The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 252 Peach Blossom Town Affectionate Kiss

Chapter 252 A Kiss in Peach Blossom Town (4)
Behind it, there are blessings from all the people.Yun Qing was stunned, today is her birthday.She never remembered her own birthday, and never had one.But she never thought that someone would remember her birthday, and then, give her a surprise.

"Qingqing, I made this for Qingqing myself. Qingqing try it, whether you like it or not."

Yun Qing stared blankly at Chu Limo, a little in disbelief, "You did all of this."

"Yeah." Chu Limo nodded slightly, "Try Qingqing and see if he likes it. Qingqing thinks he likes it, and I will make it for Qingqing every day from now on." Chu Limo smiled warmly.He took a piece of pork liver and sent it to Yun Qing's mouth.Yun Qing opened his mouth, took a light bite, and swallowed it directly.Chu Limo's craftsmanship is not bad.

She has not forgotten that Chu Limo is still an extremely noble prince!His hands are very precious.This time, she actually cooks for her birthday.

"How does it taste?" Chu Limo asked with a chuckle.Chu Liyou and the others looked at Yun Qing expectantly, waiting for her answer.

Yun Qing nodded, "It's delicious." Yun Qing looked at the cake on the table in confusion, Chu Limo said that he made it, so how could he know how to make cakes?Yun Qing pointed at the cake and said, "You also made this, how could you do this?"

"Qingqing, have you forgotten? When you taught them how to make mooncakes last time, you said that there is also a kind of dessert called cake, which is eaten on birthdays." Chu Limo explained.

Hearing this, Yun Qing finally understood, it turned out to be like this.Of course she still remembered that after she said that, Xiaoxiao kept pestering her to make a cake, and later, she made a small cake for her.Chu Limo must have seen it then.

Unexpectedly, Chu Limo remembered it after reading it once.

But she has always disliked eating too sweet things.But this time, she felt really happy for the first time.

"Well, it's not bad." Yun Qing took a sip.Suddenly, he became very playful, and the cake in his hand wiped Chu Limo's face.After wiping it off, he laughed happily, "I forgot to tell you. The cake is not only edible, but also like this." After finishing speaking, he grabbed a handful and wiped Chu Liyou's face again.

"Yun Qing." Chu Liyou was stunned for a moment.Looking at the cake with white and oily faces on the face of myself and my brother, I feel very funny again. "I want to play too."

Suddenly, there was a chasing battle for cakes in the room.But there were cheerful smiles on everyone's faces.Even Nong Hua, who was always used to being as cold as ice, and the ruthlessness with a sullen face, seemed to be infected.Join the chase.Of course, everyone had fun, but only Yun Qing and Chu Liyou dared to put cake on Chu Limo's face.The rest of them had to smear on other faces, Xiaoxiao was the one who got smeared the most, who told her to run slowly.But for a moment, everyone's hearts seemed to be drawn closer because of this sudden cake battle.

At that moment, looking at the birthday cake and a table of dishes that Chu Limo prepared for him, if he said he was not moved, he must be lying!
"Qingqing is really naughty." Chu Limo didn't look angry at all.Seeing Yun Qing smiling so happily, it was worth it.

"Thank you for the birthday cake, this is the best gift I've ever received." Yun Qing had a sincere smile on his face, and that smile fascinated all beings.

"Qingqing wants to thank me, so let's take some practical action." Chu Limo smiled softly, and pulled Yun Qing into his arms.Before Yun Qing had time to react, Chu Limo's lips had already kissed him domineeringly.This time, it was violent and fiery.This kiss was not just a superficial kiss like last time.This kiss carried too much affection, too much affection.With too much, his love for her.Fiery and passionate love.

At that moment, Yun Qing didn't know what to do, but her rationality told her that she should resist, but at that moment she didn't want to resist, so she just let him kiss deeply until the end of time.

He wrapped his arms around Chu Limo's waist.If you can't resist, then let her sink with him in this second.

As if sensing Yun Qing's intentions, Chu Limo's kiss deepened.At this moment, he wants more.He wanted to knead this beloved woman into his heart and body, and become one with him.He knew that he fell in love with this woman, and at some point, he fell in love deeply.A kiss could no longer satisfy him.

"Hush..." This scene also stunned the other people in the room.It was Chu Liyou who reacted first.He made a quiet movement, indicating not to disturb the two of them.Several people went out gently.

I don't know how long after being kissed, Yun Qing only felt that he was about to suffocate.Chu Limo's words suddenly flashed in his mind: Once he is in love with the woman he loves, the poison of "Jueqing San" will take effect.

So, just now Chu Limo... Will he wait a while and get poisoned again like last night.Thinking of this possibility, Yun Qing pushed Chu Limo away vigorously and left his lips.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo didn't understand, just now Qingqing was still willing, even very devoted, why did she change all of a sudden.

"Chu Limo, you... this kiss, just take it as my thank you for everything you have done for me today. From now on, don't be like this anymore, you know, I can't possibly love you." Yun Qing said calmly.Turned and left the room.

But she didn't think that way in her heart, she just hoped that he wouldn't be so stupid, risking his life to be emotional with her, causing poisonous hair every time.She will feel bad!
Seeing Yun Qing's leaving figure, Chu Limo's eyes darkened slightly.It's all this damn 'Unfeeling San'.

Qingqing, why are you so stupid?Stupid enough to deceive myself.Obviously already tempted.But I have to be cruel and say: I can't love you!
(End of this chapter)

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