The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 276 1 Sword Sealing Throat Silver Throwing into the River

Chapter 276
"Hmph, my master dares to be presumptuous in front of you. Arrest him." The magistrate ordered.

Ruthless gave him a cold look, and said indifferently: "My sword is never out of its sheath. Once it is out of the sheath, there will be blood." After saying that, it is true as he said, his sword never gets out of the sheath easily. See blood.

I saw a bloodstain not deep and shallow on the necks of several yamen servants, and the yamen servants fell down in response.This scene stunned everyone.The county magistrate looked at the ruthless with his eyes wide open.After being stunned by this scene for a long time, the county magistrate said, "You... dare to kill people in front of my master, it's just... you can't do anything. Come... someone, let me arrest him Get up." But those trembling legs betrayed his present appearance.

He did a lot of things like killing people.But I have never seen a person who killed several people with one sword.And it was still a sword to seal the throat.The person in front of him is a master.In front of the master, his neck seemed to no longer be his own.So how can he not be afraid.

But at this moment, no one dared to carry out his orders.The scene just now happened before my eyes.They are not fools, not foolish enough to send their lives up there.

"Why are you still standing still. Go up and arrest him." The magistrate said again.

Although this person is a master, his official authority cannot be lost at this time.Since this person didn't make a move, we still know who he is.

However, everything will disappoint the magistrate.I saw the ruthless sword being drawn.A sharp sword light flashed, and the sword had already been sheathed.But the county magistrate looked at the ruthless sword with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief.

"Remember, when you reincarnate in the next life, you must see clearly, some people are not something you can offend." Wuqing said coldly.

After the words fell, the county magistrate fell to the ground.All the yamen servants fled one after another.

"It's really over now." The shopkeeper was already frightened.Now the county magistrate died in his shop.Isn't he finished?It seems that he has to pack up quickly and leave Huiyang County with his family.

The second floor of the inn.

"By the way, where are the ten boxes that I asked you to bring back?" After eating, Nangong Jin asked as if thinking of something.

"Why, Mr. Nangong is still short of this money." Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Nangong Jin snorted, "My lord doesn't care about such money. However, some people really need this money for emergency."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched!What does it mean to look down on this little silver?Dare to love this master, he is also a hidden local tyrant.But it's true, he is a majestic doctor of the generation, if he treats a disease of a high official casually, the money will be delivered to the door in a rush.

"Where is the silver?" Nangong Jin said.

"I threw it into the river." Yun Qing replied, there was indeed no place to hide the ten boxes of silver at that time, so she asked Wuqing to throw the silver into the river at night.

"What?" Nangong Jin jumped up in surprise. "The money was used to pay the soldiers of Jicheng. You just threw it into the river like this. You know, winter is coming soon. The soldiers of Jicheng don't have this money. There are 20 troops. How can they survive? .” Nangong Jin said.After finishing speaking, he remembered something, and said again: "Isn't the general of Jicheng your uncle?"

"So you came to Huiyang to steal military pay for uncle." Yun Qing said, "You have met uncle."

"Why does General Wang have time to see me? I just heard when I was passing through Jicheng that the imperial court's payment to the soldiers of Jicheng was a month late and it hadn't arrived yet. Later, I inquired about it by the way, and found out that it was originally In Huiyang County, I was corrupted by corrupt officials here. So I thought, take the money back and give it to General Wang as an emergency."

Yun Qing frowned, these people really deserve to die, they dare to greedy even the soldiers' salaries.However, could it be too coincidental that just after my grandfather handed over the military power, there was a problem with my uncle's military salary.All this will not be so coincidental.

"You guessed right. There are indeed people behind these corrupt officials. What this corrupt official received was only a small change. I'm afraid that the real military salary went to someone." Nangong Jin seemed to see through it. After understanding Yun Qing's thoughts, he said.

"It was Chu Sheng who did it. The military pay for General Wang was not paid at all. The military pay for this corrupt official is just an excuse. An excuse to block the soldiers of Jicheng." Chu Limo directly called the old emperor's name .

"How do you know?" Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo.

"Because there is no money in the treasury to pay the soldiers in Jicheng." Chu Limo said flatly.

"So you're saying that the emperor is going to let uncle and the soldiers of Jicheng to fend for themselves." Yun Qing gritted his teeth.

"Qingqing did the right thing and asked General Wang to hand over the military power in time. Otherwise, Chu Sheng would not pay the army, and General Wang and these soldiers all walked off the battlefield, so they would definitely not look at it like this. At that time, the Wang family will definitely pay to support the 20 army. At that time, Chu Sheng will definitely use Wang Ziqing to raise troops in secret as an excuse to take down the Wang family and the Wang family's financial resources in one fell swoop." Chu Limo said.

"At that time, Chu Feiyang should have attacked the city and killed the dog emperor first." Yun Qing said bitterly.

"Kill him. For the time being, no one in Dachu has the ability to sit firmly on the dragon chair. Once Chu Sheng is dead, the other countries will definitely invade immediately. At that time, the people of Dachu will become the souls of the sword. Dachu Blood will flow like rivers." Chu Limo said.That's why, he clearly knew that the poison on his body was poisoned by Chu Sheng and the queen mother, but he didn't do it for a long time.

"What about you, are you interested in the throne? Have you ever thought about ascending to the throne?" Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and asked seriously.If Chu Limo wanted to, she would definitely support him.From these words, it can be heard that although Chu Limo is cold-tempered, he still has a heart that loves the people like a child.When he becomes emperor in the future, he will never let his people suffer.

"In my heart, nothing is more important than Qingqing." He dismissed the throne.

If he wants to.He was already capable of getting there ten years ago.

"The two of you should stop discussing who will be the emperor. Hurry up and get the money back. Jicheng will get cold in a few days. By then, without money, the soldiers won't be able to survive this winter," Nangong said. Jin reminded.

"Wuqing, at night you take Mr. Nangong to fish the silver in the river. Then, we will leave for Jicheng tomorrow." There is no reason why there is a helper here.

"What. I'll go fish it." Nangong Jin had a sad face.

Yun Qing nodded, "That's right, it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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