The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 288 The Female Bandit in the Bandit Den

Chapter 288 The Female Bandit in the Bandit Den (1)
"By the way, where are my clothes and my things? Return my clothes and things to me." Nangong Jin glanced at the clothes he was wearing with a look of disgust.It stinks, and I don't know whose clothes it is.

"No." The girl in red said, "I can't return the things to you."

"Then I'll continue to lie here and wait to die. Anyway, I'm going to die, so I'm going to pick some herbs." Said, Nangong Jin lay down on the bed.

Reluctantly, the girl in red told Xiao Qiao, "Bring him his clothes and things." She didn't think about the usefulness of Nangong Jin's things at all.

Soon, Xiao Qiao brought over Nangong Jin's clothes and belongings.

"You go out." Nangong Jin glanced at the two of them and said.

"Why?" The girl in red didn't understand.

Nangong Jin was speechless for a while, don't you understand this?Didn't you see that he was about to change clothes?Is this fierce woman a woman?
"I'm going to change clothes. Do you want to watch me change clothes in front of you?" Nangong Jin laughed, and the appearance of the romantic young man returned.

"Rogue. Who wants to watch you change your clothes." The girl in red glared at Nangong Jin.But the delicate red face on her face betrayed her mood at the moment.When he left, he still secretly glanced back.

Until he was alone in the room.Nangong Jin just got up and looked through his things.Fortunately, a lot.He took out a crystal clear pill from a small white bottle and swallowed it.I took some powder and sprinkled it on the bandaged area on the head, and there was a cool feeling on the wound on the head.Nangong Jin smiled wickedly.I still want to trap this young master in this broken place.

He moved, wanting to break through the acupuncture point that was tapped.But I found that this is some kind of unique acupuncture method.He didn't break through.

Helpless, Nangong Jin is not trying.I don't know what kind of acupuncture method this is. If you are not careful, you will die of blood.It seems that there are still masters among the bandits.He changed out of the stinky clothes on his body, and took his own things away.Nangong Jin then opened the door.Pretending to be sick.But now he is no different from being sick.The drug on his body was removed, but the acupoints on his body were not released.Without internal strength, he is just an ordinary person.If he meets a master of internal strength, he will die.

"What's wrong with you?" the girl in red asked.

Nangong Jin gave her a white look, "It's fine if you gave me the drug, I'm already weak, and you even tapped my acupoints. Tell me, what's wrong with me?"

"My father said that you have strong martial arts skills and profound internal energy. Only by touching your acupoints can you really run away. Also, I advise you, don't try to break through it. This is my father's unique acupuncture method. . Without my father to explain it to you, you will not be able to break through. Instead, you will die of bloodshed."

What a unique acupuncture method.If you have the ability, you can unlock his acupoints and fight with him.Obviously he couldn't beat him, so he used this kind of insidious trick.

"This is for you." The girl in red handed a pill to Nangong Jin, and said, "This is the antidote. You have been drugged by Ruan Shaotang, and there is no antidote, and your acupoints have been sealed again. Have you You went up to the mountain to gather herbs. I don’t want you to die.” Finally, the girl in red muttered.

Nangong Jin took the pill.He hasn't noticed this mere drug.But he still swallowed the pill in front of the girl in red.Even if it is poison, he is not afraid, anyway, he just took the antidote pill.

(End of this chapter)

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