cell escaped the fire.When the fire was extinguished, all the people in the death cell were burned to ashes, not even bones left.

And Great Chu used to be the most expensive, His Royal Highness Yue Wang, and now Chu Feiyang, a commoner and prisoner, was completely burned in this fire.ended his life.

In September of the first year of Dachu 520, people will never forget that the whole capital was stained red with blood.

And Chu Feiyang will also become an eternal sinner in history.

The fact that Chu Feiyang forced the palace to rebel did not implicate Mufu.It wasn't because Mu Yuanfeng was lucky enough to escape, but because Yunqing had made a plan a long time ago, Mu Yuanfeng, Cheng Yue and Mu Yunyi could only die in her hands.

Mufu, Yunqingyuan.

"Miss, I just got the news that Chu Feiyang was burned to death in the death row." After hearing the news, Nonghua hurriedly reported it.

"Burn to death?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "It's really cheap for him." However, Yun Qing still has some doubts, how could such a coincidence happen to burn down the death row, "I'm sure Chu Feiyang is really dead Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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