The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 236 Burning the Wood Mansion

Chapter 236 Burning the Wood Mansion (2)
Later Yun Qing asked who this person was, but Mother just shook her head.Tell her she doesn't remember who that person is!

Seeing this memorial tablet today, Yun Qing understood.Maybe the person my mother was waiting for back then was the one she loved.It's a pity that God's will tricks people, and my mother married a man she didn't love.The man also took his own life.

"Hmph." Cheng Yue snorted coldly, looked at the tablet in Yun Qing's hand and laughed loudly again, "This bitch told me clearly that he doesn't love the master and won't fight with me for the master. But in the end he lied to me In vain I once believed you so much. I believed that you really regarded me as a younger sister. But you turned around and seduced the master. The obsessed master is fascinated by you. Slut! But you seduced the master and seduced the master. How about it, in the end I didn’t die first. In the end, I won. Haha..." Cheng Yue looked at Yun Qing madly with a smile, and sneered, "You really think you are the eldest daughter of this Mufu mansion Huh? Haha, you are nothing more than a bastard. It is just a bastard born of Wang Luoyan and a wild man. In this mansion, my Yier is the real eldest lady. And you are nothing but a bastard. Seed." After finishing speaking, Cheng Yue fell into a maniacal laugh again, and muttered to himself, "But the master clearly knew that Wang Luoyan was pregnant with a wild man's wild seed, so he still accepted Wang Luoyan, a bitch. I am the one The one who really loves you! Master, have you seen clearly? I am the one who really loves you. But why did you treat me like this, why? Why would you rather love such a shameless bitch like Wang Luoyan than love me. why?"

Locked up in this ghost place by the person she loves, without paying attention, Cheng Yue's heart can no longer accept this blow.Coupled with the panic experienced in the ancestral hall for a few days, Cheng Yue must have reached the limit of his mind at this time.After seeing Yun Qing and seeing Wang Luoyan's memorial tablet, it must have stimulated Cheng Yue even more.

"Miss." Xiaoxiao who followed behind whispered.

The news was too sudden.Miss is not the daughter of Lord Hou.But that's good too, at least Miss doesn't need to worry about anything when she makes a move.

Hearing what Cheng Yue said, Yun Qing didn't react at all.As for whether she is Mu Yuanfeng's daughter, she doesn't care at all, let alone care.When I saw my mother's tablet, I remembered my childhood memories.Yun Qing could probably guess that the person mother loved was not Mu Yuanfeng.As for how to marry Mu Yuanfeng, only the mother and grandfathers know.But she didn't want to delve into this past, she just wanted to avenge her mother and herself.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Yuanfeng hurried over when he heard Cheng Yue's scream.

He has been staying in the mansion for the past few days, feeling uneasy, because he was afraid of hurting himself due to Chu Feiyang's rebellion.But after staying in the mansion for a few days, the imperial decree of the emperor's punishment came down.This made him feel even more incredible.Simply pretend to be sick in the mansion and not go to court.

"Master Hou, you finally came to see me. I knew that you still love me." Seeing Mu Yuanfeng appearing, Cheng Yue jumped towards Mu Yuanfeng happily.Tightly hold Mu Yuanfeng and don't let go.

"What are you doing? Let go." Mu Yuanfeng scolded angrily.

"Why is Lord Mu so unfeeling? Isn't it a disappointment to the second lady's infatuation for you." Yun Qing smiled lightly.

"What did you do to her? How did she become like this." Mu Yuanfeng looked at Yun Qing here, and saw Cheng Yue's crazy appearance, and thought in his heart that Yun Qing did something to make Cheng Yue like this.

(End of this chapter)

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