The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 282 The Secret in the Water

Chapter 282 The Secret in the Water (3)
"Outside the city." Nangong Jin replied.With such a big box, he didn't intend to move it back.Of course, I found a hidden place to hide it.

"Since this is the case, wait for them to come back. Let's pack up our things and set off tomorrow." Yun Qing said.

Early the next morning, several people left Huiyang County and went to Jicheng.

In the carriage, there were a few soft cushions, and Yun Qing leaned on his micro eyes to rest his mind.

"What is Qingqing thinking?" Chu Limo nodded Yun Qing's face and smiled softly.Yun Qing opened his eyes, and said calmly, "I'm thinking, is the secret passage that Nangong Jin saw really a mausoleum, or what you said is just a secret passage for escape."

"Qingqing just needs to know one thing. It will be fine if there is no so-called gold in it." Chu Limo's tone was a little grave.

"Do you know something?" Seeing Chu Limo's slightly grave tone, Yun Qing always felt a little uncomfortable.Chu Limo should know something.

"Qingqing wants to know." Yun Qing nodded.Chu Limo approached Yun Qing and whispered something in Yun Qing's ear.Upon hearing this, Yun Qing opened his eyes wide, and looked at Chu Limo in disbelief, "You mean..."

"That's right. Anyway, be careful."

After hearing Chu Limo's words, Yun Qing opened the car curtain and looked outside, his eyes gradually turned cold.

After driving the carriage for a day, it seemed that it was going to be dark.But luck was pretty good, this time he didn't end up in a ruined temple, but in a small village.

After getting out of the carriage, Yun Qingwen looked at Nangong Jin with a smile and said, "You have been swimming in the river all night, and you have had a hard time traveling today. Let's have a good rest tonight." He ordered: "Tonight, Nonghua and you and Nongyue will watch the first half of the night. Ruthless, you will watch the second half of the night. Remember, no matter who you are, don't let anyone touch the things in the carriage."

"Yes." Several people responded in unison.

"Okay, let's hurry into the village." Yun Qing said.

After entering the village, everyone discovered that it was a deserted village.Not a single person.

"There is no one in this village, so where shall we stay tonight? What to eat. I'm so hungry." Xiaoxiao muttered softly.I thought that if I found a village, I would at least have something to eat.Who knows, not a single person.

"Looking at it like this, this village should have suffered a disaster. Either they were killed, or they fled to other places." Looking at the dilapidated houses, Chu Liyou sighed softly.

"We'll just stay here for one night tonight. Liyou, Xiaoxiao. Let's sleep in one room. Li Mo, Mr. Nangong, you two will be wronged and stay in one room temporarily." Found a room that can be lived in , Yunqing looked at Wuqing, Nonghua, and Nongyue and said: "You guys work hard tonight, stay in the room outside and look after the things in the carriage."

"Yes." Ruthlessly Nonghua Nongyue replied.

Everyone searched in the house, but they couldn't find anything to eat.

"I don't think there is anything to eat here. I'll go to the woods to hunt some wild game and bring back some wild fruits." Nangong Jin suggested.

"Okay! Brother Jin, I'll go with you." Chu Liyou stood up and said.

"Wuqing, you go with Mr. Nangong." Yun Qing said.Looking at Li You again with a slight smile, he said, "Li You, game hunting is not suitable for girls. Besides, it's getting dark soon, and you will only distract Mr. Nangong if you follow him. We're going to be hungry tonight."

"Ms. Mu is right, you just wait here, Brother Jin will bring you a hare." Nangong Jin said.

"Okay. Brother Jin, go and come back quickly."

Yun Qing looked at the leaving back, lowered her eyes, and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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