The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 237 Burning the Wood Mansion

Chapter 237 Burning the Wood Mansion (3)
Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What can I do to her? You should ask Lord Muhou about yourself. What did you do to her? If Lord Muhou doesn't remember, I don't mind telling you about it for you. .”

"Presumptuous, is this the tone you speak to your father?"

"Father! Hehe." Yun Qing raised his eyebrows, glanced at Mu Yuanfeng with his clear eyes, and laughed, "Mu Hou is still putting on airs." Yun Qing paused, and said: "However, Mu Lord Hou, is this lady really your daughter? Even if Master Muhou wants to recognize Miss Ben as your daughter, Miss Ben is not willing. Also, Lord Muhou doesn’t remember what he did to the second lady Is it? Then Miss Ben will tell you one by one. Listen carefully." Yun Qing curled his lips, looked at Mu Yuanfeng and continued: "Could it be that Master Mu has forgotten what Mrs. Seven has done? Master Hou clearly knows that Su Mei is I fell down and caused my own miscarriage. But Hou Ye, you pushed the boat along and blamed the matter on the second lady. You locked the second lady in this ancestral hall. You also pushed Su Mei into the pond and drowned. Let the mansion Everyone thought that Su Mei lost her mind and fell into the pond. I have to say, Hou Ye's double-edged sword is really wonderful!"

Hearing this, Cheng Yue looked at Mu Yuanfeng in disbelief, and murmured: "Master Hou, is what she said true? You already knew that I was wronged, didn't you?"

"Who told you. Who told you." Mu Yuanfeng looked at Yun Qing with a sullen face.He didn't answer Cheng Yue's words, but the murderous intent was already in his eyes.

"Does Master Hou want to know?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Don't worry, Master Hou, as long as Master Hou wants to know, this lady will tell you one by one." Because, soon you will die.

Mu Yuanfeng thought back all the way, thinking about everything that happened in these short three months.It seems to have nothing to do with the girl in front of me.But the thing is that after the girl's temperament changed drastically, all the things happened one after another.Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Mu Yuanfeng looked at Yun Qing incredulously, and said, "You did everything that happened?"

"Yes." Yun Qing replied with a faint smile.The voice was as cold as ice, and he said slowly: "From the haunting... to Mu Ze's death, I did it all. Oh! I forgot to tell you one thing. Mu Yunyi died too. It was a miserable death. Do you want to go see it?"

"Devil. You devil. You give back Ze'er, Yi'er's life." Cheng Yue cried.But how could Cheng Yue touch Yun Qing's hair, his hand had already been cut off by Nong Hua's sword. 'tear. 'Cheng Yue's painful voice.Looking at Cheng Yue's bleeding hand, Yun Qing smiled lightly and jokingly said: "Nonghua, be gentle. If she dies immediately, it will be difficult."

"Yes. The servant knows. I will pay attention next time." Nong Hua replied.It should be because they have been with Yun Qing for a long time, and the two of them have also learned Yun Qing's cruelty and black heart.

"Why? Why did you do this?" Mu Yuanfeng saw that the woman under Yun Qing cut off Cheng Yue's hand without hesitation, and he would be lying if he said he was not afraid.He is afraid of death.

"Master Mu, do you still remember how my mother died?"

"Haha... Benhou already knew it, you came here to avenge her." Mu Yuanfeng stared at the tablet in Yun Qing's hand and laughed.

"Yes. Damn you all! Who gave Mu Yuanfeng 'Li Hun San' to you. As long as you tell me, I can make your death easier."

"You want to know. Haha... Even if I die, I won't tell you. You should die." Mu Yuanfeng said harshly knowing that he could not escape.

" are looking for death, then don't blame Miss Ben." Yun Qing's tone suddenly became more than three points cold.I don't know when Mu Yuanfeng hadn't had time to see clearly, Yun Qing's figure moved, and the person was still standing in the distance, but there was a big cut in Mu Yuanfeng's waist.Blood kept pouring out of Mu Yuanfeng's body.Mu Yuanfeng stared blankly at his wound.Looking at the girl who gave him a knife.In the end, it fell down.

"Master Hou..." Looking at Mu Yuanfeng, who was bleeding profusely, Cheng Yue cried, "Master Hou, you can't die, you can't die!"

In his life, he once loved a woman deeply.Although there was no love between them, he married her only because of profit.If you marry her, you can get everything you want.But later, after marrying her, he found himself deeply in love with her.But he knew from beginning to end that that woman never loved him.In that woman's heart, there was always a man she loved deeply, not only that, but she also married him with that man's child.He asked that woman many times who that man was, but she never told him.Until one day later, she told him that she actually didn't remember who that man was.But she said: She knows that the man she loves deeply in her heart has been waiting for her to go back.

Later, he finally killed his favorite woman because of love and hatred.

When she died, he regretted it.He didn't want to kill her if he could.But when he saw the bastard she had with another man, a raging fire burned in his heart.Damn her!But when she cried and begged him not to hurt her child before she died, at that moment, watching her die in his arms, he agreed.I have raised that wild species for 11 years.

In the end, he probably couldn't think of it either.He will die in the hands of the bastard he raised.

Yun Qing slowly walked out of the ancestral hall holding her mother's tablet.She walks very slowly...

After leaving the ancestral hall, Yun Qing said in a cold tone, "Burn it. Let everything here be reduced to ashes."

"Yes, Miss."

The fire started slowly from the Mufu ancestral hall.Mu Yuanfeng, who was lying in the ancestral hall, looked at the burning sparks and finally closed his eyes.This life is finally over!

"Don't...don't, let me out!" Cheng Yue kept knocking on the door and shouting in horror from behind.Until later, the sound became smaller and weaker, and the field could not hear it.The raging fire burned the entire Mufu to ashes.But that night, the red flames lit up the sky of Dachu, and it lasted for a long time!
The fire burned for a whole night, and when the people woke up, the Mufu was reduced to ashes.It is said that none of the people in the Mufu escaped, and all were burned to death in that fire.

On the 520th day of September in the year of Da Chu 26, from that day on, there was no Mu Yuanfeng in the world.There is no Muhou Mansion.There is no such person as Mu Yunqing anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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