Chapter 238 Farewell (1)
The most mysterious Magnolia Garden in Beijing.But it suddenly changed its name to Yunfu a few days ago.It is said that in the past few days, it was a very young boy who entered and exited this cloud mansion.But no one has ever seen how this young man entered the capital.Where did it come from again?

Yun Qing put her mother's tablet away, lit incense and worshiped: Mother, if you are alive in heaven, you must bless me to find the real murderer who killed you as soon as possible to avenge you.If I have the opportunity to meet the man you love deeply in the future, I will definitely tell him that you have always loved him and never changed.

Although she didn't know why her mother didn't marry the man she loved deeply, but married Mu Yuanfeng.But she believed that such an intelligent and sensitive woman as mother must have some unavoidable difficulties.

"Fenghua Nongyue, you two go down and get ready, and leave for Xiyue tomorrow." Yun Qing ordered.

"Yes, miss." The two agreed, and quickly went down to prepare things.

"Miss, what about me." Xiaoxiao looked at Yunqing with small eyes.

"Don't worry. No matter where I go, I will take you with me." Yun Qing nodded Xiaoxiao's forehead and smiled, "Go down and help prepare. Remember, don't bring unnecessary things." Past life Xiaoxiao will never leave her, and will follow her through life and death.So no matter where she goes in this life, she will never leave Xiaoxiao alone.

"En." Xiaoxiao nodded, and happily went down to prepare.Just now she thought Miss was the one who left her alone in the capital.But it startled her.

"Qingqing, going to Xiyue so soon, do you want to leave me behind?" Chu Limo suddenly appeared in front of Yun Qing like a ghost.Chu Limo frowned unhappily, but fortunately he came today, otherwise Qingqing would have gone away secretly.

Yun Qing rolled her eyes and glared at Chu Limo, "Can you enter the door more normally in the future, don't come in over the wall all day long." People who don't know think Chu Limo is a flower picker.So I like to climb over the walls of other people's houses.

"Qingqing, do you think you are going to sneak away alone?" Chu Limo clung to this topic.He knew that Qingqing had no plan to go with him.

Yun Qing knew that if he didn't answer Chu Limo's question, he would be annoyed to death by him, looking at Chu Limo, Yunqing answered seriously: "No."

She really didn't intend to sneak away.To take a step back, even if she wants to sneak away.He will definitely follow Chu Limo's temperament and handling style.So there's no need for her to sneak away.

Looking at Chu Limo, Yun Qing said again: "There's nothing wrong, you can go." Because she was going to see her grandfather.Such a big thing happened last night, and such a big fire broke out again.Although she had already told her cousins ​​about the burning of the Mu Mansion, and had mentioned it to her grandfather, but her grandfather must be very worried now.

"I'll go with Qingqing." Chu Limo seemed to have already guessed that Yunqing was going to the palace.

Yun Qing did not reject Chu Limo's words.Because he knew that even if he rejected Chu Limo, he would still go.

palace.Now it has become the Chu Palace.

Yun Qing and the others did not go directly through the main gate of Prince Chu's Mansion, but took a detour through the back door.For the people in the capital, she is now a dead person.If it appeared suddenly, it would definitely cause an uproar.

"Girl Qing, you want to scare your grandfather to death, don't you!" Wang Qingshan scolded angrily as soon as Yun Qing entered the door.But the tone is more worried.Seeing the fire that was burning last night really frightened him.At that time, he rushed out directly, but later the two grandsons stopped him and told him that Qing girl was fine, and that the fire was actually caused by Qing girl.He just calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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