The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 283 False Nangong Brocade

Chapter 283 False Nangong Brocade (1)
Yun Qing smiled slightly, and jokingly said: "Nangong Jin is a pretty good man, with a handsome appearance, he is also a generation of genius doctor, and he and Li You grew up as childhood sweethearts. It's no wonder that our girl Li You has a turbulent heart."

"Yunqing, don't talk nonsense. I have always treated brother Jin as my own brother. Brother Jin has always treated me as my own sister. Brother Jin and I are not..." Chu Liyou explained anxiously.Seeing Chu Liyou's anxious look, Yun Qing suddenly smiled.Chu Liyou took a look, and made an angry look, "You clearly know me..., but you deliberately laughed at me. Brother, look at Yunqing."

"Qingqing is right. You and Nangong Jin grew up together, if you can marry him, brother will feel relieved." Chu Limo said.

"Brother, even you bullied me with Yun Qing. You know, I..." Chu Li became anxious.For so many years, she has always regarded Brother Jin as her own brother, and never thought about that level.Having said that, she already has someone she likes in her heart.Every time she thinks of that person, her heart will beat very fast.Although she only met him once, and spent three days together.She didn't even know who he was, where he was from, what his name was.But love is a thing, when it comes, it only takes one look, and it is a lifetime.

In the woods.

Nangong Jin looked ruthlessly and said, "Where are you going?"

"Whatever." He said ruthlessly and indifferently.

"Alright then. I'll go this way. We'll meet here in half an hour." Nangong Jin pointed to the road ahead.Ruthless didn't say a word, but turned and left in another direction.

After Nangong Jin left towards the road ahead, he stopped ruthlessly.Turning around and looking at the direction where Nangong Jin left, his eyes turned cold and murderous aura arose.

About half an hour later, Nangong Jin and Wuqing both returned with a full load.Both of them held the game they had caught, while Nangong Jin held some red wild fruits in his hand.

In a dilapidated village.

"Brother Jin, what kind of fruit is this? It looks a bit like a peach but doesn't look like it. I've never seen it before." Chu Liyou took one and looked at it again and again.And this season is not the time to produce peaches!

"Yeah! It's really strange. Mr. Nangong, is this fruit edible?" Yun Qing also took a look at it, raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile.

"It's edible. I tasted one when I picked it just now. It's quite sweet." Nangong Jin smiled.

"Really?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at the unknown red fruit.Yun Qing looked at the wild game in Nangong Jin's hands again, and said with a faint smile, "Master Nangong, let Nonghua and Nongyue do the small things like dealing with wild game."

"Okay." Nangong Jin said and handed the game to Nonghua. "I leave it to you." Nong Hua took it, turned around and went down to deal with it.

Had a light dinner.Everyone went back to their rooms.When returning to the room, Chu Limo said calmly: "Qingqing, it's time to change the medicine for your injury." Ever since Yunqing was injured, Chu Limo has never used others' hands to change the medicine.Every time, he personally changed the medicine for Yun Qing.

"I'll get the medicine in the carriage." Xiaoxiao said.Soon, Xiaoxiao took the medicine and handed it to Chu Limo.

"I just finished eating, and my stomach is so full. Xiaoxiao, you go out for a walk with me." Chu Li said worryingly.Deliberately create opportunities for the two of them to be alone.

"Nong Hua, you go with them. Don't go too far." Yun Qing looked at Nong Hua and ordered.Among the women here, the skill of making flowers is the highest.She was relieved to have Nonghua by their side.

(End of this chapter)

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