Chapter 239 Farewell (2)
"I'm sorry, it's Qing'er's fault that made grandpa worry about Qing'er." Yun Qing bowed his head and admitted his mistake.Before doing this, she did not come and inform her grandfather because she was afraid that he would be worried, but unexpectedly, she still made him worry.

"Qingqing also doesn't want the old general to worry about her, so the old general should stop blaming Qingqing." Chu Limo smiled warmly, looking eager to protect his wife.

"Okay, okay, okay, seeing you like this, old man, I feel relieved." Wang Qingshan nodded with a smile, the more he looked at Chu Limo, the more satisfied he became.After a pause, he looked at Yun Qing and said, "Fortunately, you are fine. If something really happened to you, you might as well give up my old life, Grandpa."

"Grandpa, Qing'er knows it's wrong." Yun Qing pouted.

"Girl Qing, come here." Wang Qingshan beckoned, and Yun Qing walked over.Wang Qingshan took out a crescent-shaped pendant from his sleeve and put it in Yun Qing's hand, his tone suddenly became heavy, "Girl Qing, this is your mother's favorite thing when she was alive. This pendant was your mother's favorite thing when she was alive. When she passed away, it was entrusted to the nanny by her side and handed over to your grandmother. Back then, your mother always carried it. Grandpa thought, this pendant may have something to do with your life experience. This time you go far away, maybe you will have a chance Met your real father. This pendant is the proof."

" already knew about it." Yun Qing was startled for a moment.It was only last night that she found out that she was not Mu Yuanfeng's daughter.But grandpa knew what he meant a long time ago. Since grandpa knew, why did he let mother marry that bastard Mu Yuanfeng?
"Grandpa, since you already knew why...mother would marry him?" Yun Qing's tone was a little excited, she didn't know what happened back then?Chu Limo also felt Yun Qing's excitement, and held Yun Qing's hand tightly, as if wanting to give her some strength.Tell Yun Qing, don't be afraid, he is still here.

Wang Zixuan and Wang Ziqing in the room were also stunned.Dazedly waiting for Wang Qingshan's next answer.

Wang Qingshan looked at the people in the room, looked at Yun Qing and slowly said: "Your mother and Mu Yuanfeng were married from the pulp of the little finger. Twenty years ago, your mother said that she would go on a long trip with her master. Your mother didn't say where she was going back then. Until 20 years ago, your mother came back suddenly. However, your mother forgot anything that happened in the past few years. When your mother came back, she was wearing this pendant. Later , Mu Yuanfeng came to propose marriage. Back then we didn’t know your mother was pregnant with you. Until seven months later, your mother gave birth to you suddenly. At that time we thought you were born prematurely. Until the day you turned one year old, your mother gave birth to you. Carrying you back to Wang's house, got drunk, cried and said: She and Mu Yuanfeng have never consummated their marriage. You are not Mu Yuanfeng's child at all. That night, your mother cried and said, I don't remember anything about it. Your mother gave birth to you back then, and Mu Yuanfeng loved your mother very much. Back then, we kept this matter a secret for your mother's reputation. Who knows, Later, he still killed your mother. If Grandpa knew that Mu Yuanfeng would kill your mother, no matter what happened back then, he would not have let your mother marry him." After talking about it, Wang Qingshan became excited.With a face full of self-blame, if he had cared more about his daughter back then, things would not have turned out like this.

" know about mother's death."

"Girl, grandpa heard what you and Zixuan said. Grandpa also knows why you set fire to Mu Yuanfeng to death. Grandpa knows that you don't want to make grandpa sad. Now, your mother's revenge has also been avenged. Grandpa I know, you are going to Xiyue to help Mo kid find medicine. Grandpa will not stop you. It's just that you have grown up, and you have the right to know who you are. You have the right to find your biological father."

(End of this chapter)

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