The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 284 False Nangong Brocade

Chapter 284 False Nangong Brocade (2)
"Then I'll go back to my room to rest. I'm exhausted after a day's driving." Nangong Jin yawned and entered a room on the left.

Yun Qing and Chu Limo entered a room on the right, and Wu Qing and Nong Yue guarded the main hall in the middle.In the room, Chu Limo was helping Yun Qing change her dressing, and Yun Qing was already used to having Chu Limo help her change her dressing.There is nothing embarrassing about it.Yun Qing said calmly: "Is that fruit poisonous?" She has lived two lifetimes but she has never seen that kind of fruit.

"It's 'Snake Fruit'. If you eat it, you will fall into a coma within an hour. There is a rare drug on the 'Snake Fruit'. It looks a bit like a peach. If you don't pay attention to it, it's very different from people you don't know. It's easy to eat by mistake. And the wild game that 'he' beats has poison on it, if the two things are eaten together, it will become highly poisonous." Chu Limo explained.

"'Snake Fruit'." Yun Qing murmured softly.In her world. 'Snake fruit' is an edible fruit.It's not like this 'delicious fruit' either.

"Qingqing, take it." Chu Limo took out a pill.

"This is?" Yun Qing looked at the crystal clear pill.

"It's the detoxification pill made by the East China Sea. If you eat it, you will be immune to all poisons." Chu Limo said.

"Donghai." Yun Qing looked at the crystal clear antidote, paused and said, "Nangong Jin belongs to Donghai. But when did he give you this antidote pill? If I knew there was this antidote pill, I wouldn't have used it at that time." I went to steal the antidote." She never asked about Nangong Jin's background, but she never thought that Nangong Jin was actually from the East China Sea.

"En." Chu Limo said softly, "It was the island master of Donghai who saved me back then. This antidote pill was given by Nangong Jin before he disappeared." Yun Qing took the pill and swallowed it.It turned out to be like this. "Then Liyou..." Liyou ate the most of this kind of 'snake fruit' just now.

"With Nonghua following, Liyou will be fine." Chu Limo said, "It's almost time. It's time for 'he' to do it too."

The dilapidated village fell into a deep sleep.In the darkness, a black shadow pushed open the door of the room. In the darkness, the corner of the shadow's mouth twitched into a smug sneer.Suddenly, he raised the knife in his hand and slashed at the person on the bed.

The door was shaken open by a sharp palm wind.Soi Ying was unprepared, his chest ached from the sharp wind of the palm, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.The dark room suddenly lit up.Yun Qing stood at the window and smiled slightly: "Young Master Nangong... Oh! No. I shouldn't call you Nangong Jin." Yun Qing's tone suddenly turned cold, and his cold eyes glanced at Heiying, "Say, what are you People? You pretend to be Nangong Jin, where is Nangong Jin?"

"You're not Brother Jin." Chu Liyou looked at the person in front of him in shock.

"Hmph." The man pretending to be Nangong Jin snorted coldly, "When did you find out? How do you know that I am not the real Nangong Jin?" Not seen through.

"From the first time I met you, I suspected you. Until you spoke to Li You, Nangong Jin and Li You never spoke so strangely. Also, Nangong Jin not only smelled of medicine, but also The unique scent of a woman. And you, from the moment you entered the inn, the smell on your body has already betrayed you." Chu Limo looked at the man pretending to be Nangong Jin and said coldly: "Where is Nangong Jin now? Tell me , I can also consider to spare your life."

"Haha. It's up to you to kill or cut as you please. My Lord Thousand Faces fell into your hands, and I will die. But you want to know the whereabouts of Nangong Jin, so don't waste your efforts. You will never find him Where is it? Because he is already dead. Hahahaha..." The man who claimed to be the Lord of Thousand Faces laughed loudly.

"Looking for death. Since you want to die, I will help you." Chu Limo said coldly.With a wave of palm wind, the man with thousands of faces flew up, then fell to the ground fiercely, vomited a mouthful of blood and died.

Looking at the person who had died in front of him, Chu Limo said coldly: "Throw the corpse out and feed it to the wolves."

"Yes." Ruthlessly picked up the body of Lord Thousand Faces and walked into the woods.

"Brother, brother Jin..." Chu Liyou was already stunned by this scene.She didn't expect that this person was not Brother Jin.Where is Brother Jin now?

"I think. This person should be with the bandits and corrupt officials in Huiyang County. Nangong Jin must still be in Huiyang County now." Yun Qing said.

Otherwise, no one would deliberately pretend to be Nangong Jin to approach them.The only possibility is that there are people behind those bandits, and now they are here for revenge.

"Tomorrow we will go back and rescue Brother Jin."

"No. If we go back rashly now, they will definitely find out. Besides, we don't know where Nangong Jin is yet. If they know that we know the truth, they will definitely attack Nangong Jin." Yun Qing said.

"Then what should we do?" Chu Li asked anxiously.

Yun Qing looked at the corpse that had been carried up ruthlessly, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "It's up to you."

"Qingqing wants to..." Chu Limo also understood.

"That's right. Since they can send someone to approach us pretending to be Nangong Jin, we can also use the same method." Yun Qing said: "Tomorrow Wuqing, Nongyue, Nonghua, Xiaoxiao, you three bring Liyou and the people in the carriage Go east and west to Jicheng. We will meet in the next town."

"Yunqing, I'll go too."

"Miss, let's go too."

Everyone said in unison.

"No, too many people will cause suspicion. Tomorrow, Li Mo and I will go together." Yun Qing said.

At this time, in a cottage in a suburban mountain in Huiyang County.This is the den of the bandits who intercepted Yun Qing and the others.

Nangong Jin never thought that he was a generation of genius doctors.Poison and medical skills are unparalleled in the world, but this time he was cheated by poison.That night, after he went down into the river, he wanted to fish up the last box.But who would have thought that there would be an attack in the water.When he woke up, he found that he was not only tied up, but also had acupuncture points pressed and couldn't move.The man thought he really thought highly of him and gave him the drug.He has no strength in his body now.Just want to escape.I can't get rid of this thick rope.

It is estimated that two days have passed since he woke up.People here only give him one meal a day, are they trying to starve him to death?
Chu Limo!You bastard, you must come and save me!Nangong Jin cursed fiercely in her heart.

"Zhaizi, why don't you kill him directly." A voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this voice, Nangong Jin in the room closed his eyes.He doesn't want to see this bitch now!

Seeing this bitch would remind him of his current situation.For him, this is simply a great shame!
(End of this chapter)

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