The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 275 1 Sword Sealing Throat Silver Throwing into the River

Chapter 275
In the inn in Huiyang County.

It didn't take long for the story of the ruthless beating of people to be disabled to spread.The county magistrate also heard the news, and quickly brought people to surround the inn in person.

"Surround this place, and no one inside is allowed to let go." The county magistrate issued an order, and dozens of yamen servants immediately surrounded the inn.The county magistrate looked at the inn with the closed door, and gave another order, "You guys, break the door open for me."

"Yes." The yamen servant replied.

It was noon at this moment, and the inn was doing business.But because the guests of the inn beat the servants, none of the guests dared to come to the door at this moment.

The sound of knocking on the door sounded again and again.Fortunately, this door is considered strong, it has been bumped several times, but it has not been smashed.

"What can I do!" The shopkeeper of the inn was anxious like ants on a hot pot when he heard the sound of knocking on the door outside, walking back and forth in the lobby of the inn.

The second floor of the inn.

"Qingqing, come and eat a piece of fish." Chu Limo picked up a piece of fish and carefully picked out the fishbone before putting it into Yunqing's bowl.

Nangong Jin expressed dissatisfaction, "I've been with you for so many years, and I haven't seen you serve me food once. You really value sex over friends."

Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin coldly, which meant: If you don't like it, you can get out!

"Stingy." Nangong Jin snorted.

Chu Liyou covered her lips and smiled, elder brother and elder brother Jin really seemed like a pair of enemies, they seemed to be about to fight if they sat together and disagreed.She really didn't understand how the two became good friends.

"Brother Jin, you also eat a piece of fish." Chu Liyou took a piece for Nangong Jin.

"It's better to leave you alone. Unlike some people, he is a bastard who values ​​sex and despises friends." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and smiled.He also deliberately told Chu Limo.But Chu Limo is in a good mood today, so he doesn't care about Nangong Jin for the time being.Still caring for Yunqing.Yun Qing didn't refuse, and Chu Limo ate the dishes one by one.

Some people enjoy a meal, while others feel depressed.

At this time, the sound of 'bang bang' downstairs broke the good mood of everyone eating.

"It's so noisy! You don't even have a good meal." Yun Qing's tone was slightly cold, and he frowned dissatisfied.

Yun Qing was not happy, and the other people were naturally in the same mood.No one wants to be disturbed while eating.Chu Limo's eyes turned cold, and a cold light suddenly appeared.Sexy but cold lips said lightly, "Go and throw out the troublemaker. If anyone resists, he will be sent to hell directly." The cold tone was already full of murderous intentions.

"Yes." Ruthlessly replied.Turned around and went downstairs.

The sound of slamming the door was still there, and when Ruqing went downstairs, the shopkeeper hurried over, "How can this be good. You offended the official, but you will kill my family."

Offended the county magistrate, not only will he not have to open the shop.I'm afraid that the lives of the young and old in this family are in danger.

Without saying a word, he just opened the door from the inside.Suddenly, the people outside were caught off guard and all fell in.

"A bunch of trash." The county magistrate cursed.The yamen servant who fell to the ground quickly patted his clothes and got up.The county magistrate looked at Wuqing, and said: "You are causing trouble and hurting people, right?"

Wu Qing didn't answer the county magistrate's question, but gave him a cold look, his tone was cold, and the sword in his hand was full of murderous aura. "You interrupted my son's meal. Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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