The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 253 Encountering bandits in a game of gambling

Chapter 253
Peach Blossom Inn.

Chu Liyou and the others lay on their knees outside the door to watch the fun.The door suddenly opened from the inside, and a few people were caught off guard, and several people fell inside one after another.

"What are you doing?" Yun Qing asked.

"Hehe." Chu Liyou smiled foolishly.Sure enough, eavesdropping or something is not a good thing. "You guys are so quick..." It's over.Before Chu Liyou finished speaking, Yun Qing said calmly, as if nothing happened: "Go and wash your face. Come in for dinner."

"Oh! Good." Chu Liyou replied.He also looked inside.

Everyone hurriedly washed the cake off their faces, and everyone sat down.Along the way, there is no distinction between master and servant when eating.Yun Qing sat in the middle, Chu Liyou sat on the left of Yun Qing, and Chu Limo sat on the right.Sitting next to Chu Limo was Wuqing, and Nonghua Nongyue and Xiaoxiao passed by in turn.

But at the table, the atmosphere was a bit weird, didn't Yun Qing and Chu Limo kiss just now?Why do they all have cold faces, isn't this right?Didn't the two kiss passionately just now?There is a lot of room for development, why did the atmosphere drop to freezing point all of a sudden.Could it be that my brother didn't do well and Yun Qing was dissatisfied, so he angered Yun Qing?Chu Liyou supported his head and wondered if there were other possibilities.

That's right, it must be that my brother has been abstinent for too long.Perhaps it was really something that was not done well, which angered Yun Qing.

"Yunqing, eat a piece of pork liver to replenish blood." Chu Liyou picked up a piece of pork liver and put it in Yunqing's bowl, laughing a little strangely.Seeing his brother's calm appearance again, he gave him a wink.But Chu Limo didn't seem to see the look in his sister's eyes.Seeing that his brother ignored his gaze, Chu Liyou took a piece of pork liver and put it in his bowl, "Brother, you also eat a piece of pork liver."

Chu Limo disgustedly took out all the things that Chu Liyou had taken to himself and the things that had been taken to Yun Qing, and returned them to Chu Liyou.He put another piece into Yunqing's bowl, and said softly, "Qingqing, eat a piece of pork liver for nourishment."

Chu Liyou curled her lips, brother is too domineering.It's fine if he dislikes her, why should he take out Yun Qing's piece.Duduzui was about to refute, but Chu Limo stopped him before he could speak. "Have a meal."

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, everyone hurried to eat.No one dared to start a conversation.

Only Chu Limo kept picking up food for Yun Qing, but Yun Qing didn't refuse either, Yun Qing ate all the food he picked up.The atmosphere became even more weird.By the way, what happened to these two people?
After eating almost, Yun Qing put down his chopsticks, looked at Nonghua and Nongyue Xiaoxiao and ordered, "The three of you go to the town to make up the things that need to be mended, and we will set off early tomorrow morning."

"Miss, your body is still..." Xiaoxiao glanced at Yun Qing and stopped immediately.

"I'm fine, let's prepare after eating." Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo again, and said calmly: "You and Wuqing clean up this place. Li You, wait a minute and you accompany me to the street to buy something."

"Okay." Chu Liyou raised his hand and said.

In the end, it was Wuqing's turn to stay alone and clean the house.It is said that Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to look at it, so she stayed in the inn to clean it with Wuqing.The matter of going shopping was left to Nonghua and Nongyue.As for Yun Qing and Chu Liyou, they were wandering around in the streets of Taohua Town, followed by an uncle with a paralyzed face.This combination is very eye-catching, attracting many girls and young men to stop and watch.

Since Chu Liyou went out, she has always been dressed as a woman.Later, Yun Qing also said that all of them were men, which was too weird.

(End of this chapter)

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